Sleepy Sunday #8

Sunday, March 02, 2008



19 Responses to "Sleepy Sunday #8"

Anonymous said... 7:32 AM

I would love to snuggle up and sneep with you, come on over hee,hee
I is going to wisit Asta & her pawrents on Fwyday. Yeah


pee-ess is mom coming east for her barkday with yous?

Mack said... 8:04 AM

What a beautiful smiling sleepy Ruby!!

Sugars for Ruby only,

Duke said... 9:16 AM

You look pretty dead to the world, Ruby! Tough night last night?

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Ralph said... 12:25 PM

I wish I could snuggly up beside you!


Joe Stains said... 3:10 PM

looks like you had a sunny sunday like we did!

Ferndoggle said... 3:30 PM

Oh Ruby!! I have the same pinky feet that you have!! Are you itchy too????

I've been a sleepy Sprout all day too. It must be a Diva thang!


Tadpole said... 4:05 PM

Oh, I wish I could snuggle up against you and take a nap too! I would lick your jowls and your ears too, just like I do Fig!

Anonymous said... 4:06 PM

your feetsies are nice and clean, like mine! have you been licking them incessantly like I do?! :-)

Lorenza said... 6:18 PM

Hi, Ruby!
This is one of the best Sleepy pictures that you have showed us!
I hope you had a great weekend!
Kisses and hugs

Gus said... 7:43 PM

Sunshine, on my shoulders makes me happy

ah John Denver. What a poet

happy sunny day


Myeo said... 11:41 PM

We are feeling sleepy already. Its raining heavily at our side now.

Boy n Baby

Jackson's J1 and J2 said... 12:10 AM

Sweet dreams, Ruby! J x

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said... 3:10 AM

I love your sleepy Sunday pics, Ruby dearest one. You truly are a jewel!

Amber-Mae said... 10:09 AM

Love that picture!

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Petra said... 10:17 AM

yeah...right! yawn.....

Moco said... 3:11 PM

Nothing more lovely than a napping terrier.

Simba and Jazzi said... 1:45 AM

You look so cute when you are asleep.

Simba x

umekotyan said... 5:20 AM

Good evening ruby.
It dreams ..good... :)

from loved ume tyan

Lenny said... 11:41 AM

You are too cute, Ruby!

Your friend, Lenny