Let's Play Fetch!

Sunday, June 17, 2007

I sometimes wonder about my Mom. For as smart and geeky as she is, the simplest of things she can't seem to figure out. Take her 5+ year old camera. Sure, it follows me around and takes pictures, but guess what? It ALSO takes movies too! Did my Mom know this? She said she did, but if so why did it take her so long to post my VERY FIRST VIDEO????

OK, it's not the best cinematography (thanks Mom), and the film editor (Mom again) still has some learning to do, but the star (um, Me) is right on the mark!

So it's definitely not going to win a F.I.D.O, but you can see I have talents...I can run fast - this is not as fast as I really can go. Mom says I can only do that in the park. Oh and I can play fetch really well...but I'm still learning how to give the ball back! But you probably caught that didn't you?

Now that Mom has figured out the whole camera thing, I'm pretty sure you'll see some more movies real soon...at least I hope you will!


30 Responses to "Let's Play Fetch!"

Lorenza said... 9:05 PM

Hi, Ruby.
I don't want to ruin your premiere but I can't see your video! Maybe its my mom's computer!

Joe Stains said... 11:16 PM

you have awesome moves and speed, us bostons rule!

Boo Casanova said... 11:27 PM

ruby, finally see you in action. u are one active boston. i'm learning how to give whatever i'm fetching back to my hooman too.

wet wet licks


Katherine and Pippa said... 1:29 AM

You wonder about your mom? You aren't the only one.

Cool vid of you though.

You won't get to see me in action like that.

Even tho' mistress can use the movie option, I don't rush about.


Girl Girl Hamster said... 1:58 AM

Woh Ruby, you sure can run super fast. I hope to see more videos of you

~ girl girl

Duke said... 2:17 AM

Wow! Look at you move and jump! Good goin' Ruby!

Love ya lots,

wally said... 2:52 AM

Hey Ruby! Great close-ups. You're better than ME at fetching, that's for sure. Also well-done figuring out the camera. You know what they say about old dogs and new tricks!


ps. We've been doing BARF for a couple of months and it works well for us. We did well on kibble, too, though. Whatever works for you!

Amber-Mae said... 4:18 AM

Oh indeed, you're a fast runner & catcher! I can do that... But I can fetch things for mommy too but sometimes I'm too stubborn to let the ball for for mommy to take it. That's why now my bottom teeth are jutting out coz mommy always try to pull the ball out of my mouth & as a result, I got oogly teeth! I need braces! Hehehe...

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Suki & Joey said... 4:34 AM

Cool, Ruby! You are so fast, man...I can go pretty fast, too, but usually when I'm chasing the cats...hehehe!

I like your house; I can't wait till we have a fireplace one day. You don't really need them here in FL! Oh, and you should be getting your prezzies either today or tomorrow :)

Puggy kisses

Gwyn Valentine said... 4:45 AM

Wow Ruby, U sure can LEAP!
I will never in my life be able to leap like that :S
And i realise you have really big sparkling eyes!


umekotyan said... 5:34 AM

Ruby is wise. The ball is quickly gripped, and it brings it at the speed of no
stay in eyes. :)

from loved ume tyan

Jessica said... 5:34 AM

You are one fast Boston Ruby and talented too.

Our Mom needs to learn how to post video.

Love, Seadra and Zoe

Ferndoggle said... 5:49 AM

I think your Mom & my Mom were separated at birth! It took her forever to figure out how to make movies. And she has about 25 videos of me playing fetch.

You are a very fast Boston Ruby!!


Roxie, Sammy, Andy and Shermie said... 5:59 AM

Ruby you sure can run and jump and chase down that ball. It must be a magic ball because it changed from blue to red! We hope we get to see lots more movies of you in ACTION!!

Roxie, Sammy & Andy

Buster the Wired Fox Terror said... 6:26 AM

I love to play run for it then let them try to get it from me!!!!

Bussie Kissies

Peanut said... 6:48 AM

You can sure move fast. I understand what you mean about moms. Mine has a camcorder but can't figure out how to get it connect to the computer. She is worthless sometimes.

Pugsley, Buster, Cricket & Daisy said... 7:03 AM

Wowzer, wowzer, wowzer. You gots you a cool video there pup!! We loves it. xoxoPugsley, Buster and Cricket

Duke and Gidget said... 8:23 AM

Awesome video Ruby, you sure are fast!

Thanks for wishing me a happy birthday. I really appreciate it!

Pug Hugs ~ Duke

kaui said... 10:07 AM

hi ruby! i do the same thing to my mom too! she would throw me something but i refuse to give it back! haha! lets keep teasing our moms!

Toby said... 10:22 AM

Hey Ruby,

That was a great 1st Motion Picture!! Four paws up for your Mommy! Can't wait for more to come!~


Anonymous said... 10:38 AM

Wow Ruby you're really fast!

Oscar's mummy and daddy said... 11:07 AM

Hey Ruby, wow you can really move! It's cool to see you in a video, look forward to more.

Oscar x

Frasier said... 11:19 AM

Its was great Ruby ! I love the part where your eye was in my face!!!
Mommy said the video things bring out a dogs personality right off the pages off the blog...whatever that means
She still has not figured stuff like that out so it will be years befor you see me in action

Unknown said... 12:22 PM

Miss Ruby Bleu, you have awesome speeds and despite what you say about your mom... it was very clear that she did a great job capturing the *STAR* Miss Ruby Bleu!!!


Tadpole said... 12:30 PM

Woot! Look at you run and whip around and twirl! You're awesome!

Anonymous said... 12:45 PM

Woo Hoo Ruby! It is great to see you in action. You can run fast! Your mom will have to get some video of you running outside :) What were you doing with your ball? Putting it in the window?

Avery said... 1:33 PM

You are super fast. And quite a quick jumper too. I have to say, my favorite part of the movie was when you sniffed the camera! I love the close-up of your cute little eye and the sound effects of your sniffing. Can't wait to see your next feature film!


Sophie Brador said... 5:08 PM

Rubeeeeeeee, Your modest is too much. Not only are you on the mark, you are a sooooooper star!

Stanley said... 7:32 PM


Love the close up of your fish eye at the beginning of the vid! It's like you're telling us all, "I've got my EYE on you!!!"

Way to go Ruby's mom. My girl finally realized she had video too after she had the camera for over a year. (Does anybody ever read a manual anymore?)

Your Goob,

Jackson's J1 and J2 said... 9:33 AM

Love the video, Ruby. A star in the making! J x