I know these things seem like common sense and our hoomans are pretty smart, but it doesn't hurt to have a little helpful reminder, right? Stay cool and here's to eating lots of frosty paws!
Hi! My name is Ruby. I am a Boston Terrorist (oops, I mean Terrier) who loves to run, play in mud and eat snackies.
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It's Getting HOTTTTT in Here...
Friday, June 15, 2007
OK, it's not even officially summer yet and it is sooooo HOTTTTT!!!! OK, maybe it's not as HOTTTTT as where Joey and Tanner live, but I don't like it when it is this HOTTTTT. I can't go to the park, the pads on my paws start to hurt when I walk on the sidewalk, none of my friends want to play. Here's how HOTTTTT it is today...
So even though all you doggies already know this, my Mom wanted me to post how important it is for our hoomans take good care of us during these hot summer months. All doggies need to watch out but especially doggies like me, Suki, Tadpole, Nanook & Pooka, and all my huskie friends need to be really careful in the summer months. Here's a good article my Mom found that gives some helpful information on what to look out for.
I know these things seem like common sense and our hoomans are pretty smart, but it doesn't hurt to have a little helpful reminder, right? Stay cool and here's to eating lots of frosty paws!
I know these things seem like common sense and our hoomans are pretty smart, but it doesn't hurt to have a little helpful reminder, right? Stay cool and here's to eating lots of frosty paws!
5:00 PM | 30 Belly Rubs
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It sure is hot.Ever since i started whining about the weather it has become cooler here !
Stay cool...
Those glasses are pawsome! I want a pair :)
Ugh, I know what you mean about the heat. It's in the mid-90's here and I HATE the heat. So does my hooman family. I can't take a walk at all, anymore. At least our monthly pug meetups are going to be held in an air-conditioned place for the next few months. Whew!
Puggy kisses
Hi, Ruby.
Sure I know about hot weather! I can't go for long walkies now and we wait until is almost dark in the night. I have frosties and ice cubes to keep myself cool.
Have a good night
your shades are AWESOME! thanks for the good tips, I sure don't want to MELT!
Hi Ruby!~ Thanks for signing my guestbook!~ Do you mind if I link your blog on mine so I can come visit you all the time??
Wow, that is HOT!!! It's a good thing you got a pair of shades to protect those eyes!!!
Hi Rudy, stay cool and have a great weekend. xoxoPugsley, Buster and Cricket
Whew getting hotter there & getting colder here, cold wet & muddy - we don't mind but mummy does "no muddy paws in the house" she yells - huh why not I wonder i like to see my prints - it's art!!
Great shades - did you know you can get really cool sungalsses made especially for dog - called Doggles http://www.doggles.com/ - they have relly great styles.
Hi Ruby! You look so FOXY in that hot pink shades of yours!
are u posing for the cam? U are a pro!
oh ruby, sorry about the weather. it isn't that bad here but still, i'm taking good care myself.
wet wet licks
We've been very lucky this week! It's been high 70's and low 50's but it's gonna change by tomorrow and get hotter! I'm with you Ruby - the extreme heat is too much for any dog! Stay cool!
Love ya lots,
well, Ruby, you can come over here to Scotland - we have horrid weather at the moment, and you sure wouldn't need those cute sunglasses!
Its wet wet wet here. Enjoy the sunshine.
Simba xx
Are you a pup star?? Getting ready for your career in the entertainment industry? (What I'm trying to say is that you're completely stylin' in your HOT pink shades! They're almost as HOT as you!)
My girl thanks your mama for the summertime reminders and the article.
Goob kisses & hugs,
Hi Ruby! Thanks for the tips on the heat. I think you added the most important one that they forgot in the article. FROSTY PAWS. We should eat them ALL DAY. On the bed. In the air conditioning. That's my stay-cool plan.
Stay cool in all ways Ruby!
P.S. Thanks for nominating my picture, Ruby! You're a true pal.
Only 80s here. But breezy. And I stay inside on the cool floor.
Good of you to post the article. Always worth reminding our humans.
Cool Pippa
It's NEVER that hot here in the UK! Still, it wouldn't hurt my owner J1 to get making Frosty Paws, just in case! J x
woah...100... thats crazy weather... go for a dip in the tub...hehehhe... hot looking shades btw..
Hi Ruby,
I almost didn't recongnize you with those DIVA shades. You look like a movie star!
From one hip chic to another....
Stay cool-
Wow, I thought it was hot here in Los Angeles... maybe 90 but 100 - yikes!
Keep cool baby,
We are lucky in England, it never really gets too hot or too cold. Fancy a trip to old Blighty?
Oscar x
I like your pink glasses, Ruby! My Mom doesn't like the heat but I love it! I want to play, play, play outside but Mom makes me come inside with the AC.
Woo Ruby... I am with you! I don't like the hot weather. I stay inside where it is cool!!!
dear ruby,
i think it's time to go for some mud baths!
Wowf! love those sunglasses!
Don't worry Ruby.. me and my pawrents are staying indoors for now. This heat wave is too much ei?
They're also careful transporting me from home to car as they are afraid of me getting heat stroke. My pawrents are so babying me!
Hey Ruby, my country's always HOT! No way we can change our weather here... It's sooo booooring! Wish it will snow here one day. That will be a lot of FUN! At least for a change huh...!? I think here is also about 100 degrees over. VERY hawt! But it's also raining a lot... Sooo irritating!
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
I saw the cool gifts you sent Suki, you are such a good friend.
Frenchie SNorts
Oh my mom watches me like a hawk when it gets hot. I'm not allowed to go outside as long as Flash and I think that is unfair but mom says it is because I don't do heat as well as him.
need any ice cubes??
Awesome shades Ruby! You are so stylin'
~Pug Hugs~