Whole Bunch a Nothing Going On...

Friday, October 12, 2007

OK, so I'm bored and it's been boring here. Mom's been working a lot and going out at night (the nerve) and I've just been hanging out...alone. But this is going to be an exciting weekend...it's my monthly BT meet up on Saturday with our costume contest. Yay!

Oh, speaking of costumes...I know what I'm gonna be for Howl-o-Ween and let's just say I'm NOT amused. I think my Mom is taking revenge for this incident. Hoomans...they don't ever forget, do they? I'll show you guys tomorrow, ok?

Mom and I have been spending time getting everything ready for my Nanny's visit next Thursday. I'm very excited to meet her...we are going to have SO much fun...I just know it. What's really great is that Mom took off from work too...so I'll have my Mom and my Nanny for 24-hr snackie dispensing and park playing! Woot!

I also start class again tonight. Just another refresher course...Mom says I've been getting sloppy with following commands lately...I think it is more like she's lazy and won't work with me! You know me pups, I'll do ANYTHING if a snackie is involved!!!

OK, Mom's off to work and I'm off to nap (my work!) Have a great Friday!!! And we promise, we'll be catching up on our bloggy reading and commenting...we miss all you pups and hammies!!!

P(ee)S - Don't forget to let me know if you want a reservation on Aire Ruby for the big Costume Barkday Bash!!! It's gonna be a blast!!!

P(ee)P(ee)S - Hey, can you vote for me??? Check out my sidebar...I've entered in the Dogster World's Coolest Dog Show!!!


31 Responses to "Whole Bunch a Nothing Going On..."

Clover said... 7:28 AM

Hi Ruby!
I hope your mom made something cool and pretty for you for your costume. Looks like I have to be a strawberry this year. Mom says she is going to make me a costume next year. Should I be worried?
I would like to make a reservation on Aire Ruby for the costume party!
Thanks, Ruby!
Love Clover xo

Simba and Jazzi said... 8:53 AM

Apparantly I have a new costume, oh deep joy. Please can I fly aire Ruby?

Simba xx

Duke said... 9:13 AM

You look so sad in that picture, Ruby! Cheer up! You're making me sad too!
Mitch and I would love a lift aboard your super duper personal jet! Thank you in advance!

Love ya lots,

Anonymous said... 11:09 AM

Thank you for your votes Ruby! I gave you lots of votes too, so many paws! You are the cutest BT I know!

Poppy said... 11:11 AM

I can't wait to see your costume, Ruby! Mommy is working on mine too. I can't wait!


Jackson's J1 and J2 said... 11:50 AM

Hey Ruby, can I reserve my ticket on Aire Ruby please? Thanks pal. Looking forward to seeing your costume. How will it ever top Wonder Ruby? J x

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said... 12:42 PM

oh reserve me a place on Air Ruby, Ruby, Ruby, Ruby. You know where to touch down here in Scotland don't ya?

I will vote for you sooooonest.

Not sure if I will be wearing a costume, probably go to the pawty au naturel!

love and many Marvin licks, Marvinxxxxx

Juno said... 1:42 PM

Hello Ruby, I just voted for you! :)

Can I reserve my ticket on Aire Ruby?? I can't wait this big barkday bash!

Momo xoxo

Sophie Brador said... 2:07 PM

Hey Rubaloo,
Can't wait to see your costume! Can I fly first class?


Noah the Airedale said... 2:23 PM

G'day Ruby,
Bet your costume is going to be fabbo. Can we book 4 seats on aire-ruby please. Thanks matie. Have a great weekend.

Noah, Willow, Tess and Lucy

Anonymous said... 3:48 PM

Oh a costume party! humm... what ever will I wear? I will have to think about this alot since I really don't wear clothes. However, I would LOVE to book my flight on Aire Ruby!!!

Princess, Tank and Isaac: The Newfs of Hazard said... 4:03 PM

Ruby, don't be sad! I bet your costume will be great! In the meantime, we know you've got a great eye for art and we'd like your opinion at our blog when you have time. Thanks!

