In my Easter Bonnet..

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

There is an egg on top it! Here I am in my Easter Egg Bonnet!!! W00t!


22 Responses to "In my Easter Bonnet.."

Emily and Ike said... 8:10 PM

Egg head ... he, he.

Gus said... 8:23 PM

WOOT is right!


Lorenza said... 8:58 PM

Hi, Ruby!
Your hat is perfect for the occasion!
Kisses and hugs

Asta said... 10:00 PM

That is not only lovely but vewwy clevew and owiginal!!!( awe you mad at me Ruby fow taking Stanny on that twip??I suwe hoep not..
I'm sowwy youw Mom's not well..I came especially to wish hew a Happy Birfday

I heaw it fwom a little Nanny biwd, hehehe..hope she feels lots bettew!
smoochie kisses

Joe Stains said... 11:12 PM

That is a very sophisticated hat you have there!

Harry said... 2:22 AM

It looks good enough to eat!

Toodle pip
Harry x

Duke said... 2:35 AM

What a sweet hat! You look adorable, Ruby!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Anonymous said... 3:40 AM

HAPPY BARKDAY, Happy Barkday, Happy Barkday Dear Auntie Michele HAPPY BARKDAY TO YOU!
I woves you and so does Nanny & Pearl, enjoy your special Day.

Love, hugs, bellyrubs & smoochies

Pearl, Opal & Nanny

pee-ess Pwease don't be angwy with Nanny

Simba and Jazzi said... 4:51 AM

Don't you look a picture.

Simba x

Mack said... 5:49 AM

You look absolutely stunning in your Easter bonnet! Purple is definitely your color!

Is today your momma's big day? Tell her I said HAPPY BIRTHDAY and give her lots of sugars for me okay??

Bye sweet beautiful Ruby,

Ferndoggle said... 7:53 AM

I just posted my Easter Bonnet picture too! We are two stylin' Divas.


Asta said... 10:45 AM

I hope youw Mom is feeling bettew!!! and that you awe giving hew extwa Ruby love!
I'm going to miss you too when I go to Wome.!!!You'll have to take good cawe of ouw Stanny while I'm away..I know you will!
Mommi will not weaw the bag on hew head, cause I don't want to be awwested fow being a tewwiewist, hehehe
smoochie kisses,

Moco said... 11:10 AM

We are sure that we saw that hat on the runway. It is a famous designer.

Amber-Mae said... 11:45 AM

How cute! A egg as a hat...

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Petra said... 12:05 PM

You look lovely, Ruby. Did you paint your nails purple to match your bonnet?!

Anonymous said... 1:14 PM

Now that is a great hat - stylish and functional as well!!


Balboa said... 2:38 PM

you look so darn cute Ruby!!!!!

Frenchie SNorts

Deanna said... 4:49 PM

OMG! That's hilarious!

Myeo said... 12:41 AM


Btw Ruby, is your mom better now? Please give her lots of kisses and nose licks for us.

Boy n Baby

Girl Girl Hamster said... 1:46 AM

How did you balanced that so well?

~ Girl girl

Noah the Airedale said... 4:29 AM

We love it.....W00t indeed!!!!

Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy

Koobuss said... 10:33 AM

I LOVE your hat, Ruby!!! It is FANTASTIC!!!! Way to go!!

Good luck in the contest.

Love and Koobuss Kisses,