30 Days and Counting...

Monday, October 01, 2007

Hey Pups, Girl Girl and Moosie...

I'm not sure WHAT all the big deal is, but my Mom is bouncing about the house with cobwebs (like we didn't already have them that she had to go out and buy some) and pumpkins in preparation for !!!

I really don't quite understand this holiday...I mean you don't get presents or anything and they make you get dressed up and you all know how I LOVE to get dressed up.

Anyhowl...Mom has been acting all crazy and hiding for long stretches of time in the spare bedroom/office. She has this crazy mad scientist look about her. I think she is making me something for my BT meetup in 2 weeks. I'm really not liking the sound of that. I mean, look at the torture she put me thru last year...

So who knows what's going to happen to me...pray for me pups, I'm really worried.

Oh and if your pawrents are as crazy as my Mom, they are going to want to remember these dates...

PetCo's Howl -O-Ween Contest Deadline is Friday - October 12th

PetSmart's Howl-O-Ween Contest Deadline is Sunday - October 14th

I'm not sure what it's all about, but Mom said I needed to post about it and that your pawrents would be interested and not want to miss. Whatever...


39 Responses to "30 Days and Counting..."

Lorenza said... 9:44 AM

Hi, Ruby
I am afraid your mom is preparing a big surprise for you! I mean, a costume surprise!
Here we are don't celebrate Halloween that much, but of course I will have a halloween dress!
I can't wait to see what your mom has for you!
Have a nice day

The Army of Four said... 10:04 AM

Hey, hey! WonderRuby! We tagged you in a cool new tag game! Stop by for details.
Play bows,
PS: Wow...... I know a superhero!

Suki & Joey said... 10:17 AM

Oh, I know! What's up with Halloween? Mom has already put pumpkins outside and she bought this cinnamon broom thingy that STINKS up the whole house!

Sorry to hear you're gonna be tortured with costumes, again (although you look so pretty in that Wonder Woman outfit!) but maybe it'll be something really cool. My Mom says she knows what it is, but won't tell me cuz she thinks I'll tell you...she's right!

Puggy kisses

Lenny said... 10:48 AM

Wow, can't wait to see your new outfit, Ruby! I love your wonder-outfit from last year.

Your friend, Lenny

Faya said... 10:53 AM

Ruby... can you escape and come in Switzerland.... we don't do Halloween..... I am glad because I am a little bit afraid of all those monsters...
Kisses, Faya

Frasier said... 11:06 AM

Remind me not to let my mother read that!
Your mommy made that costume ?She is talented.You really look good Ruby,love the shoes!
Ihave a new costume this year and will probably be made to pose in it for the blog so I am dreading it

Anonymous said... 11:56 AM


I too know what your Mom is making for Halloween but, I promised I would not tell.

When is the meet up will it be when I visit?

Now that Suki has a brudder when are you getting one?

Did not meet the boys yet, hope it is before I see you so I can bring pics.

Love, hugs & belly rubs


Clover said... 12:34 PM

Hi Ruby!
I really like the way you look in last year's howlowe'en costume. Looking forward to the surprise your mom is working on!! Maybe this outfit will be different and you will like wearing it!
Love Clover xo

Asta said... 1:26 PM

I'm sowwy you don't like to get dwessed up, cause you make the most pawfect and bootiful wondew Ruby giwl in the univewse!!! I've nevew had a haloween cosume yet..I nevew even knew who my pawents wewe last haloween..I don't know if I'll have one this yeaw..but i suwe don't want to miss
butchy's pawty,and I want to wide on youw jet again!
umm,Ruby,my only suggestion is dwess wawm fow a campout..I've nevew been befowe eithew,but it sounds like thewe's no centwal heating. On the othew hand we'll have Stanney and all ouw boys to wawm us.
smoochie kisses

Toby said... 3:23 PM

Hi Ruby,
My Mommy's looking for an outfit for me too. Im a little worried, I hated the sweater she put on my last week, I can only imagine a costume!! Im sure you'll look super cute tho!

Love Toby

Balboa said... 3:24 PM

OOOOOOOOOOH I'd love to win a prize, but that means I have to get a halloween costume. Oh man, imagine what mommy will come up with.

Oh man Ruby, you look awful cute, but I bet you're ready to tear that costume to shreds.

Frenchie Snorts

Duke said... 3:27 PM

We feel so fortunate that our mom has never gotten into the costume thing, except for a bandana and that's doable! I feel bad for you Ruby! I wonder what your mom is secretly planning? I'm sure it's something spectacular!

Love ya lots,

Lizzy said... 5:12 PM

Uh oh! I hope you're mom isn't coming up with anything too crazy! I'm so glad Lizzy doesn't make me wear clothes on Halloween.


Anonymous said... 5:13 PM

I have to say... YOU LOOK SOOOOO CUTE!!!


Emily and Ike said... 5:59 PM

My mom keeps saying something about an astronaut costume ...

