Bloggers Unite for the Environment

Monday, October 15, 2007

My friend Chance told me that today is Bloggers Unite for the Environment day and that we should do a post about the environment. Of course I always listen when someone tells me to do something (Ruby's Mom: Oh, you do, do you?) so I'm going to talk about how I try and be nice to the environment.

First off, I like to make friends with the environment...I love to chase birdies and butterflies and bugs (yes, I play with bugs). Without birds and bugs and spiders and all other creatures, there wouldn't be balance in the environment. So we all need to be nice to our friends and make sure that we keep their homes safe.

Next up, something my Mom has been trying to do for the last few months for both me and her is to eat local. Oh and only eat things that haven't been treated with nasty pesky-sides. Every Saturday morning (before we head to the doggie park) my Mom goes to the local Farmer's Market and buys all the fruitables and vegetables for the week. All the eatables are grown locally in our area so not only are we eating better and healthier, but also supporting the local economy. Unfortunately I don't get to go to the Farmer's Market with her because they don't allow dogs, why I don't know because I know I'd be a good helper to my Mom. Doggie discrimination...hmphhhhhh!

Finally, we recycle too!!! That is very very important! We make sure to separate our trash, which I love to help my Mom do because I can usually steal some fun garbage and than she has to chase me around hee, hee, hee!!! Mom has also bought these cool bagables from our favorite stores so that we don't have to keep getting new paper or plastic bagables which is very wasteful. In fact my Mom has been so good about this that she won't go shopping unless she has her reusable bagables!!! Good Mom!!! (Ruby's Mom: Why thank you Ruby!!!)

So those are some of the things we do to help the environment. I know we need to do more so we are open to anypups suggestions that can help me and my Mom take better care of the earth so that it is here for a very long time!


18 Responses to "Bloggers Unite for the Environment"

Lorenza said... 12:17 PM

Hi, Ruby
Sure you and your mom do great things to help the earth!
Thanks for sharing them!
Have a nice day

Anonymous said... 1:27 PM


I'm sure you also water and fertilize all the grass and shrubs in your hood.

Love hugs and belly rubs


pee-ess 2 1/2 more days till we meet

Martha said... 1:54 PM

You and your mom are off to a great start! Keep it up. Love, Martha

Duke said... 3:07 PM

Great posting, Ruby! I see you have one of those nylabone corn cob things! Mitch has pretty much devoured his!

Love ya lots,

Asta said... 4:46 PM

You and youw Mom awe vewy wesponsible and good..we twy to do the same hewe..we wecycle and Mommi aways has hooge bags with her..we shop evewyday and get stuff fwom local fawmews who bwing stuff in..we don't buy pwemade foods,we don't buy bottled watew but filtew the tap one,we also don't use the AC ow the heatew unless we weally have to..I don't weally know what else to do,but it's a stawt anysway!
smoochie kisses

Suki & Joey said... 4:46 PM

I just posted about this, too! You and your Mom do a lot to help the environment. I wish we had a farmer's market here, but we don't. Mom says the one in Eugene rocks because there's tons of people selling natural dog snackies.

Puggy kisses!

Sir Chance-Lot said... 5:27 PM

Thats what I call a great job Ruby!!!! Thank you for caring about all in nature and helping do your part!
I am proud to be your friend.
Golden Hugs
Oh I need to make reservations too on Air Ruby for Ambers party.

Sophie Brador said... 5:58 PM

Hey Rubes, We eat everything from the Farmer's market too! In fact, my mom hardly ever goes to the big giant grocery store because she doesn't buy very much processed stuff at all. You think she'd be way healthier. I think she spends too much time socializing to be healthy, but that's life in MOntreal.


Noah the Airedale said... 7:23 PM

Good job Ruby, it's good to help out the environment as best we can. We love our local farmers market too but it's only on once a month......bummer! We like to recycle as well. It's an added bonus when something flies out of the recycling bin like a bit of cardboard and we get to shred it too pieces. Oh aren't we supposed to do that......woops.

Noah, Tess, Willow & Lucy

Lizzy said... 7:40 PM

You and your mom are great at keeping the environment nice. More people should be like your mom. =)


Urban Smoothie Read said... 8:27 PM

i also help with fertilizing the soil wit my pee and poo

Luckie Girl said... 8:37 PM

Hey Ruby,
Good to know you are doing your part!!! :) I am sure Mother Nature will be very grateful to you & your Mom.

Kien said... 10:56 PM

hi ruby!.. great one!.. good job.. i think everyone shld start doing all these too!..


Amber-Mae said... 2:19 AM

Oh what a great post! It's good to care about the earth & the environment. I sometimes help my mommy to pick up rubbish & throw them in the rubbish bags. I'm such a good girl!

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Anonymous said... 3:35 AM

Excellent post Ruby - sounds like your family are great at helping the environment!


Huskee and Hershey said... 3:45 AM

Hi Ruby,
Wow.. you guys are doing your bit to help with the environment!!

Stanley said... 10:45 AM

Ruby Girl!

I ALWAYS knew you were good for the environment!

Gooberlicious smooches & love,

Bella the Boxer said... 8:53 PM

Hi Ruby, your Mom makes you do all those things too?! Eating local is cool. I guess you could call yourself a "terroir-ist" (you know, of the land...tee hee hee). You should come visit Portland sometime, you'd fit right in!

xoxo - Bella