Weekend Update...meetup & pawty!

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Oh my...what a busy weekend. Where to start...

On Friday night Mom and I went to PetCo but we didn't buy anything! Isn't that silly? Oh, wait, we bought a bottle of water? What's up with that?!?!?! We went there to do some practice training...boring! Actually it's not boring at all, I get SOOOOO excited and that is the point, Mom wants me to be a little calmer when we visit shops. Doesn't she understand...it's like going to doggie Disneyland! I did score some cookies from the nice man at the counter when we were leaving so it was an ok trip.

On Saturday me, Mom and Auntie Yvette went to the SABTSC monthly meetup. We didn't go last month so I was really excited to go and see some of my friends. There were over 20 Bostons there!!! Can you believe it??? We only got one picture...it's of my pal LuLu. She looks quite beautiful, don't you think???

It was really hot and while hanging by the doggie pool I met up with what I thought was my twin...another brindle Boston named George! I thought I was the only brindle Boston around my neck of the woods...but NO! There's George. I guess he was cute enough, but he did have a doofus dot on the top of his head and you know what that means don't ya??? I wouldn't let Mom take any pictures of him because I'm the only brindle Boston she needs to have pictures of!!!

Also at the meet up I met some kind of ornery terriers who let me share their water...that is until I ran away with their water dish, ahem, twice! Silly hoomans just leaving it there! It was on the ground just waiting for me to run away with it!!!

After the park it was a nap time for me and laundry time for Mom. Mom also baked...a lot! Some more of the Banana Mutt cookies and Nanook's Mom's Salmon cookies. OMdog they were delish!!! And the smell...absolute doggie heaven!!! (Ruby's Mom: Vanessa was right...it smelled like a fish market all night). Mom made a whole bunch of cookies. You know why...well it was for our Pawty on Sunday!!!

Aside from the monthly BT meetup we have, we also have a weekly one too. Only a few doggies regularly come, but it's a chance to get out. So my Mom and my friend LuLu's Mom planned a barkday pawty for all the pups whose barkday's fell within April, May or June. I lucked out because my barkday is in April and my Rubiversary (that is what I'm calling the day I came to live with my Mom) is in June. Also celebrating birthdays were LuLu, Brendie and Chili. Chili's not a BT, but we like her and her brother Boo a lot so we included them too.

Here are some photos from the pawty...

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After the pawty it was home for a bath (yuck) and for my Mom to start cooking again. Unfortunately not for me this time. She's making lazyonya (Ruby's Mom: Lasagna!) again for a end of Sopranos party she's going to - whatever that means. I'm not sure if I get to go or not. For now I think I'll just go nap to rest up just in case.

Oh, almost forgot...Mom went and entered a photo of me for the SPCA Photo Contest - vote for me...please. Oh and vote for my friends too...Ike and Martha!


26 Responses to "Weekend Update...meetup & pawty!"

Anonymous said... 2:09 PM

Woo Ruby!! We will definitely go vote for you at the SPCA contest!!! Hey, that pawty looked very fun!

Joe Stains said... 3:22 PM

oh my that lulu is just adorable. it is too hot here for us to have a meetup agian, but in a few months we will have one!

Duke said... 4:19 PM

I like the idea of sampling all the cookies BEFORE the pawty just to make sure they're edible! yummmmmmm

Love ya lots,

wally said... 4:44 PM

Awe-some! What a great pawty! When we have parties around here it's usually just stupid apes. But they eat/drop a lot of food so that's ok. And there may be another brindle boxer but I'm sure it's no Ruby!


Peanut said... 5:29 PM

I want to go to a meet up. They don't have those around here. :( I voted for you and Ike and Martha.

Boo Casanova said... 6:59 PM

oops! i hope george brain size is bigger than his dot on the head! i thought tanner was special with the dot, let's see what joey gonna say about this.

wet wet licks


Emily and Ike said... 7:44 PM

Thanks for the shout-out! I love the sleeping pic of you and gave it as many stars as they would let me.

Bella said... 10:57 PM

Hi Ruby,
What a busy weekend you have had - so much social time & that's really great - Good lukc in the photo comp.

Oscar's mummy and daddy said... 1:24 AM

Wow, what a weekend of socialising you had Ruby! Sounds like the best fun, you lucky girl.

Oscar x

umekotyan said... 5:40 AM

It is many of a happy photograph.
I also love wonderful photograph :)

from loved ume tyan

Amber-Mae said... 7:41 AM

Hey Ruby, I'll vote for you, Ike & Martha tomorrow! Promise!!! Hope one of you guys win... Hehe!

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Luckie Girl said... 7:48 AM

Hey Ruby,
That is so cool!! You get to meet your BT friends so regularly....

Asta said... 8:58 AM

Ruby, I'm soo jelous, that looks like the bestest time ever!
There's no pawties like that for WFTs around here, maybe I could disguise myself as a BT and come to yours, heheheheheh
I went and voteded for you wight away!
My Mommi watched those speranos too, and she was mad at the end, geez, why do hoomans watch stuff that makes them mad?
smoochie kisses

Ferndoggle said... 11:19 AM

We'll vote for you for SURE!

Tell your Mom never to make the Salmon cookies with Jack Mackerel. She'll have to evacuate the house because of the smell!!! Gross


Lorenza said... 11:48 AM

Hi, Ruby.
Sure it was a very bussy weekend. so glad you had tons of fun!
I've voted for you! I hope you win. Good luck.
Have a nice day

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said... 12:04 PM

I am so pleased you had a good and very fun weekend!

Good luck!

love and licks, Marv xxxx

Anonymous said... 12:59 PM

Lulu sure is a cutie!!! I wish we had meet-ups around here...!

I'm gonna go vote for you now!

Tadpole said... 1:00 PM

How do you get your mom to cook?!?!

Katherine and Pippa said... 1:36 PM


I am worn out just reading your post.

Ooof. Pippa needs a lie-down.

But when I get up I will vote for ya. :)


Pugsley, Buster, Cricket & Daisy said... 3:06 PM

Glads you had a fun weekend. Your meet ups sound like a lot of fun!! Snort. Snort. Pug hugs, Pugsley, Buster and Cricket

Unknown said... 3:08 PM

Have your Mommy explain the Sopranos to you. It's not a bed time story. I hope you got Italian leftovers (mmm good!)

coco said... 4:07 PM

Hi Ruby!!
Thanks for adding me to your links! You're on mine too!

The pawty sounds like it was fun! I love other doggins. But I'm not too sure about the 20 Bostons all together. Fig thinks I'm a chew toy, and not to judge a whole breed on that psycho, but I have a feeling there may have been a few there who'd like to eat me. =)


Anonymous said... 4:29 PM

So did you get Georgie's number to hook up later? That must have been sooooo cool!

That pawty sounds like a pawsome good time to me!


Liza said... 5:31 PM

Wow - over 20 Boston's how nifty!! Also we love that beautiful drop picture and BTW happy one year day!!

We love stopping by and reading all your adventures.

Have a happy week - Dory

Girl Girl Hamster said... 6:35 PM

Hey Ruby, your friend Lulu is cute. What a fun pawty you had

~ girl girl

Gwyn Valentine said... 8:07 AM

Hi Ruby,

Sounds like a wonderful weekend!
It is very hot here in Singaopre too!
Georgie really do look like you!
Just as cute!
