Sleepy Sunday #8

Sunday, February 21, 2010

On this sleepy sunday, I celebrate my Macky! Isn't he just the handsomest??? Well, if you've visited his bloggy you know our news...that's right I've accepted his proposal - W00t! No date is set yet...but of course you will all be invitered!!!!


9 Responses to "Sleepy Sunday #8"

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said... 7:07 AM

I know woo have SOOOOOOO made his day his week his month his year his life!


Gus said... 8:11 AM

Congratulations to both of you. Never was a sweeter couple ('cept me n My Miss Snickers, of course)


Mack said... 9:01 AM

DOubLe WoOt!

I made the Sleepy Sunday!!

And Khyra is right - This is the best news of my entire doggy life!

Lorenza said... 1:20 PM

Happy Sleepy Macky Sunday!
Kisses and hugs

Duke said... 3:49 PM

Pleasant dreams, Ruby! We know who you will be dreaming about! Congrats to you and Mack!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Dexter said... 4:03 PM

Mack must have fainted when you said yes.


Lacy said... 8:21 PM

w00fs, geesh, me readed that, dont know what me wuz thinkin...hope u and macky will b very happy...

b safe,

Life With Dogs said... 9:57 PM

Whoa, I had no idea! Huge congrats to you two! :)

Emily and Ike said... 2:02 PM

He almost rivals my handsomeness!