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said... 4:46 PM

Yo Ruby...Scruff here...I've had a BAD day. Lacie had her fixit surg...SHE"S FINE...but, I'm cranky. I had to go in my crate before I ate breakfast. Then Lacie disappeared. She was just gone....Mumsie carried her in around three...I was SO GLAD to see her...for about 10 seconds, until she bit me. I wanted to check out her tummy...don't see what the big deal was. Then SHE got rice and chicken for dinner...I got dry tasteless dog food. Ya know, I think I'm gonna stop here and go blog this. Thank you for letting me vent.

Cranky barks, Scruffy

the many Bs said... 7:00 PM

Hey Ruby, we can't wait to see your costume. we bet you will be adorable.

Kirby said... 7:30 PM

Hi Ruby,

I lucked out, when mom tried my costume on me, I tried to eat it over and over. She finally got fed up and returned it!! YEAH! VICTORY! Now, all I'm gonna wear is a bandana. That's more my style. I hope your costume is cool, and that you don't mind wearing it (too much). Oh, I'll head to Dogster when I'm done here. Go Ruby!

Your Pal,

Lizzy said... 8:52 PM

I hope your Halloween costume isn't too embarrassing... I know how you feel. But I bet you'll look great in it!


Lorenza said... 9:25 PM

Hi, Ruby
Sure you are excited about your Nanny's visit! Sure you will have great time with her!
I can't wait to see your costume! Sure your mom has a surprise for you!
Have a good night

PS Would you please book me a place on Air Ruby?

Lacy said... 11:32 PM

woofies ruby!!! u will lookie bute ti full in anythin u wears....and me will goes over and vote fur u tomorrow...can me plwease ride air ruby....

b safe,

Anonymous said... 12:05 AM

You're going to have so much fun with your Nana Ruby - and we'll head off to vote for you!


umekotyan said... 2:29 AM

Good evening ruby.
The contest of clothes seems to be happy.
And, there is no time of tedium.

Waiting of wonderful weekend, and.

from loved ume tyan

Anonymous said... 5:23 AM

Good Morning Ruby & Mom

Ruby I saw a preview of your costume and it is awesome, you will look awesome

Will I be getting a ride on Aire Ruby when I visit? Maybe we could find a pug some where and we could fly it back to NJ?

See you Thursday

Love hugs and belly rubs


Suki & Joey said... 5:51 AM

I gave you 5 paws in each category, Ruby! :)

I can't wait for you and your Nanny to finally meet. I bet she's gonna shower you with pressies and snackies!

I still don't know what I'm going to be for Halloween. I'm just hoping Mom will wait too long and there won't be any costumes left, lol!

Puggy kisses

Amber-Mae said... 6:48 AM

Sorry to hear that you're feeling soooper bored today. Hope you'll find something fun to do... Hope you'll have fun at your nanny's place. I can;t wait to see your Halloween costume tomorrow!

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

The Thuglets said... 8:05 AM

Hi Ruby - we is hoping to make it to the bash. Any chance of 6 tickets on Aire Ruby???
HAve a great weekend
The Thuglets

Gus, Louie and Callie said... 8:05 AM

Costumes *shudder*

Mom said this year I could go as Louie and Louie could dress like me, wonder if anyone will be able to tell us apart ???

Bogart H. Devil said... 12:54 PM

Paws crossed that the costume isn't too embarrassing!


Joe Stains said... 1:33 PM

we definitely need to reserve a spot for the costume party, can I have a seat FAR AWAY from the doofus please??

Agatha and Archie said... 3:37 PM

I know ruby we were bored too alittle,Gues what we won't need a ride on the jet because the Pahhty is only a few towns over....but maybe we can be stewards and stewardesses...Love A+A

Asta said... 5:14 PM

You need a gweat big Goober kiss that will cheew you up..!!!I hateto see you sad !

youw Nanny wote me and said she might visit me..is that twue??that would be pawsome..I wish you would come...oh and pleeez I need a wide on air Ruby..can we sit togethew?ow oawe you piloting?
smoochie kisses

the Corgi Girls said... 6:15 PM

We can't wait to see your costume!

The Army of Four said... 12:50 PM

Our mom has been letting work totally interfere with our blog time. It really is totally unfair! I need to copy your pose in that picture; that's enough to melt any biped's heart!
Play bows,