I am a Material Girl

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Have you pups checked this out...Dogster has a "Which celebrity is your pet " quiz. It's a little test where you see who you are. Guess who I am? Well, at first I was not happy...well not until I actually read why AND found out that one of my best Diva Girlfriends Bella the Boxer got the same answer. So drum roll please...

What celebrity would your pet be? I'm Madonna! Find out at Dogster.com

Here's what they said...


American Queen

Come on, let's just face it: We are living in a material world, and RubyBleu is a material girl. So go ahead and thank your lucky stars—RubyBleu is the one and only Madonna!

Always desperately seeking attention (SO not true, ok, well maybe a little), RubyBleu is multi-talented (YES) and savvy (YES), not afraid to get her paws dirty (Very true, I do love mud) and experiment with new methods of getting into the groove (Oh yeah!) in order to reach her peeps (and I DO have lots of peeps - and no, not those little yellow ones either!). She commands respect everywhere she goes, a sophisticated traveler (I do have my own plane) who insists upon the best—and more often than not, she gets what she wants (Who, me?). Appearance is everything for your true-blue diva (well I am a diva and proud of it!) and while her look may change as often as the Pellegrino in her water bowl does, her commitment to exercise (I do like to run) is unwavering. RubyBleu's in tip-top shape, which makes her age in pet years a non-issue (EXACTLY). Despite the hard fur and the no-nonsense approach, she's a softy when it comes to her devoted owner. It's fair to say that RubyBleu is, yes, crazy for you (It's true, I woof you Mom).

OK, so maybe this isn't so far off - except for the fact that I don't have Madonna's million-zillion-quadrillion dollar fortune. Now how could I go about getting me some of that? Any ideas? I'm certainly NOT going to do what Tanner did...that's for sure. Wait, didn't Madonna do that too? Well I'm certainly NOT going to do THAT!!! No Way!!!

I do have to say though, I still prefer the first celebrity I was compared to better.


17 Responses to "I am a Material Girl"

Gus said... 9:10 AM

Ruby...it is nice to know that some dogs of the Boston T. persuasion have standards. Unlike some we could name, and Teka, who shall remain nameless.


Duke said... 9:19 AM

Madonna is kind of a good choice for you, Ruby!
Mitch and I definitely have to do this!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Moco said... 9:24 AM

You are way too classy for Madonna. I agree that you are closer to Audrey. She is timeless and I can see that in you also.

Petra said... 12:33 PM

Maybe there's a slight resemblance to Madonna, but you look just like Audrey!

I took the test, too, and it says I am like Angelina Jolie. Hum...I don't know about that, either.

Mack said... 12:39 PM


I think you are more like Audrey Hepburn to me. Except classier.

Bye sweetie,

Pug(s) and Bugg said... 12:43 PM

We did this quiz too and posted a few days ago!!! Our friend ALSO named Ruby commented- SHE GOT MADONNA TOO! She's not a blog dog though, just a puppy. Anyways I was Oprah, and Dixie was Ellen DeGeneres. Go read all about it! :)

Harry said... 12:51 PM

I think you do have a lot of Madonna's qualities, the good ones that is!

Toodle pip
Harry x

Clover said... 12:52 PM

Hi Ruby!
Oh, that description seems fitting!
I did the quiz and I am Angelina Jolie! I will post about it this week. :)
Love Clover xo

Joe Stains said... 2:21 PM

yes Ruby, please do not do what Tanner did. Now I don't think you would look bad at all but its just not something you should do!!! Not that I wouldn't mind seeing the photos. or. Wait, I gotta go...

Noah the Airedale said... 2:44 PM

I did the quiz Ruby. I'm George Clooney. Pinky seemed really happy with that lol.

Hugs and tail wags

Lorenza said... 8:18 PM

Hi, Ruby!
Material girl?? No way!
Like you said, I prefer your first celebrity too!
Kisses and hugs

Amber-Mae said... 9:56 PM

You're really like Madonna! I tried this two days back & I am Gwen Steffani. What they say was true. I'm a STAR but inside me, I'm just a girl like everybody else. Hee!

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Simba and Jazzi said... 1:16 AM

Hehe that is funny. You are way younger then Madonna though.

Simba x

Noah the Airedale said... 11:10 AM

Hi Ruby
Could you please reserve 4 seats on aireruby for Pearl & Opals skating pawty (we met Pearl in the chatroom last weekend). Also for Snowball & Blues pawty.
Many thanks.

Noah Willow Tess & Lucy

Lizzy said... 5:00 PM

I guess you weren't that far off after all! But you'll never guess who I am... I'm that Simon dude from American Idol! I don't that I'm as mean as him though, am I?


Stanley said... 7:20 AM

Ruby Girl!

You are MUCH classier and prettier than Madge! (Stella came out the same as you - they told me I was Simon Cowles.)

You are definitely more Audrey Hepburn!

Goober love & smooches,

Bella the Boxer said... 9:21 PM

Madonna has nothing on you. You are the true "American Queen"!!

xoxo - Bella