Feel Better Cooper

Monday, April 27, 2009

My buddy Bob's bro Cooper isn't feeling too great right now.  His eye is hurting him because he has a app-sense, whatever that means.  Anyhowl, I thought I might trade in my pilot's hat for a nurses cap.  I mean if Lacie can be a nurse, I sure think I can!!!!

nurse ruby
What do you pups think?

Feel Better Coops!!!  I know you don't like me very much (the big fella is, um, afraid of me - imagine that?!?!), but I sure want you to get better soon so that we can play!


20 Responses to "Feel Better Cooper"

Gus said... 5:42 PM

Ruby, you are a stunning nurse, but you are our ONLY pilot who can control Aire Ruby. We need you in the cockpit!

gussie d

Lorenza said... 7:44 PM

I hope Cooper gets better soon!
I am sure you can do a pawesome nursing job, Ruby!
Take care
Kisses and hugs

Mack said... 4:51 AM

Get well soon Cooper.
With Florence Bostongale as your nurse, I just know you'll be better in no time!!!

Clover said... 5:50 AM

Hi Ruby!
You are a pawesome looking nurse!! I think you would do a good job.
Feel better soon, Cooper!!
Love Clover xo

Emily and Ike said... 6:02 AM

You will make a great nurse!

Petra said... 8:33 AM

You look very compassionate and nurturing with that hat on, Ruby. Surely that will take away Cooper's fear of you.....ha!

Fred said... 8:40 AM

You would make a great nurse, I'm sure!

Eduardo said... 1:27 PM

What a great nurse you are Ruby!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle

Lucia said... 3:12 PM

Ciao bella Ruby!

I'm so sorry it's taken FURever for me to stop by to introduce myself, but la mia ragazza is wildly disorganized when it comes to my bloggie and doesn't always keep on top of things! Santa vacca, she needs to get a grip!! Anyway, it is so good to meet you, and I think you look fantastico in your nursey outfit! I'm sure you'll do a wonderful job taking care of Cooper. I hope he feels all better soon!

Tanti baci!

Poppy said... 5:09 PM

I'm sure you will make a very good nurse, Ruby. Just don't try to take his temperature like the vet does...


Asta said... 9:01 PM

You awe a pawfect bootiful nuwse and I hope you can help youw fwiend and make his eye all bettew vewy soon. I hope you don't give up youw pilots hat though, cause we need you..you awe the one and only wif that ability
smoochie kisses

Moco said... 9:33 PM

You can be anything you want. You will be able to nurse Coop back to health in no time.

Amber-Mae said... 6:32 AM

We hope he gets better soon. I think you'll make a great nurse!

Solid Gold Dancer

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said... 9:41 AM

Wow, Ruby...you look fabbers in that nursey cap! I do have a special smoothie for ABS CESS EZ...it makes 'em splode all over the place...totally cool!!!!! Let me know if ya need any help, kay?

Love and kisses...Laciegirlie

Sally said... 11:55 AM

Hello - we came over from Asta's blog - you sure have a close resemblance to a nurse D had when she was in hospital - spooky.

Can we book for Aire Ruby for the big event? We would hate to miss Myrna and Gilberts pup-tuals. What do you need from us? Sally has raided D's bag - so we have VISA, Mastercard - Polo Mints - a very old looking Kit Kat bar?
Let us know

Sally and Paddy

Sally said... 12:24 PM

We hope Cooper gets better soon! You look like a very caring nurse !
Sally and Paddy

Duke said... 2:25 PM

You'd make the most awesome nurse ever, Ruby! Cooper is in good paws with you!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Juno said... 4:33 PM

Ruby, we hope your friend Cooper feels better soon. You say your barkday was lowkey BUT you got a good pressi and looked happy! It's nice to see your smile! :)

Momo & Pinot

Lucia said... 6:21 PM

Ciao bella Ruby -- again!

I got so flustered introducing myself to you yesterday that I forgot to make reservations on AireRuby for Salzburg! Can I book tickets for Buster the Kerry Blue Terrier and me, plus Buster's sister, Persephone, and his mama, Ms. Bailey Blue?

Mille grazie Ruby!

Tanti baci!

Murphy Dogg said... 6:23 PM

Hey Ruby,
I hope Cooper feels better soon. And don't tell Dixie, but I think you make a super hot nurse.
Murphy Dogg