A Fairy Tail Wedding...

Friday, March 14, 2008

A Fairy Tail Wedding like Huskee and Baby's needed a cute little fairy, don't you think???

TinkerRuby or RubyBell???

Think Rog and I should probably hang out, huh? Congratulations to the happy couple!!!

May you have a very happy life together - W00t!


14 Responses to "A Fairy Tail Wedding..."

Mack said... 6:35 PM

Oh my dogness!

You went all out!!
Ruby, you are just so dang creative!
I hope you won't be too embarrassed to be seen with me - I'm going in my au naturale tuxedo!

Mucho sugars,

Lorenza said... 6:47 PM

Hi, Little Fairy!
I am ready waiting for you!
Kisses and hugs

Joe Stains said... 8:03 PM

I think you and Rog would have fun together!! We are so excited Huskee and Baby are finally getting married!

Asta said... 9:08 PM

you look amazingly bootiful..you make a fabulous tinkew ruby!!! I wouldn't have missed the wedding fow anything. aftew all they ghad to go thwough to finally be togethew..I hope they have a lifetime of happiness
smoochie kisses
pee ess. I wish you would have come to Iweland with us too..it's so pawsome

Stanley said... 10:57 PM

Ruby Bug/Bell!

You look AMAZING as Tink! (I think Rog would be more than HAPPY to have you on his arm).

I'm so stinkin' excited for Huskee Boy & Baby Munchkins! They deserve all the happiness they can stand, and I'm sure they'll have a lifetime of bliss together!

Thanks for flying us, sweet thing.

Goober love & smooches,

Simba and Jazzi said... 1:46 AM

I do believe, I do believe, I do believe in fairies. So are we flying air Ruby or sprinkling ourselves in fairy dust and thinking happy thoughts?

Simba xx

Duke said... 2:14 AM

You look adorable, Ruby! I think Mack might be a tiny bit jelly if you hang out with Rog! We think you'd better give them equal time!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Juno said... 8:08 AM

Ruby, you look absolutely stunning!!! We all love fairy tails and we all believe them! :)

Momo & Pinot

Emily and Ike said... 8:56 AM


Amber-Mae said... 10:14 AM

Oh, how cute!

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said... 2:43 PM

Just popped in to say thank you for your pup friendship and your Mama for being such a nice person.

I am stopping my blogging for a while.

Lots of reasons, just need some time out.

And a good bark out!

love and many licks, Marvin xxxxxx

and thank you for flying me Aire Ruby!

You are the best!

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said... 6:50 PM

Yo Ruby...we love your fairy tail...pawsome...we didn't know Tinkerbell had one!!!

Thank you for the lovely flight last night...it was magical!!!

I think Lacie went through an entire box of kleenex during the procession...you girlies are sooooooo sentimental!!!!!

Isn't Pearl just wonderful!!!!!

Petra said... 8:22 AM

You are a stunning RubyBell!

Myeo said... 12:40 AM

Thank you for rendering your Aire-Ruby Service... We really appreciate it
