Sleepy Sunday #9

Sunday, March 16, 2008

ahhhh...the sun!!!


13 Responses to "Sleepy Sunday #9"

Anonymous said... 1:40 PM

Hi Ruby,

I met Sophia, she is sure a fast little girl, she scares me, and she stoles my bone, she was pretty friendly but I'm not sure yet if she likes me or wants to eat me.
Opal likes her.
You sure looks pretty whens you sneep, is it really sunny by your house cause it is gray, cold and wet here. Could I come visit sometime I promise to be a good girl.
Nanny said your BFF is a Pugs like me, maybe we could BFFx2.
Hugs, Bellyrubs & Smoochies

pee-ess I want Sophia to be my number 1 BFF.

Duke said... 3:25 PM

We were hoping that you'd be sleeping with your Easter bonnet on, Ruby!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Mack said... 3:31 PM

Oh Ruby,
You look so happy and content in the sunshine!!It shows off your beautiful brown highlights!

I hope you are doing well my pretty little Brindle Babe!


Maowbro said... 5:02 PM

Our Tai loves to lie in the sun on cool winter mornings too (yes, it does get cool here in Thailand... sometimes). One morning I came home from shopping to see Tai lying on the road--because the patio in front of our restaurant was already in the shade.

Bella the Boxer said... 7:22 PM

Hello, Ruby dahling...isn't the sun the best? My parents just got back from Mexico and they said the sun shines ALL THE TIME! Can you believe it?

xoxo - Bella

Lorenza said... 10:45 PM

Hi, Ruby!
Sleepy sunny sundays are great!
I hope you had a nice weekend!
Kisses and hugs

Joe Stains said... 11:24 PM

We didn't have much sun here today, so I am jealous.

Girl Girl Hamster said... 12:34 AM

You look great getting the sun tan

~ Girl girl

Martha said... 5:28 AM

You look so content, Ruby. I love sleeping in sun spots too. Love, Martha

Petra said... 8:25 AM

Oh yes, the sun! When I'm out of my crate, I head to the sliding door that goes out to our deck because the sun shines in there almost all day!

You look sooooooooooooooo sleepy!

Mack said... 9:26 AM

Pee S:
It's photos like this one that's making my mom want a little Boston girl!

Don't drink too much Guiness today!

Harry said... 9:31 AM

Nothing like a bit of sun snoozing I say, sweet dreams Ruby.

Toodle pip
Harry x

Amber-Mae said... 11:34 AM

It must feel sooo good that now the sun is back again...

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer