Hope you pups are enjoying the weekend!
Hi! My name is Ruby. I am a Boston Terrorist (oops, I mean Terrier) who loves to run, play in mud and eat snackies.
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8:12 AM | 24 Belly Rubs
Oh Ruby...I've already been out...been in my pool and completed my frisbee air ob ics....Lacie just squabbled with me for the frisbee, but she never actually chased it. All Babystan did this mornin' was to be horribly sick in the grass...the stinky kind. I don't know how those dogs can stay in shape just watching me burn off calories.
You look amazing there in the sun! So ur gonna have a yard and grass and that????? WOOOT!!! Is it gonna have a hanger for Aire Ruby? Where do you store her now?????
Hmm...perhaps we should schedule a pawty when ur moved in. Bruvver moves in a month or so...I'm figurin' we're gonna have a HOOGE poker pawty with a lot of cigars to totally stink up the new house!
See Ruby...see what it's like to live with a hyperactive Wire Foxy?? All he does it run, run, and run. And yell at us when we want to snooze...sheeeesh!!
I've arrived at Nanny's...helpin' out with Auntie Joey...first of all had to tell Pearl and Opal not to jump on her tummy. Like they listened!
healing barks...Lacie
You sure love the sun don't cha. Hope you were nice & toasty...
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
That's what all of us are doing now, too!
I wish I was with ya snoozin & snoring pretty Rubes!!!
Ruby, you look so pretty laying in that bit of sunlight.
hi ruby!
you look so cute taking your nap! emmitt says he is ready to do that now too!
m & e
Same for your dear Ruby!
Kisses and hugs
You look so happy and content, Ruby! Enjoy your Sunday snooze!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Oooo.. i felt sleepy too over looking at this picture...
Hey that looked like us today! You must have had a busy weekend!
Hi Ruby,
I hope the fireworks did not interrupt your beauty sleep!
Oh you look so cute. And made me sleepy too *yawn*
~ Girl girl
Sleeping in a sun spot is the best! You look like you are really enjoying your Sleepy Sunday!
Have a great week!
Love Clover xo
This has been one busy weekend, hasn't it, Ruby? Rest up, my friend!
It looks like you are taking advantage of the weekend. Catching up on your beauty sleep...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
I'm sowwy things have been so stwessful fow you..I hope you get some west...You look like an angel in that pictoowe..I will continue to cwoss my paws and send healing smoochie kisses to aunt Joey
So many blogs to catch up on. Hope you had a good weekend.
Simba x
Wish you could have been wif me wunning
smoochie kisses
Nice to see you working on your tan.
Love 'n' Snuffs
Rubes, you are just too cute. I think I would have a big crush on you if you didn't look a whole lot like my sister. And that's just kinda weird. You know how it is.
What a nice sunny place to take a nap. You look very comfortable.
Ruby, I LOVE your sleeping photos! You always look so adorable!!
Winnie :-)