You can call me...

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

So cute little Lorenza did a post asking about nicknames. I don't quite get the nickname thing...what's wrong with my actual name that I need to have another one, two, three, or four??? It is actually amazing that I know my name considering all the nicknames I have. Here's a sampling...

Wonder Ruby - the one that I actually like...for obvious reasons. I was Wonder Woman for Halloween last year and it was a blast. My Mom made the coolest costume ever...not sure how she is going to top it this year.

RB - ok, that's dumb. My initials? How original is that..oh, Mom named her Airedale when she was a pup 'AD' so what should I expect.

Princess Mud Puddle - she always says that AFTER I have rolled in the mud at the park. I don't exactly think she means it as a compliment.

Pumkinhead - This is what Auntie Yvette calls me...why, I do not know. Hey isn't Pumpkinhead that scawie monster from the movies??? EEEEKKKKK!!!

The Rubinator - So anyone who doesn't live under a rock knows that the one and only Terminator is Governor of seeing how we live in Sacramento (where the governator lives) she calls me the Rubinator...whatever.

Cujo - you know, after that Stephen King killer dog. She called me that in puppy class when she said I terrorized the little'r dogs. I never terrorized anydoggie...I was just playing!

And finally, there are the 'girl' names like...
Snorty Girl - Mom always calls me that when I'm getting excited while I'm playing. Don't pigs snort...hmmm...what is she saying about me? Have I gained weight??? Do I look fat? Oh no!

Cute Girl Ruby - Mom's friend Miss Debbie calls me that. I like it because I'm cute, and a girl.

Baby Girl - My friend Dodger's dad calls me that. I'm not a baby anymore, but I don't mind it.

Beastie Girl or Crazy Girl - Those are 'catch all' nicknames for when I'm doing mean or crazy things...which is like, never. (Ruby's Mom: Oh, really?)

So that's it. Don't you think that is enough nicknames? I'm just a little dog! I'm sure Mom will come up with more over time. OK doggies...tell us your nickname(s)!

PS - Shameless Plug Alert!
Don't forget to vote for Me, Ike (Ike & Ike) and Martha in the SPCA photo contest. You can only vote once per email adress, so go get another email address if you've already voted...Yahoo email addresses ARE free you know! (Ruby's Mom: Ruby - Stop that!) Oh and let me know if you entered so I can vote for you too.


30 Responses to "You can call me..."

Unknown said... 12:18 PM

Hi RB... nah I don't like one, makes you sound like the roast beef sandwich place- Arby's. Wonder Ruby :)I've already voted twice, cause my mom has 2 email addresses. I'll try to hack into my dad's accounts and get you a couple more. Wait... my mom could get the whole office involved hmmmm ok, I've got to go!!! We have to send out a mass plug for you.

You are gonna win!


Anonymous said... 12:49 PM

Ok, I really love Princess Mud Poodle!!

Katherine and Pippa said... 12:51 PM

Ruby - where'd you get all these names from?

You've even got two to start with.

We'll go an do the vote thing when we are awake tho'

night night


The Army of Four said... 2:04 PM

WOWZERS! You're WONDER RUBY!?!?!? How cool is THAT?!?!? I know a super-hero!!! Totally cool, Ruby!
Play bows,

Asta said... 2:32 PM

Those are all pwasome names, but I must admit i'm pawtial to Wonder Ruby, you make a fabulous wonder girl!

Thank you for the nice things you said about my painting, I hope it bwings joy to FuFu's family..and it was all Opy's Mom's doing..she's a vewy special lady!
smoochie kisses

Sophie Brador said... 2:53 PM

Hey Ruby, I get called pumpkinhead and beastie girl too!

Frasier said... 2:54 PM

My mommy voted for you but since she has many,many emails she will keep voting for you!till you win!You were cuter than the dog with the most votes

Lorenza said... 3:01 PM

Hi, Ruby.
Are our moms crazy or what?? Why they give us a name if they are going to be calling us with many different ones.
Yes, anyway we love our moms, right??
Have a nice day

Suki & Joey said... 3:10 PM

I love the picture of you in the mud, Ruby! How cute!

I snort, too, but I bet I snort A LOT more than you! Hee-hee :)

Puggy kisses

Duke said... 3:29 PM

You have some pretty neat nicknames Ruby - not boring ones at all!

Love ya lots,

Joe Stains said... 5:03 PM

wow ruby that is a LOT of names! like a lot a lot! we have some too, maybe sometime we will post about them

Martha said... 5:53 PM

I like Rubinator! It makes you sound tuff. And I had my mom vote for you and my beloved Ike. :) Love, Martha

Stanley said... 7:33 PM


You are my fave superhero! Do you still have your cape? (Ever sneak around in your Wonder Ruby outfit when your mom's not home?)

Super Goober love,

Girl Girl Hamster said... 7:48 PM

Oh I like the Wonder Ruby name. You sure look like a super hero there. :)

~ girl girl

Boo Casanova said... 10:29 PM

what? you terrorised small dogs in your class? hehehe. you are small but you still terrorised the others.

wet wet licks


Marvin -The Hollow Hound said... 11:34 PM

Wonder Ruby! That is a fantastic nickname!

I get called "Beastie Boy" sometimes, amongst other many I forget them!

love and Scottish Licks, Marvin xxxxx

Oscar's mummy and daddy said... 1:28 AM

That is a HUGE amount of names for a little gal! I like them all though (excpet maybe the beastie one!)

Oscar x

Simba and Jazzi said... 1:28 AM

Thats a lot of nick names, some not so nice. I get called all sorts of things, again some not so nice.

Simba xxx

ToFFee said... 3:01 AM

Mommy is always scolding daddy when he calls me different names..
she thinks it makes me confuse..

daddy likes to baby talk on me:
baby toffee
cutie toffee (I noticed that it all rhymes with Toffee..)

mommy sometimes slips:
tofee tofu.. hehehe!


umekotyan said... 5:39 AM

It is like the wonderful clothes it aristocrat. :)

from loved ume tyan

Ferndoggle said... 6:40 AM

Mom calls me the Sherminator!!! We posted about our nicknames a while ago...maybe we'll do it again.


Gwyn Valentine said... 6:56 AM

Hi Ruby.
I like you best as WONDER Ruby! I think you look HOT & SPICY!

Tadpole said... 1:52 PM

Hee hee - Fig gets called Hufflepuff because she huffs and she puffs in addition to snorting! Little pig!

Anonymous said... 1:53 PM

Oh, Wonder Ruby is my FAVORITE with that glorious costume!!!!!

Billy (YES Casanova!!!) said... 6:10 PM

I agree I like Wonder Ruby the best! Cujo doesn't fit you at all!

BIG hugs from Billy Boo:)

e said... 7:26 PM

Hi Ruby
What a cute doggy you are. And you're so lucky to have your own drop. That's such a cool photo.

Thank you so very much for joining my pledge to help the animals.
We'll let you know how that goes when the deadline is up.

Fei and Eve(the human)

Amber-Mae said... 4:55 AM

Hahaha, you got really funny nicknames. I got too...

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

wally said... 5:50 AM

Wow! That's a lot of names. I have some, too. It gets confusing.


PreciOus said... 7:26 AM

As long as the nicknames means nice thing, they suits you nicely.


Bella the Boxer said... 3:05 PM

OMG!! I just saw your Wonder Woman costume, Ruby, and it is the cutest thing ever! Your Mom is very talented and creative. I can't wait to see what's in store for this Halloween.

xoxo - Bella