Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Image created at

Hope you have a great day with lots of treats...and no tricks!!!
Oh and check this out...I was featured on LOL Bostons! Woo!!! Or should I say Boo!!!


25 Responses to " "

Suki & Joey said... 5:43 AM

Awesome picture, Ruby!! Your Mom is so creative :)

I hope you have a happy Howl-o-ween, too. Do lots of kids stop by your house? I get to go trick-or-treating with my sisters, but Joey's staying home because he won't wear his costume, hahaha!

Puggy kisses

umekotyan said... 6:31 AM

Happy Halloween
Let's fly about holding the party cookie in a wonderful meal and the graveyard. :)

from loved ume tyan

Juno said... 7:21 AM

This is pawsome!!! Wow!!

I'll see you shortly on your flight!! I can't wait!

Momo xoxoxox

Jake of Florida said... 8:28 AM

Hey Ruby,

Two dogs on LOL Boston stole our idea of Pinky and the Brain --- without the cute masks that Dogdad made for us.

Can we sue????

(We still have some lingering resentment over the 2004 sweep of the Cardinals.)

Jake and Just Harry

Pee ess: What time is the flight to France tomorrow?

Duke said... 9:15 AM

This is just the most creative costume and you wear it so well, Ruby! Happy Halloween! Don't eat any chocolate candy, okay?

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Princess, Tank and Isaac: The Newfs of Hazard said... 9:15 AM

OK, the Haloween Pawty field is done! You can see it on our blog.

Great Rubykin!

Jessica said... 9:58 AM

Wow Ruby...We love your pumpkin. Mom is going to head over to that site and see what she can make.

Happy Howl-o-ween!!!!!

Love, Seadra and Zoe

Clover said... 10:10 AM

Hey Ruby!
I love your LOLBoston - soo funny. From your last post - your cartoon name is my favourite...hehe, and I am sorry you feel bad about no daddy. My daddy can be your honorary daddy if you would like. :)
Love Clover xo

Harry said... 10:40 AM

Hello yarn dog, that's so funny! Happy howoween to you too.

Toodle pip,
Harry x

Poppy said... 11:55 AM

Cool pumpkin!!!


Asta said... 2:29 PM

Happy Halloween Sweet Ruby!! that is a gweat punkin pictoowe!
Congwatulations on LOL BOstons! You suwely desewve it!!
smoochie kisses

wally said... 2:35 PM

Your costume is hilarious!


Lizzy said... 2:47 PM

Wow, awesome pumpkin picture! I think someone should carve a picture of me in a pumpkin! Hehe.


Marvin -The Hollow Hound said... 3:03 PM

Happy Halloween Ruby!

I wrote you a small (very small) two line poem on LOL Boston site!

You are sooooo cool!

My Mama has emailed yours tonight!

Thank you so much for your nomination on DWB and I am so honoured to have won the Awesome Blog Award.

Get your Mama to check her email, soonest.

love and many happy and honoured licks, my Knitted Ball of Red Boston Fun xxxxxx

Marvin xxxxxx

Sophie Brador said... 4:06 PM

Of course you were! Only celebs have their own planes.


p.s. Boo!

Princess, Tank and Isaac: The Newfs of Hazard said... 4:30 PM

Ruby, help me with some pictures, K? Thanks!

Princess, Tank and Isaac: The Newfs of Hazard said... 4:31 PM

BTW, you look fabulous using the force! Bet you hear really well, too!

Kirby said... 8:25 PM

Wow Ruby, you're famous! The pictures and comments really made me laugh!

Your pal,

Joe Stains said... 9:40 PM

Happy Howloween, congrats on the LOL bostons, you look great. Mom even showed Dad!

Anonymous said... 11:42 PM

HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!! And congratulatiooooons!!! Hugs Ruby!

Amber-Mae said... 12:13 AM

RUBY!!!! Thank you sooooo very very much for the pressie!!!! I just received a few mins ago...I will open it in a while. Thank you once again! You're sooo sweet!

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Luckie Girl said... 12:32 AM

Happy Halloween too! :)I love your pumpkin. hehe..

the Corgi Girls said... 12:35 AM

You look great in pumpkin form ;o)

Girl Girl Hamster said... 12:48 AM

That's a pawsome pumpkin. :)

~ Girl girl

Simba and Jazzi said... 2:26 AM

That is so cool.

Simba xx