More Prezzies and the V.E.T.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Well apparently it's still my barkday because I'm still getting prezzies - W00T! I gots some awesome treats, a squirrel and a bootiful purse from my Nanny and Auntie Pearl. Nanny gots the purse from her vacation to South Carolina. It is very stylish and pawfect for spring - hee, hee, hee. Thanks Nanny and Pearly-Girl!


Next up was a prezzie from that terrific trio of terriers - Scruffy, Lacie and the cutie, cute, cute Babystan! Look at all these snackies and there were some squeakies too. Mom was having such a hard time getting me to pose because everything smelled so pawsome!!! Thanks was so very thoughtful of you!


On Saturday, Mom took me back to the dogtor to check on my athlete's paw. They just love me at Hazel Ridge and I get LOTS of yummy treats. Dr. Rebecca said my paws are looking better, but that the icky yeasty was still there :( Also, they had to steal some of my blood to check to make sure that the medicine I was taking wasn't hurting my liver. So the vampire nurse stole my blood and I was a really, really good girl and gave her kisses even tho' she was stealing from me. Well, Dr. Rebecca said that my blood looked as good as I did - of course! So no more medicine just in case, Mom just has to use the other medicine to wash my paws. Oh well...I sure hope this yeasty leaves soon. It is totally overstaying its welcome!!!



22 Responses to "More Prezzies and the V.E.T."

Clover said... 6:16 AM

Hi Ruby!
Your gifts look pawesome! You are going to have a great snackie supply for a while! :)
Sorry your yeasty is still there, but I hope it goes away quickly!!
Love Clover xo

Mack said... 7:39 AM

Beautiful Wonder Rubes,
You are so brave going to the vet and giving Count Vlad kisses. I am so proud of you. Now I hate my vet - after what she did to me last time!

So glad your blood came back normal.
You rock lady!
Sugars for the brave Ruby,

Duke said... 8:08 AM

OMG, that purse is totally YOU, Ruby! What nice gifties you received for your birthday!
Our paws are crossed that your yeasty goes away soon! You're right - enough is enough!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Petra said... 12:08 PM

That last picture of you is almost as cute as the one where you are reflecting, Ruby Bleu.

I'm glad your liver is okay, and now your yeasty paws have to get better.

Cassidy said... 12:20 PM

Aw, you look so wistful in that last photo Ruby, and oh so cute. Me be glad you no has to take any more medicine.

Cassidy x

Agatha and Archie said... 12:33 PM

Oh that purse is so stlylish!!!! Glad no more medicine! Love A+A

Anonymous said... 1:31 PM

Glads use liked your prezzies, I have a new purse and so does Sophia, I have a squirel just like yours I wonder if Nanny likes squirels.
Hopes the yeasty leaves real soon.
Hugs, bellyrubs, smoochies

Anonymous said... 4:14 PM

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Lacy said... 5:00 PM

woofies and burfs ruby...dat purse iz totally u...and me hope u gits rid of u athleets feets soon, icthy is not fun...u shure gots a lot of pawsome pressies fur ur barkday...

b safe,

Peanut said... 5:34 PM

Oh we are sorry the yeasties aren't gone yet. TO bad I couldn't come scare them away from your paws

Lorenza said... 6:17 PM

Hi, Ruby!
You got very nice presents!
I hope your paws will be 100% better soon!
Kisses and hugs

Moco said... 6:22 PM

You really got a haul for your birthday. Enjoy all your gifts.
Tell that old yeast to get lost.

Niamh said... 6:32 PM


It is very smart of you to stretch your birthday out for extra days and get more toys and treats!
Hope the blood sucking wasn't too bad and that your little paws are back to normal soon.

Your friend,

Joe Stains said... 6:57 PM

You got some great presents, we LOVE those bark bars!! We hope that stinky yeast leaves you soon!

Huskee and Hershey said... 7:30 PM

Hi Ruby,
Your pressies look awesome! I think the bag is cool.. your nanny and Aunt Pearl's got grrrreat taste!

Amber-Mae said... 7:37 PM

Wow, nice pressies! The yeasty stuff still on your nails? Luckily Faith's has gone off after many many months...

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Bella the Boxer said... 9:54 PM

Sweet pressies, Ruby! Sounds like you had a fabulous birthday (with the exception of the blood-sucking vampire nurse). I hope your athlete's paw gets healed before summertime. After all, open-toed sandals are a diva's best friend!

xoxo - Bella

Girl Girl Hamster said... 11:48 PM

Yeah for the pawsome presents!

~ Girl girl

Kyanite said... 12:52 AM

More pressies!
What a lucky girl you are.
Do hope that yeasty paw problems clears up soon, you never now when you might have to Capt Air Ruby again.

Pats & pets

Simba and Jazzi said... 1:33 AM

What great presents. You are lucky to have so many friends.

Simba xx

Ferndoggle said... 4:53 AM

And the fun just goes on & on....

I have one of those AKC squirrels and LOVE it! It's almost like real.


Stanley said... 7:32 PM

Oh, bodacious Ruby Bug!

You look so FIERCE on the dogtor's table in that last photo. I wouldn't steal ANYTHING from you if you had that expression (except maybe a smooch or two).

Glad your blood is fine. I just hope the athlete's paw is gone... and PRONTO! Do your paws smell kinda cheesey? My angel sissy, Rosie, used to have yeasty skin. My girl could always tell it was yeast because Rosie would start to smell kinda cheesey. Personally, I think that would be a pawsome perfume!

Keep us posted and KEEP CELEBRATING!!

Goober love & more birthday smooches,