I'm really sorry I haven't visited or blogged much, heat makes me sleepy. Plus, I'm trying to convince Mom to get going with packing, but she doesn't like to do anything when it is so HOOOTTTT either!!!! Lazy woman!
Did I mention how HOOTTT it was? And how smokey???
Thanks everypup for wishing my Auntie Joey well...she left the V.E.T. this morning and cousin Danny and my sissy Sophia are going to be taking good care of her. I know that it was all your good wishes that have made her all better. Thank you so much.
Well, I'll leave you now to go lay near the AC vent...it's going to be 112 today...urgh!!!
Oh, Ruby, 112 is just not right. Not right at all. Will ice cubes help?
I'm so glad your Aunt Joey is getting better; she must be so happy to be home with Danny and Sophia again.
I wouldn't worry about packing; your mom has lots of time.
Hi Ruby!
oh 112! That is hotter than hot!
Emmitt and I are thinking of you and your mom, sending you lots of cool thoughts!
m & e
It's been pretty hot here too, but seeing the temps at your place, I feel like we're having an early freeze!
You need Frosty Paws! Stat!
112! That is sooo stinky! It would make you a sad little BT... which is why this reminded us of you!
Go check it out... maybe your Mommy can buy it for you!?
Hi Ruby!
Poor you - it sounds far too hot out! I hope you get some frosty paws and keep cool there. I'll be thinking of you!
Love Clover xo
Keep cool. It is way too hot. Stay away from the fires.
Happy to hear your Aunt is doing better.
That heat sounds awful!! You should definitely put the air down to like 50!
Thanks for the birthday wishes, Ruby!! It's hot here too, but not THAT hot... I took Fig & Tad on a walk around the lake and now they're passed out in front of my little fan... Stay cool, little Ruby!
Stay cool, Ruby! How about some ice cubes?
Your friend, Lenny
Woooo Ruby... I know it is hot. Sorry you are feeling so sleepy. Mom, Dad, and I are going on a trip this weekend and it is going to be 5 degrees hotter there than here... and we are going north, not south. That doesn't seem right, does it?
OMG, Ruby! 112 is just too darn hot!
That's awesome news about Auntie Joey! We're so happy that she's home!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Now that is really hot.. We thought it was HOT here, like 97.
Stay cool..
Oh yes that cast does take some abuse.
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Did you say 112??
OMD, that is really hottttt!
Maybe we could both go somewhere together where it is really cool like Alaska or Antarctica?
I am so glad your Auntie got to go home! I know Danny, Sophia & Pearl will all take excellent care of her!
Woof ya my sweet,
Hi, Ruby!
I know wht are you talking about! We had the same 112 degrees and is pretty humid! Yuck!
It makes us very happy to know about your Auntie! Glad she is at home now!
Kisses and hugs
Oh.. hot days make us lazy...
has u served with ice cubes? that would help alot, i think
That really is hot. I'm not sure I'd like it that hot.
Simba x
Oh dear.. I hope you get cooler weather soon
~ Girl girl
hi ruby!
i have an award and a fun tag for you over on my blog today.
Ruby Bug!
All I can do is send you cool goober smooches to keep your brain from sploding! Stay close to that AC vent. It works wonders for Merv when he overheats.
Get your mama ON it! At least with the new house you can have your own pool.
Goober love & more cool smooches,
Too hot, too hot, too hot! Maybe your new house is someplace cooler.
I now just how you feel..I' haven't been able to blog much lately, and it's HOT hewe too..I'm so glad ouw good wishes fwowked fow youw aunt Joey...
cooling smoochie kisses
Could you pleez wesewve a seat fow me on aiw Ruby?? fow Snickers' Birfday pawty? thank you so vewy much
We feel the same way and we don't get around to bloggies as fast as we used to! Mom is lazy lazy when it is this hot out!