I've been so pre-occupied with all the packing/moving activities I forgots to post about my bootiful sissy's barkday last week! It's been a rough few weeks for my sissy...what with Auntie Joey at the vet! Don't worry sis...all will be back to normal in no time and I have a very special package for you too...hopefully Mom will mail it out soon!!!
Only 4 more days till the big move! Mom is almost done packing everything up...she FINALLY finished off the garage this morning. Now THAT was a HUGE accomplishment for her! We've also started to move some stuff over to the new house...I visited on Thursday and WOW! It's going to be a great pawty place for us that is for sure!!!
I'm really sorry I've been MIA for the last few weeks...I promise after next weekend, I'll be back to my regular blogging...I really do have SO much to tell you about!!!
wwest up sweet Ruby
This must be a vewy difficult time..packing, moving, wowwying about auntie Joey..all will be pawfect soon
smoochie kisses
Sleep well, Ruby! You're going to need all your strength for moving day!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
I am so glad Auntie Joey is getting better.
Maybe when you are all moved into your new diggs your mom can throw an 80's fest/housewarming party!!
When you get the time would you e-mail me your new address lovey? I just may have a little something to celebrate your moving!
Love ya,
Moving is stressful and keeps you busy. We will be here when you are able to tell us all about it
Hey Ruby - I'm going to post the challenge tomorrow and it will be due next Monday. Let me know if you need more time or need me to email it to you today.
Hi, Ruby!
Happy Birthday to Sophia!
We understand these has been very busy days for you and your mom.
My mom says that moving its not an easy task!
I can't wait to see you in your new house!
Kisses and hugs
We're glad we're not moving, Mom would be GRUMPY because she has so much junk.
We can't wait to see pictures!
Good luck to you & your Mom on the BIG MOVE!! Can't wait to see pics of the new place.
xoxo - Bella
At least you're not as MIA as me!
Oh, you must be excited about the big move huh?
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
Hi Ruby,
I can totally understand where you are coming from.. until now, we still have some boxes that are waiting to be unpacked and we have already moved into the new place for a month!!
We are looking forward to seeing the new home. Sleep well!
Oh Sweet Ruby, sleep lots and lots...it takes a long time for things to settle in after a big moving day!
peeeessss....we hope you don't gets a fence like ours!!!!!
Boy, your move is almost HERE! I'm so excited for you, Ruby! I hope it all goes well and that you adjust quickly to your new home.
Rubes! I've been "out of bloggin" for a while too... I can't believe your move is THIS WEEK already! I remember when we moved - it's pretty tiring at first, but soon you'll find all the premier sleeping spots and make them your own!
Happy belated birthday to your sis, Sophie.
Moving sure keeps one busy. Hope you'll get settled down soon.
Hope all goes well with the move.
Simba x
Good luck with your move! Love, Martha
I'm learning that moving disrupts a lot of stuff. i can't wait to be in our new house in just a few days, too! Good luck with your move!
Tell Mom not to worry about not posting.. We understand that there is a lot to do when you are moving.. You need to give mom all the help you can..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Congratulations on your big upcoming move! Having a backyard is the greatest. I'm sure you will love it!!!
OH OH RUBY ...HELP ME..PLEASE GO READ MY BLOG..I need air ruby ...pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Best of luck with your big move.. We moved earlier this summer and I still remember the hard work it is makin sure the humans do it right!
I think today's the day of the big move. Good luck, hope it goes smoothly.
Hugs and tail wags
Noah xx
Happy Moving Day, Ruby! I think it must be tomorrow. Hope it all goes smoothly and you have fun getting it all set up!
Love Clover xo
Good luck with the move! I totes miss reading all about your blogging adventures on a real regular basis. So cool that you've got a pawty pad!
Hey Girly!
You are an intrepid Ruby Bug, that's for SURE! You have been working double time, I know, to get your mama to pack up the place. Believe me, you'll be so snuggly in your new house. Can't wait to get the grand tour for you.
I am offering to send along some goober juice to help christen your new yard, since I can't come and leave a peemail in dogson. Let me know if you want it. I'll be happy to send it.
Hugs and smooches to your mama. She works hard for the money and she's working extra hard to get you all into your new digs.
Goober love & smooches,
Pee Ess
I have MISSED YOU, R-Bug.