Today's Post...Sponsored by the Number 3!

Thursday, April 09, 2009


Hello Pups, Kitties, Hammies and Peoples...
Today I want to talk about 3 things...
#1 - Today is my barkday and guess how old I am...that's right, I'm THREE - W00t!!! Mom has a special surprise for me tonight and there is a box from my Macky that I'm gonna get to open later on. I can't wait!!!

#2 - Today is also my blogiversary...ok, so it's only my second blogiversary, but it's still important and to celebrate it, I have a new blog style - W00t! Mom and I are still working out the kinks, but I think it reflects me being a grownup pupgirl now, seeing how I'm 3 and all!

#3 - I'm not going to subject you (like last year) to my Mom's mushiness today... Heck I think she made some of your pawrents a little watery in the eyeballs! We'll be having none of that today!!! But I will say...Mom, I woof you so very, very much and thanks for letting me be your pupgirl - W00t!

I promise I'll post this weekend of all the barkday goings on! Thanks so much for being my friends and make sure you get lots of extra snackies today to celebrate my special day - W00t!


38 Responses to "Today's Post...Sponsored by the Number 3!"

Duke said... 2:14 AM

Happy birthday and happy blogiversary, Ruby!
We hope you have the most special day ever with lots of treats and ice cream!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Faya said... 2:37 AM

Oh happy birthday Ruby ! I hope you will have a lot of surprises !
And guess what ? Today is my VĂ©ronique's birthday too....
Kisses, Faya

Noah the Airedale said... 3:56 AM

First of all happy 3rd barkday Ruby. Secondly, happy bloggaversary and we really like the new look blog!!
Hope you have a great Easter weekend.

Noah Willow Tess Lucy

Mack said... 4:32 AM

Your new bloggy design totally rocks!!! I just love the Bostie face!!

Happy 3rd Birthday pretty Ruby and happy blogiversary too!

All my sugars,
Your Macky

Princess Patches said... 4:34 AM

Happy barkday, Ruby...and happy blogaversary too! We just love your puppy picture! Have a really great day with lots of belly rubs and treats!

Poppy, Penny & Patches

Heather and Pumpkin said... 5:04 AM

Happy Barkday Ruby! Hope you have a wonderful day.


Peanut said... 5:14 AM

Happy Barkday. The new blog looks great.

FleasGang said... 5:49 AM

Happy Barkday, Ruby! And we love your new site design. :-)

Gus said... 5:56 AM

Ruby: we love your new site design. And we wish you a happiest ever barkday...until next year of course.

Have a great day


Sophie Brador said... 6:22 AM

Have a fabulous birthday Ruby. Only three and look how much you've accomplished. Not every dog can say they own an airline at your age.


Kelly said... 6:47 AM

Oh Ruby, I wasn't blogging at this time last year... so I had to go back and read last year's 'mushy' post that your momma did... and now my momma is crying!!!!

Your new bloggie looks totally fab. Happy barkday and blogaversary to you sweet girl! We are so glad to know you and your sweet mom!

Asta said... 6:54 AM

Hi Rubikins!
Happy blogovewsawy and Biwfday!!!!
I love youw new Bloggie design! It's elegant and owiginal as befits a bootiful gwownup Pupgiwl
smoochie kisses

Clover said... 7:01 AM

HAPPY BARKDAY Ruby!!! Yay, you are three!! I love your new blog layout, and it is a perfect way to celebrate your blogiversary!
Have a super pawesome day!!
Love Clover xo

The Musketeers said... 7:25 AM

We hopped by Macky blog,
and came to know about his girlfriend barkday :D


Pug(s) and Bugg said... 8:31 AM

Oh. My. doG. We LOVE your new layout!!!!!! Who made it?!?!?!?!

Jake of Florida said... 8:55 AM


Happy, Happy Barkday and Congratulations on your Blogoversary.

You are a beautiful grown-up girl and we are homored to know you!!! (Yeah, our Mom went and read all that mushy stuff from last year, and that makes it all the more wonderful to see you today!!)

We hope your special day brings you and your mom lots of fun - and treats!!

Oh, and while we're here -- would you please add Deacon (Key West Collies) to our party of six -- now seven -- traveling to Salzberg? He'll be a charming bachelor for all the unattached ladies.

Wirey love!!

