Pawty Time...

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

I am so very excited about the upcoming DWB 1st Anniversary Pawty this weekend. It's going to be so much fun to chat with all my new friends. Taking a page from Sherman, Penny and Lola, I had my Mom get some pictures ready for the big event.

Here's our, ahem, I mean Mom's office. She usually doesn't let me into the office much. I think it's because she's messy and just doesn't want me to know about it so I don't become messy too. As you can see, she tried to copy my Ferndoggle friends. Jeesh, couldn't she be more original??? I guess she put a little effort into the Bully Stick bouquet.

Here I am patiently waiting for her to let me have one of those yummy hot dog snackies. Oh the agony of waiting....picture after picture. And what is up with the chesse sticks. I'm so sorry, my Mom has much better taste than cheese sticks and Laughing Cow...I promise. She just hasn't gotten to the supermarket yet this week. (I'm so embarrassed)

Here I am checking out the wine selection.
At least my Mom has good taste in wine. This is a Peju (Napa Valley) Syrah. Not bad, not bad, but I'm more of a Reisling kind of pup. Oh, and Wally check it out, you are on my computer screen.

So we are ready to go...well almost, I still don't have a date yet...hmmmm...


15 Responses to "Pawty Time..."

Simba and Jazzi said... 1:49 PM

That all looks yummy. You have to wait a little while longer.

Simba xx

Duke said... 2:25 PM

Did you pop the cork yet? We still have a few days to go! I can't wait!

Love ya lots,

Anonymous said... 4:47 PM

wow, i like your desk area, mean time your picture motivate me to clean up the junk on my desk, thanks! lol

Fu Fu said... 7:12 PM

Hi Ruby, oh you look all ready for the chat. The doggie snacks look yummy. I sure you'll meet lots of nice doggies from the chat

~ fufu

Oscar's mummy and daddy said... 1:14 AM

Wow that's quite an array of snacks you have there, lucky girl! See you at the pawty!

Oscar x

Suki & Joey said... 4:20 AM

I don't think you'd have a problem finding a date, Ruby, what with all those bootiful collars you have!

Hey, if your mom is interested in more collars, tell her that my mommy is waiting for me to finish growing before she gets me a Paco Collar and you should check them out. They're really, really pretty (but not cheap). I think it's or something.

Puggy kisses

Sophie Brador said... 6:42 AM

Hey Ruby, I wish I could come enjoy those snacks with you.

Ferndoggle said... 7:04 AM

Your spread is better than ours! Wahhhhh! Looks like you're all set. Don't forget to email your pics to Miss Sunshade. She's working on a collage of some sort!

Sherman, Penny & Lola

Tadpole said... 8:33 AM

Oh, I wish I could be there.... Everyone will have so much fun and I'll be left out. Poor me.

Anonymous said... 9:59 AM

Hey, your haul is a whole lot better than mine. I get nothing! But I'll be visiting my family, and they sneak me lots of snackies too, so it might not be so bad....

The Brat Pack said... 12:27 PM

That looks wonderful!

Mom is jealous that your desk doesn't look like a pig pen like hers!!

The Brat Pack

Sunshade said... 2:06 PM

Oh Ruby Ruby Ruby, you sure look like you are READY to PAWTY!!!!!

Can't wait to see you there, we got your e-mail, mum just has to update the list. We have SOOOOO many participants you know??

Hey, I love the Laughing Cow cheese, I don't know if you saw my CHAT pawty post, but mum put so many cubes of that laughing cow cheese plus cubes of mozzarella, and I ATE them all!!! STINKY only got a few pieces...hehe..

Love nibbles,
Miss Sunshade

Sunshade said... 2:09 PM

Hi Hi pretty Ruby,

Me is Jaffa. You said said I'm cute cute and handsome handsome, so Sunshade said said I could write write you a comment.

I think you are pretty pretty, I'm shy shy.........

Sunshade said said I can't go go to the pawty, because she signed me up up for a speech therapy class. What's speech therapy??

Nice to meet meet you Ruby, me is Jaffa ok?

STINKY licks,

Emily and Ike said... 8:40 PM

I like to run but I can't really be off leash because my mom is scared that I will run away (even though I totally won't) and I live in a condo so I don't have a backyard but my dad runs me down the block sometimes.

Joe Stains said... 8:39 PM

ooooh that snack plate looks great, I cannot WAIT for this pawty!