Jessica said... 6:18 PM

Ruby!! We love you Wonder Ruby outfit from last year. It's going to be hard for your Mom to top that one this year.

We know you don't like it but you are adorable in it!!!!

Love, Seadra and Zoe

Bella the Boxer said... 7:23 PM

Ruby, you are right to be scared! Moms tend to get CRAZY around Howl-oween. Oh, and don't swallow any of that fake cobweb stuff...it's nasty (believe me, I know).

xoxo - Bella

Stanley said... 8:39 PM

Ruby Bug!

I'm with you on the dressing up issue. Definitely NOT for me. My girl is lucky I wear a collar, not to mention actual clothes.

On the other paw, you DID look very fetching as Wonder RUBY!! I can just see you deflecting the bullets now. Hope your costume this year is something you can live with.

Goober love,
Your Stanny

Girl Girl Hamster said... 9:09 PM

You look so cool as Wonder Ruby. Can't wait to see what costume you're wearing this year. :)

~ Girl girl

Kien said... 11:05 PM

oh Ruby.. actually i can't wait to see what's ur mom going to dress u this halloween... hahahah... can't wait .. can't wait..


Joe Stains said... 11:45 PM

I suggest you get the heck out of there and FAST!

Amber-Mae said... 11:49 PM

Oh my gosh, I'm sooooper excited too! My mommy's going to buy some material to make my costume. But I hope she's not going to buy real pumpkins for me to carry around as a trick-o-treat basket. Ugh! I hate carrying stuff in my mouth!

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Anonymous said... 12:27 AM

Wow Ruby you look absolutely fantatic last year - so I wouldn't be too worried about what you wear this year - I'm sure it'll be fabulous!!


Simba and Jazzi said... 1:25 AM

Love you costume. I could live without another reason for Mummy to dress me up.

Simba xx

Huskee and Hershey said... 2:36 AM

Heehee.. I love your costume Ruby... It's Super Ruby!! I bet this year's costume will not disappoint!!

Anonymous said... 3:21 AM

Hi Ruby!!! Oh Halloween!!! You'll see! It's a lot of fun!!! Except for the costume the doggy... But you get to see scary movies, eat a lot of candies... oh wait... that is what the humans do... Hm... I don't know but it's fun!

Luckie Girl said... 7:25 AM

I am glad we don't celebrate Halloween here! phew
Thank you for your kind wishes. Mom appreciates them a lot.

Princess, Tank and Isaac: The Newfs of Hazard said... 9:01 AM

Ruby, you look so cute in that costume! All the boys will be wantingto go out with you. Besides, you've gotten all dressed up to judge dancing contests with Tad and going dancing with Stanley. Get used to it, girlfriend, you look stunning!

Jen and Suki said... 9:21 AM

WonderRuby! That is such a cool costume. Mom wants to make me a BASEBALL. Lame! I especially like the golden crown and arm bands.

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said... 12:03 PM

Hey Ruby...Can Scruffy and I make a resevation on Aire Ruby for Butchie's Pawty??? Scruffy won't let me drive/fly because he's still getting over our air disaster from this weekend with the hot air balloon crashing into Lake Michigan. Oopsie...Hey we're thinking of doing a costume/Halloween pawty for Amber Mae/Koobie for their barkdays...details later...can we have us of the jet????? That would rock...Lacie

Jackson's J1 and J2 said... 12:12 PM

Hey pal, you looked great as Wonder Ruby. Can't wait to see what's in store for you this year! Hehehe! J x

Pugsley, Buster, Cricket & Daisy said... 12:23 PM

Awe, Ruby, you be so darn cute in your costume!!

Poppy said... 12:24 PM

Hole E. Crap! You look so cool in your Wonder Ruby costume! I can't wait to show my costume and see everybody else's on Howloween!!!


Marvin -The Hollow Hound said... 12:34 PM

well, you look amazing whatever Halloween Costume you get put into!

Love you Ruby!

You are cool!

Ralph said... 2:27 PM

Hi Ruby!

I'm new to the blog circle so I wanted to say hey-ya! This is my first Halloween with my folks and they are excited. This weekend I'm going to the dog park and going to dress like a TACO! Crazy I know but I think I will enter the photo contest if the pictures come out looking handsome. Thanks for the links


wally said... 4:31 PM

Whoa. Your costume is the coolest. I can't WAIT to see how you're decked out this year.


Koobuss said... 8:32 PM

All this is still new to me since I was just an infant last Halloween, but I am leaning. Looks like a lot of fun!

I like your red outfit, Ruby. Red is definately your color!!

Koobuss Kisses,

Myeo said... 8:18 PM

We really think your costume for last year is super cool. What will it be this time? We cant wait to see it.

Boy n Baby

Chewie said... 11:30 PM

Mah MaMa dressed me up as a girl last!!! a grandma at that. Someothing about a wolf in grandma's dress. yes a DRESS! I hope you're surprise is better than that! good luck

*snort* chewie