Jake and Just Harry

Lorenza said... 9:43 AM

Happy Birthday Ruby!
I hope you are going to have a nice celebration with your Mom!
Congratulations on your Blogoversary!
Congratualtions on your new look!
It is pawesome!
Kisses and hugs

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said... 11:31 AM


Makhkie Poo has such grrrrreat taste in girrrrrrls!

Happy EvFURRYthing!


Bijou said... 12:32 PM

Hi Ruby,

Happy Birthday and Happy Anniversary!

I like the new look of your blog. Very grown up!

Wags & wiggles,

Mason Dixie said... 1:10 PM

Came over from Mack's blog to wish you a Happy Birthday. =)

The Puppies said... 1:43 PM

Happy Birthday Ruby! You sure do look cute in your baby pic! We really like the new layout too! That background is pawsome!!!
The Puppies

Jen and Suki said... 1:47 PM

HAPPY BARKDAY, Ruby! I can't believe you're already 3! I hope you get the best snackies and pressies ever tonight and lots of love from your momzors!

Eric said... 2:11 PM

Happy Barkday Ruby! I hope you have a wagging wonderful day with lots of special suprises. And a squillion belly rubs!!

Wiry wags,Eric xx

Lacy said... 2:22 PM

w00f's Ruby, happy barkday and bloggieversary..hope u gits lots of loving, scratches and ice cream...and u has many many more..

b safe,

Moco said... 3:05 PM

Happy barkday to Ruby. May you get pressies galore. Adorable pup pix and great looking grown up pix.

Teena in Toronto said... 5:56 PM

What a cutie you are!

Happy blogoversary!

tad and fig said... 6:09 PM

RUUUUUBY!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, gorgeous girl! You're probably opening presents and eating treats right this minute!!!

Taddy and Figgy

Mango the Maltese kiddo said... 6:46 PM

Happy 3th Barkday Ruby.
Wish you 365 happy days.
I'm Mack's friend, nice to know you. Mack is romantic and charming, you two are made for each other!

Juno said... 9:50 PM

Ruby!! Happy Barkday and Happy Blogarsary!! We know you had a pawsome barkday SO we have to see the photos!! We're looking forward to seeing your update. :)

Whoa, your pup is so cute!

Momo & Pinot

Dexter said... 4:26 AM

Birthday and bloggy day all at once? Happy days to you. I hardly recognize your puppiness. You are so sleek and grown up now.


Petra said... 7:57 AM

Happy barkday and blogiversary, Ruby! I love your new grown-up blog look, and of course I love you! I know you'll have a wonderful 3-year-old barkday celebration, and I can't wait to hear all about it!

Petra said... 7:59 AM

PS - Please sign me up for the wedding. I need to hustle and find something to wear.

Asta said... 2:15 PM

I'm so glad you got the cawd! I hope you had a wondewful day!

Hehehehe, Mommi makes Dadi blow out the eggses , then we use nail polish to paint them,. You can't be too intwicate cause the bwush is too big, but they get nice and shiny.
Hope you have a vewy happy eastew
smoochie kisses

Anonymous said... 10:14 PM

Hi Ruby! I just came over to wish you a happy birthday! And it's your blogiversay, too? Woo hoo!

See ya!

P.S. I see you're taking reservations. I'd like to reserve two seats, please - one for me and one for my brother Zeke. Thanks!!!

The WriggleButts said... 4:31 AM

Happy belated birthday, Ruby. Mom and I think your cute puppy self is right up there with my cute puppy self and that's saying something.

Big kisses,

Stanley said... 8:27 AM

Ruby Bug!

I'm such a schmuck of a goober (a schmuckoober)! I'm totally behind on all of the important things in MY life (my girl is busy hogging the puter and all of her time for her stinkin' thesis)! I just want you to know that I didn't forget your birthday, but we're going to have to extend the celebration a little longer until we can get our package of goob love to you!

I am so happy that you were born and that you are my lovepup! Your mama is one lucky girl to get to live with you 24/7.

Congratulations on the blogoversary! We love your new blog design. Did you mama do it all herself? She's AireMazing!

Goober love & gobs of birthday smooches,

Anonymous said... 11:04 AM

Happy belated Birthday Ruby! I had no idea our bdays were so close! And I love the new layout. Its so you!

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