Hi! My name is Ruby. I am a Boston Terrorist (oops, I mean Terrier) who loves to run, play in mud and eat snackies.
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Blog Archive
- One Week...
- Sleepy Sunday #4
- Thinking good thoughts...
- The Music in Me...
- Sleepy Sunday #3
- Shhhhh it's a Surprise Pawty!!!
- Awards, Awards, Awards...
- Where or Where...
- A Celebrity Among Us...
- Sleepy Sunday #2
- Neglected!
- Are you ready for some 'super' football????
- Sleepy Sunday #1
- Baby it's Wet and Cold and Windy Outside...
- Special Mission...
- Happy New Year!!!
Good one Ruby. That's what I'm doing right now too.
I so like cushions too.
That looks sooo comfy Ruby!
That's the BEST kind of Sunday, Ruby Bleu! Get your rest and take care of yourself. And your mom!
We're watching football with dad and eating pizza in front of the fireplace! Wanna come over, Ruby?
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
you sure look cute all snugged up!!
Hey there Ruby,
That's exactly what we've been doing!
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena
Ruby Girl!
I could watch you sleep all day! Your mama should do a video or something.
Are your eyes open... just a little bit, sweet thing?
Gooberlicious love & smooches,
Your Stanny
Hi Ruby,
I'm having a sleepy Sunday too! They are just the best!
Your pal,
Oh Ruby...you look so comfy there...and look how the brown in ur fur glints under the light!! Did you use a special rinse to make it look soooo shiny???????
You are one bootiful Girl...!!
Hey, we heard Mumsie on the phone with your NANNY this AM!! Mumsie said she's very very sweet and loves you a lot!!!!!
Can we borrow her? We don't have a Nanny!!!!!!!
Hey Ruby
Sorry to hear that your mum is sooo busy. I know she will try to find time for you soon. In the meantime, you can catch p on your beauty sleep because you know we girls need them.
Cant wait for winter to be over. it sucks...
Sleep tight and don't let the bed bugs bite! Sweet dreamzzzz...
Hi, Ruby!
I love your sleepy Sunday's pictures!
Kisses and hugs
You look mighty comfy.
You have this sleepy thing down!!! You'we an expewt...you manage to west and look bootiful in the pwocess.what could be bettew!
smoochie kisses
Woh you make me feel sleepy too. I'm gonna take a nap now
~ Girl girl
Tell Mom enough already with no Blogging, she can't be working 24/7 Uncle Mark is not that mean, remember I met him and he does not look like a slave driver.
Did you hear I have three new grand dogs! Also I am finally getting my PUG
Love, hugs, smoochies and belly rubs
Wish I was there to snuggle with you!
I'm sleeping alot too nowadays...and getting fat!
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
You are Mega Cutey pie in that pic!
I did the same ....
Kisses, Faya