My new house - Part 2

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Yes, I have a...


Isn't it fine??? There is also a hottie tub...


and even a duckie!

So I'm really not a huge fan of the pool. I haven't gone in even when Mom is in there. I just kinda run back and forth and bark at her when she is in there trying to get her exercise. I much prefer to sun myself instead.


Mom got me THIS silly thing...
But she hasn't forced me to wear it yet...thank dOG! She said that if I'm not interested in the pool she wasn't going to force me in. But she doesn't ever let me outside without being watched, just in case. What she doesn't know is I will never jump in...there's water in there and that is too much like a bath!

But you know what DOES love the pool???

That's right, Aire Ruby is enjoying its new home didn't know how easy it was to store Aire Ruby, did ya!

That leads me to a question...I should be planning a house warming pool pawty, shouldn't I? Who wants to help me???


27 Responses to "My new house - Part 2"

Clover said... 6:46 AM

Ruby! A pool! Your yard looks SO fun. Maybe one day you will want to wear your pretty life jacket and go for a swim - I can promise you that it is fun once you get going. (Although I only swam in a lake, and not a pool.)
I will help you plan a house warming party! Let me know what you would like me to do. :)
Love Clover xo
P.S. I am sorry about your hookworms! :( I have to go to the vet on the 23rd for my annual. I will remind mom to take a poop sample...

Gus said... 7:08 AM

Me and Teka will help all we can. Maybe I can pick people up in the gussiemobile and drive to Ioway with the whippets and Lenny and a couple others. That way, won't be so many stops for Aire Ruby.

love the house


Mack said... 7:54 AM

I wanna help!!!
If you need some snackies or decorations - just bark the word!

And I can just dream about you and I in that hottie tub with a couple of pawgaritas- Oh man!

I LOVE that pic of you sunbathing!

Petra said... 7:57 AM

I don't like to swim but I love your pool! It looks like a great place to sunbathe.

Yes, count me in on the houswarming pool party ~~ as long as I can just eat and not swim.

Asta said... 8:09 AM

Youw pool and hot tub awe soon as I heaw that Jax is OK I'm weady fow a pawty..I have to go buy a new suit fow that pool.iot's too bootiful
smoochie kisses

Pug(s) and Bugg said... 8:22 AM

We do, Ruby!! We can help!

Kyanite said... 8:45 AM

Your new home looks wonderful - do envy that pool - like Aire Rby I'd be right in there.
Also glad you're taking your medication.

Pats & pets

Amber-Mae said... 9:55 AM

OMD I'm sooo jealous of your new house Ruby! You even got a doggy pool to swim in! I wanna live with you! Can I? Btw, sorry to hear about the nasty hookworms in you. I hope the new medication will help to get rid of them.

Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer

Peanut said... 10:00 AM

I don't want to go near that pool but I'd love to come to a party. I bet your mom really likes it though. My mom said she would

Lenny said... 10:11 AM

How appropriate - a Hottie Tub for Ruby! I don't like swimming but it looks pawesome.

Your friend, Lenny

Lady Kaos said... 10:34 AM

I was thinking of planning a house warming party, too! We'll have to cordinate so everybody can come to both parties. i don't have a pool though, just lots of space to run.

Eduardo said... 10:38 AM

Oh Ruby what a great home! Love the pool!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle

the Corgi Girls said... 11:34 AM

BOL, we can't believe the plane like the pool that much! It must really like to cool it's jets (haroo haroo harooo, sorry that one was bad we know, but we just couldn't help it!

Gorgeous new place Ruby! We do like your poka-dot PFD, we have some for when we go boating but they are just plain bright orange.

M & I

Bobo the Boston Terrier said... 11:42 AM

Your house looks pawesome!

I hope you get better from your wormies.


CoCo said... 11:55 AM

Great pool! I don't think I would use a pool too much either. As you saw on my blog...I hate BATHS and you are right, that pool looks like a bath! Hope your Mommy enjoys it!


p.s. that life jacket thingy doesn't look too entertaining either.

Lizzy said... 12:06 PM


OMDog, you have a pool?! Can I come swim in it?! Oh, wow! What a beautiful pool! That's so exciting! I love your new house! Can I come live with you?!


Archie and Melissa said... 2:41 PM

your house is beautiful inside and out! i am so happy for you and your family!

Charlie Daniels said... 2:57 PM

The hottie tub looks hot - or is that a ghost above it?

I have a pool too! I don't swim in it either! BOL



Duke said... 4:17 PM

Aire Ruby is going to be sparkling clean next time she flies the friendly skies! We'd love to come to your pawty, Ruby!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Gus, Louie and Callie said... 4:58 PM

A pool party sounds just wonderful.. You might have to get in!!

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Unknown said... 6:59 PM

Oh wow, Ruby, your pool and hot tub look divine! I have a lifejacket, too, but mine's orange. We could look like David Hasselhound and Pawmela Anderson from Bay Watch!

Happy to help with the party. I can be a lifeguard.

But first, do you think we should fly over to London for Jackson's birthday if he's up for it this Friday? We could even just do some sky writing around the dog star!

Your pal,


Lorenza said... 7:46 PM

Hi, Ruby!
I'd love to be there swimming!
My mini pool is nothing compared with yours!
Yes, we need a party!
Kisses and hugs

Girl Girl Hamster said... 1:15 AM

Your new house look so PAWSOME! you should have a pool pawty

~ Girl girl

Simba and Jazzi said... 7:56 AM

A pool, you are so lucky. I want to come to the pool party.

Simba x

Bella the Boxer said... 5:57 PM

A pool?! A hottie tub?! Have you moved into the Playboy mansion, Ruby?!

xoxo - Bella

Joe Stains said... 10:35 PM

What a great pool! I am ready for a pool party, but I will be on the deck sunning with you, NOT in the water!

Anonymous said... 7:27 AM

Wow the pool looks awesome. But Ruby, won't it be hard to swim in it if Aire Ruby is in it?

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