Sleepy Sunday #9

Sunday, March 09, 2008

In honor of another fun day of Joey Palooza, today's Sleepy Sunday special guests are non other than Mr. Stains himself and of course Cowboy Pig.

Oh and we are now (finally) taking reservations for Huskee & Baby's big day! Please leave me a comment to make a reservation - W00t!


22 Responses to "Sleepy Sunday #9"

Anonymous said... 6:02 AM

Good Morning Auntie Ruby
I would like to attend Huskee & Baby's wedding please.
Joe is sooooo handsome and he does not look a day over tree.

Duke said... 9:08 AM

Joey and Cowboy Pig look so content together! Sleep tight!
We need a lift to Huskee and Baby's big event too, Ruby!
Thank you in advance!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Amber-Mae said... 9:56 AM

Awww, Joey & his cowboy piggy...

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Moco said... 11:10 AM

Great sleepy day photo. Buds for life.

Mack said... 11:38 AM

Aww. Joe & Mr. Cowbay Pig are sooo tired from all their Joey Paloozaing!!

Please save me 1 seat for the wedding. Would it be too much to ask if I could sit on Nanny's lap again???

Hope you are having a treat and cuddled filled day darling Ruby!
Your Mack

Lorenza said... 6:25 PM

Hi, Ruby!
Sure Joe deserves this Sleepy Sunday!
Would you please book me a place?
I hope you had a great weekend
Kisses and hugs

Asta said... 8:08 PM

What a lovely twibute fow joeypalooza..sleepy sunday is so wowthwile!!!
iThank you fow lending me youw Nanny..she misses you a LOT!!!!!
she's a weal special lady!
smoochie kisses,Asta

Asta said... 8:10 PM

I would like a wesewvation fow the flight to the wedding pleez!
thank you , and could I pleez have some pawtinis too!
I'm not allewgic to anything and love all foods
smoochie kisses

Hammer said... 9:36 PM

Hi Ruby
What a beautiful photo of Joe and Cowboy Pig. Joe sure looks tired out after all the pawtying.
Can you reserve at least 3 seats for me on Aire Ruby, maybe 6. I'm waiting to hear from Powder Puff and Odie. Hobson and Rose want to come to the wedding too. I'll let you know as soon as I hear from Powder Puff.
Love from Hammer
Love from Hammer

Joe Stains said... 11:13 PM

I do look pretty handsome, eh? hehe

Sign us up for the wedding, we were just talking tonight about what we were dressing up as!! Sign us up for three, rog will be with us too!

Girl Girl Hamster said... 2:50 AM

Hee Joey sure looks sweet with his cowboy pig. Me me. I'm going to Huskee's wedding

~ Girl girl

Sir Chance-Lot said... 5:38 AM

Who's getting married....? What am I missing?....Oh Ruby I have missed you it YOUR nanna that gets around so much?
Sir Chancelot

Petra said... 8:14 AM

Joey is the picture of contentment with cowboy pig!

And Ruby, count me in on the wedding! Do I have to wear a dress?

Emily and Ike said... 10:13 AM

Sign me up!

Peanut said... 2:57 PM

What a great photo. Flash and I would love to go to the wedding

Urban Smoothie Read said... 6:32 PM

yeh yeh....i can't wait to attend the wedding @ singapaw...

Simba and Jazzi said... 2:45 AM

I'd love to go to the wedding. Please count me in.

Simba x

Bella said... 5:32 AM

What a cute sleepy photo !!

Also I'd like to book a seat on the charter flight to Huskee & Baby's wedding


Stanley said... 4:20 AM

Hey, Ruby Bug!

Sign me & Stella up for a seat, please. Can't wait for Huskee & Baby's wedding! (mmmm... wedding cake...)

I would love to snuggle with Joey or Cowboy Bob in that sleeping bag. He always looks so cozy!

Goober love & smooches,

Petra said... 6:49 AM

Thank you, Ruby, for noticing the little pimple like thing on my eye and for your advice. I actually have them on both eyes! Motch used an antibiotic but that didn't help. Now she'll leave me alone and quit playing doctor.

Petra said... 6:49 AM

Thank you, Ruby, for noticing the little pimple like thing on my eye and for your advice. I actually have them on both eyes! Motch used an antibiotic but that didn't help. Now she'll leave me alone and quit playing doctor.

Maowbro said... 12:45 AM

Hi Ruby, thanks for visiting my blog. Sorry it took so long to reply to your comment but my dad has been busy with HIS work and sometimes doesn't have time for MORE important things, like MY BLOG! He says he will post again soon.
Cheers from Thailand.