New Blogging Buddy

Monday, June 04, 2007

Hey Everydoggies...
I have some great news! My French Bulldog friend Bernard has finally started his own blog!!! He's a really fun pup...I play with him whenever I can...but I have to admit, I'm a little too crazy for him sometimes and make him tired! You know me and all my crazy running!!!

Here's a picture of him...isn't he a hunk??? He's going to have lots of girlfriends in no time!

I've told Bernard how friendly everyone is so make sure you stop by and say hi!


33 Responses to "New Blogging Buddy"

Oscar's mummy and daddy said... 11:26 AM

Wowie,Bernard certainly is handsome! I'll go and say hello now!

Oscar x

Balboa said... 11:34 AM
This comment has been removed by the author.
Balboa said... 11:35 AM

Mommy jsut deleted my comment. I DON"T KNOW WHY???

All I wrote was.......

WOW! A Frenchie Just like me.

Katherine and Pippa said... 12:05 PM

hey Ruby I'll go see him too, but is he fierce?

He looks it, and I just want to be friends.

Ruffs Pippa

Unknown said... 12:10 PM

Hi Ruby,

Where's his nose?!?!!?!> just kidding, my ma wants to snuggle and kiss him allll over


Lorenza said... 1:21 PM

Hi, Ruby.
Thanks for telling us about Bernard. I went to his blog to say Hello. Sure he is fun.
Have a nice day

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said... 1:44 PM

Hi Ruby! I will call in on his blog right now! I love to make new pals!

love n licks, Marv xxxxxx

Duke said... 2:00 PM

We're on our way! Thanks for letting us know Ruby!

Love ya lots,

Lizzy said... 4:17 PM

He's really cute! He's got a nice blog. :)


Joe Stains said... 5:38 PM

we will hop right on over there to say hi to that frenchy!

Anonymous said... 6:08 PM

Bernard is very handsome! I am taken by Ike but I hope Bernard finds his own special someone. :)

Sharon said... 6:29 PM

Ruby, You sure know how to pick the good looking guys!

Boo Casanova said... 6:55 PM

hey ruby, i'm going over to bernard's blog now to welcome AND warn him not to take my girls away! hehehe.

wet wet licks


Luckie Girl said... 8:13 PM

Oh gosh! A new friend... :) I go over and say Hi now.

Sophie Brador said... 8:13 PM

You got it Rubes! But do you really want to share this handsome fella with all the girls?

Asta said... 9:30 PM

Hi Ruby,
Tell your Mommi that anywhere you are is the bestest place on earth,and if she misses NY you should both come visit.
What a handsome boy Bernard is, is he your boyfwiend?..going to go say hi to him
love you

Simba and Jazzi said... 2:16 AM

More competition for Boo.

Simba xx

Amber-Mae said... 3:01 AM

I just visited his bloggy! We got a new Doofus in the house!!!

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Ferndoggle said... 5:45 AM

Any friend of yours Ruby, is a friend of ours! He's cute a handsome little devil. Look out Balboa...there's a new Frenchy on the block!

Sherman, Penny & Lola

FleasGang said... 8:35 AM

Hi Ruby! Bernard IS very handsome. The girls are gonna go say hello to him now. :-)

The FleasGang

Gwyn Valentine said... 8:42 AM

He has got the
"Doncha dare mess ard with me look" Bet all girls will feel safe walking beside him :p


Stanley said... 10:37 AM

Ruby Girl!

Your buddy, Bernard, looks like quite the stud! I'll definitely be stopping by to extend the paw of friendship!

Thanks for introducing him to us!

Goob love,

Tadpole said... 10:43 AM

What a handsome doggin! He is going to be my new friend, I just decided.

Anonymous said... 10:45 AM

He's a cutie! Not as cute as Balboa, though! ;-) I think you should grab him up, Ruby, before all the other gals swarm all over him!

Quinvale AstaLaVista Baby said... 11:39 AM

G'day Ruby,

Bernard looks like a fun pal!

xxx Asta down under

wally said... 12:07 PM

I visited Bernard! He is totally hubba hubba (pardon my non-French).


Anonymous said... 12:14 PM

oh my dogness.. he is SOOO cute!!

Duke and Gidget said... 3:20 PM

Thanks for telling us about Bernard's blog Ruby. We're headed over now to check it out.

~Pug Hugs~

Sir Chance-Lot said... 4:59 PM

Aww he is the cutest too.
Thanks for stopping by today Ruby

Bogart H. Devil said... 7:55 PM

What a handsome guy! He's got great ears!!!


Emily and Ike said... 8:57 PM

He's almost as handsome as me!

Billy (YES Casanova!!!) said... 4:54 AM

Oh he is cute Ruby. We will drop by and say hello tonight:)

BIG hugs from Billy Boo:)

Bernard Hinault Lilje said... 7:07 PM

Thank you for including us in such good company---your friends are just pawsibly the greatest!!!