was a pawsome day and now I'm going to be doing this for a while...

Mom is making very good progress on the packing - I mean she totally needs to considering we move NEXT WEEK!!! OMD I'm getting so excited. Mom already has the keys - w00t! She said she would take me over this week to see the new digs...I'll make sure to take a camera with me and report in. Oh and also this week, I'm going to finally show my fridge and I gots some awards and I need to get my Paw-limpics entries in and I want to tell you about a special doggin my Mom met - OMD so many posts, so little time!
You look so pretty Ruby! Enjoy sleeping!
Hugs & Snugs,
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle
Enjoy your nap! Yay for moving and the new house! I am excited for you too!
Love Clover xo
Napping is what I am doing to. I drank a little many of those blender drinks Lacie was making.
Where are your eyes? So cute!
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
It sounds like things are super duper busy at your house, Ruby! You'd better rest up while you can!
Thank you for a PERFECT flight to Snickers house! We sure did have a great time!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
I can't wait to see pictures of your new home, Ruby! This week is going to flyyyyyyyy for you and your mom!
Next week?? WOW! I can't wait to see pics of your new place sweetie.
What a blast that is gonna be having your own yard. WoOt!
w00f's Ruby, wow me bets u iz really xcited...almost moving time...heehee mama iz still tryin to git picturs of me, but me took stormys pictur takin classes, me iz not co-operating...
b safe,
hi ruby!
you look so comfy! i am so excited for you and your family!
how wonderful ~ a new home!we cannot wait to see and hear all about it!
m & e
You must be soooo excited about moving .. and it's only next week! Enjoy your sleep.
Hi, Ruby!
I can't wait to see pictures of your new home!
I can imagine all the work your Mom has with all that packing!
I wish I could be there to help!
Take your nap... and then pack some!
Kisses and hugs
Rest well. You have a busy week coming up.
Dropping by to say hello. Hope you had a great weekend.
Simba x
Have a nice nap Ruby
~ Girl girl
It looked like a lovely party. You definitely need a nap now.. Sure glad the packing is going well. We bet you are excited about your new home..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
that pillow looks so comfy!!! I wish I could join you.
Congratulations on your new home!!!!
Frenchie SNorts
We had so much fun at the party, thank you soo much for the ride!!!
You must be so excited to move into the new place Ruby! Don't forget to show us the pics of your new place!
You must be so excited to move into the new place Ruby! Don't forget to show us the pics of your new place!
Ruby Bug!
You look so sweet on your pillow there. I too was in Iowa last weekend, but I was there to visit my goober granny. I'll tell you all about it later.
I hope you guys have a smooth move and get settled in pronto! Can't wait to see photos of you in your new place!
Goober love & smooches,
Hi Ruby! We were so impressed with your entries in SNPM that we want to invite you to participate in the next dog competition: Project Dogway! Come on over and check out our latest blog for all the details and let us know if you want to participate!
Ruby, I sure hope your move goes well. My mom is still unpacking from ours. I unpacked all my stuff right away.
I can't wait to see your new estate. Hope there is a nice big bed in it for you to recover from your adventures.
Hey Ruby, hope the move went well. Can't wait to see your new digs! J x
You always inspire me to take the best nap ever!
Mr. T-Bone Beasley