Check this's cool!

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

So I found this really neat picture thingy that will take your picture and convert it to either letters or blocks. It's some geeky thing or some sort of nonsense. But look...the pictures are pretty cool!!!


Letters or what geeks call ASCII


Pretty neat, huh? You can try it out at the t.y.p.o.r.g.a.n.i.s.m site.


10 Responses to "Check this's cool!"

Asta said... 3:01 PM

that's weally vewy cool..I'm going to twy it, look good in any style!
do you think ouw Stanney likes us fow ouw belly spots???
I know you'we going to sit next to him on the plane to my pawty..I'm so glad you'we coming..we can take tuwns kisssing him
smoochie kisses

Stanley said... 3:07 PM

Ruby Bug,

Any photo is bootiful as long as your face is in it, girlie!

I'll go check it out. And, I'll get to your tag very soon. I'm thinking on it.

Goober love & smooches,
Your Stanny

wally said... 3:35 PM

WHoa! That's pretty cool and my ma ape can't wait to waste time at work!


ps. I just gave you an "I love your blog" tag! It's not really a tag, just an award chosen by ME.

Duke said... 3:37 PM

That is pretty cool, Ruby! I wonder if you can use this somehow to do a count cross stitch of your face?? hummmmmmmmmm

Love ya lots,

Lizzy said... 5:04 PM

Whoa, that's really cool! I like the letter one!


Lorenza said... 5:55 PM

Hi, Ruby
My mom was thinking the same as Maggie! Sure that will be a cool cross stitch work!
I am going to check that site.
thanks for sharing it!
Have a good night

Myeo said... 12:24 AM

This is so cool. We will check it out later.

Boy n Baby

Suki & Joey said... 3:43 AM

That is the coolerest! I'm going to go try it after my walkies. Man, it's early for walkies, but I'm not complaining! :)

Puggy kisses

Liza said... 8:39 AM

You know Ruby - we saw these photos and immediately thought it was a cool way to make a needle point chart for a photo!!

How cool thanks for sharing. Have a great weekend!!

Dory and Liza

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said... 11:25 AM

Ruby...aside from the counted cross stitch idea which is so cool we had to have a cup of hot chocolate, what do you have around your neck. We know most BT do NOT look like a sheep from the neck down. Hmm...

Confused barks, Scruffy