Taking off...

Monday, April 07, 2008

Well, aside from sleeping yesterday which you all know I did, I also spent the day plotting our course. There are lots of pups to pick up today - whew. Aire Ruby is ready and raring to go - W00t! We are going to have so much fun and I know Asta will be SOOOO surprised too!

By the way, this is my last post before I am officially TWO! Can you believe it? I don't feel a day over ONE - hee hee hee. What with all the traveling and Mom abandoning me tonight I won't be able to post until Friday. I know you pups won't forget me because I'll be with you for part of the time...the other part I'll be hanging with my home-girl Auntie Yvette.

So keep a look out...I'm on my way...


30 Responses to "Taking off..."

Martha said... 8:31 AM

Happy birthday, Ruby! You don't look a day over 1. Love, Martha

Mack said... 8:38 AM

Oh Ruby,

You in that pilot's hat is almost more than I can take...I better sit down...you're just toooo sexy.

I hope you get my package before your mom leaves! It should get there today.

Love and sugars,

Petra said... 8:42 AM

Happy Birthday, Beautiful Two Year Old! I know it will be a great one, however you celebrate.

And Ruby, you look so distinguished in your hat. I will feel very safe flying with you in command and I CAN'T WAIT TO GO!

Duke said... 8:52 AM

Love that pilotess hat, Ruby! We're hoping to meet you in the sky before we both have to land!
See you at Asta's & happy birthday in advance!
Fly safe!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Peanut said... 8:58 AM

Great hat. Poor Mack couldn't stand it hahaha. We are waiting for you to come get us. :)

Lacy said... 9:23 AM

woofies and burfs ruby, me iz in da yard watchin fur u...and u lookies super dooper sexy in ur hat...happy early barkday...

b safe,

Emily and Ike said... 10:43 AM


Gus said... 10:48 AM

Oh my! Love the Hat!

Happy Birthday.

See you soon.

Kisses Gussie

Moco said... 12:03 PM

You look so professional. How could anyone not feel safe flying with you.
Happy Birthday to you, no matter where you are.

Anonymous said... 2:15 PM

Woot Woot! Ruby.. you look pawsome in your pilot's hat!!

Nessa Happens said... 3:53 PM

Hey bring everyone by NJ while you're in the area!!! We still have left-over birthday bone here!


Nanook and Pooka

Dexter said... 4:17 PM

Ruby -
Thanks for a-comma-dating my most large and handsome self on your flight to NYC.


P.S. You sure are stylin in your uniform.

Two Schnauzers from New England said... 5:48 PM

Hi, Ruby -

Happy birthday! We are so excited to meet everyone. You look very spiffy and stylish in your pilot hat.

Love -

Hershey and Kaci

Joe Stains said... 6:24 PM

You are the best pilot ever, and you aren't even 2 yet, amazing!

Lorenza said... 6:41 PM

Hi, Capitan Ruby!
You look great with your hat!
I am waiting for you!
Kisses and hugs

Ben & Darling said... 11:14 PM

Happy Barkday Ruby!!

Are we too late for this?? Any space to stuck another 4 of us & some cooking tools??

Harry said... 1:06 AM

Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday dear Ruby
Happy birthday to you

Enjoy your 2nd birthday sweet girl.

Toodle pip
Harry x

Stanley said... 3:03 AM

Ruby Girl!

I just LOVE a girl in uniform. YOWZA!

I bet this birthday will be a great one for you Rubes! And really, you don't look a day over 9 months.

Goober love & birthday smooches,
Your Stanny

umekotyan said... 5:19 AM

Good evening ruby.
Congratulations on the birthday.
Wonderful time with the safety flight. :)

from loved ume tyan

Clover said... 5:50 AM

Ruby, I loooove your Captain hat! You look very cute and stylish!
Happy Birthday tomorrow....yaaaay!
Love Clover xo

Simba and Jazzi said... 8:13 AM

Happy Barkday. Love the hat.

Simba x

Asta said... 2:51 PM

Happy Birfday!!!
I just got in...thank you so much fow bwinging evewyone to my house!!!
I want to celebwate you in style!!!
You look like an eight momf old puppy giwl..how do you do it???what's youw secwet???
Come sit next to me and tell me all...oh and let's get a dwink..I'm pawched...those othew aiwelines don't know how to tweat passengews..
smoochi ekisses

Anonymous said... 3:58 PM

Jee willikers... you will certainly be busy!

You look absolutely smashing in you captain's hat! :-)

Hammer said... 5:33 PM

Hi Ruby
This is a beautiful photo of you.
We wish you A VERY HAPPY BARKDAY TODAY !!! Hope you have a pawsome day. You sure are a very busy girl right now.
Love from Hammer

The Cat Realm said... 10:36 PM


Amber-Mae said... 12:21 AM

Happy Barkday Ruby girl! Woooot!!!

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Girl Girl Hamster said... 12:45 AM

Happy Barksday to you Ruby. Hope you get lots of treats and presents on your special day

~ Girl girl

Unknown said... 3:01 AM

happy barksday to you ruby....
we hop you have a grate day...
a big hug

Noah the Airedale said... 3:54 AM

Thanks for picking us up Ruby. We love to fly with you. You're the best pilot we know.
Happy happy barkday to you. We hope you have the best time at the pawty.

Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy

Juno said... 2:06 PM

You look very very good, Ruby!! :)

Momo & Pinot