I'm watching you Mom...now get packing!!!
Pups, I'm sorry for not being around much lately...but I finally convinced Mom to get going on the packing. The 31st will be here before we know it! She's making good progress, but I don't want her to loose focus, so I told her for the next couple of weeks it will be OK with me if we don't blog as much. I hope you pups will forgive me...I will visit when I allow Mom a break - BOL!!!
Oh, don't forget to reserve your seat for Snicker's Barkday pawty!!! July 20th...hopefully Mom won't slack off while I'm gone!!! Just leave me a comment if you want to go! It will be so much fun and I could really use a break. All this supervising is tough work...can't you tell?
Oh, don't forget to reserve your seat for Snicker's Barkday pawty!!! July 20th...hopefully Mom won't slack off while I'm gone!!! Just leave me a comment if you want to go! It will be so much fun and I could really use a break. All this supervising is tough work...can't you tell?
Hi Ruby! We're having a sleepy Sunday too, but no packing for us! We would like to reserve 3 seats on AireRuby for Snickers' pawty! Thanks.
Poppy, Penny & Patches
Good work supervising, Ruby! I know that packing and moving is hard work - give your mom a Clover kiss for me! I am sure she will be done in no time.
Love Clover xo
Hi my beautiful Babe!
Please reserve me a seat on that luxurious air-o-plane of yours for Snicker's party.
I think it is just so sweet of you to donate your supervising skills to help your mom!
Maybe we should have a house warming party when you are all settled in at the new place??
That is, if you are not too tired from all the supervising to pilot AireRuby!
Woof ya!
I wish we lived closer! We'd help you pack all of your toys and bones, Ruby!
Please reserve us two seats on AireRuby too!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Hi, Ruby!
We understand all the work you and your mom have to do with the packing thing!
Would you please reserve me a seat?
Kisses and hugs
Keep that whip crackin' to get the move done. Do not forget the importance of naps though.
Moving is such a big job! We totally understand that you won't be around as much for the next couple of weeks. We'll be cheering for you as you pack up one box after another. Soon you'll be settled in your new home. Woohoo!
Put us down for the party. Tell your mom to get with it and just get it done. Then she won't have to worry about it anymore.
packing and moving and stuff being out of place makes me VERY GRUMPY.
We will miss you Wooby,
don't let your mum pack your camerwa!
Love 'n' tail wags
hi ruby!
you are an excellent supervisor. packing is a big job. i wish we could help your mom. emmitt says to make sure when she packs the food to have her mark the box "Ruby's Stuff".
m & e
G'day Ruby
Please stay away from the empty boxes just in case you get packed!
Hey Ruby it's great of you to help your mom! Please reserve one very snuggley seat for me!
Hugs & Snugs,
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle
Aww... what a cute pic Ruby!
We'd like to reserve seats fur Snickers' pawty!!
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena
Can you stop by MN and pick me up? Can you get Tanner too??? Oh please oh please oh pleaasE?
Cute sleepy Ruby. :)
Yeah.. I think you need to focus on supervising your mom pack.
Add me for Snicker's pawty too.
~ Girl girl
Hi, Ruby -
Can you reserve two seats for Kaci and I?
Love -
Hershey and Kaci
I want to reserve 3 seats for me and my sisters Misty and PooPoo....that is, if I can break PooPoo out of jail for the pawty!
Can't wait for the pawty!
Hi Ruby, it's really nice to meet you! Just wondering if there's any seat left for me for Snicker's pawty?
Ruby! Thanks for the nomination. Wow. I'm so honoured to be nominated, especially by you, Roobaloo!
Tell your mom that we know exactly what that packing business is all about. Tell her too that she has to give you extra love and treats to keep you relaxed about the whole thing. Especially extra treats.
w00f's Ruby, me wood like to go to snickers pawty too, please...
b safe,
Hey Ruby! Would you save a seat for me on Aire-Ruby for Snickers' party?
Your friend, Lenny
Are you excited for your new digs? Your mom is better than mine who HATES packing and waits until the last minute AND whines all the time. You're doing a good job keeping her on task! And napping. It's important to keep up with the Zs in a stressful time.
Hi Ruby, Godd work on the supervising but It takes it out of you doesn't it so now wonder you are sleeeeeeeeeepy...will you ok to pilot the plane to Butchy and Snickers Pawty? If you could collect me too that would be pawfect.
Wiry wags, Eric x
Hi Ruby,
I just love sleepy Sundays too! Sleeping is the best!! Oh, and could you book me on Aire Ruby for Snicker's party? I know its closer for me to drive, but I just LOVE Aire Ruby!!
Your pal,
Hi there Ruby
We would like to reserve 4 seats on aire-ruby please.
Good luck with the packing!!!
Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy
You look so cute when you are asleep.
Simba x
Supervising is HARD work. We would also like 3 seats on Aire Ruby!
Sitka, Tia, and Cornelia Marie
By the way, I love your brindle, Ruby!
You can get super tiny when you're doing nappies. What skill! What talent! I'm so impressed.
You can get super tiny when you're doing nappies. What skill! What talent! I'm so impressed.
Hi Ruby! Dad was working in Oroville last week. The sun was a little orange dot. He came home smelling of smoke. YUK. Hope you enjoy your house! A Pool! We'd love a pool!
Hey Ruby. Please reserve me a seat (window, if possible) for Snicker's party. If there are no more seats, I'll stand.
Hi Ruby!
Is it too late to book my ticket for Snickers Birthday party? Hope not! You can pick me up by Asta!