So I got ready. Costume...check.


Hey, Mom, where are all the people pups??? Are they here yet???

At first I was a little embarrassed with my dragonfly costume, but all the people pups LOVED me!!! I got TONS of pats and got to give lots of licks...OMD it was so great!!! Too bad we ran out of candy and it started to rain...I can't wait till next year!!!
Note from Mom:
I was TOTALLY stressed. Where we used to live we never got any kids on Halloween. I actually prayed for rain. Since we've moved Ruby tends to 'freak' whenever the doorbell rings...I guess I should be happy because people think she is bigger than she really is - LOL. But I was worried she'd try and bolt out the front door. I didn't want to have to keep her locked in a room, banish her outside or put her on a leash. The baby gate wound up working great! It let her look outside and get tons of pats!!! The kids really did love her (and her costume) and I think she really dug it. I also was able to work on some much needed training with her...which was really good. It also didn't hurt that I gave her a little nip of Rescue Remedy ;) All and all it was a really good night!!!