I recently discovered that my Mom is a shopper. She L*O*V*E*S to shop online. This has turned out to be quite beneficial to me. In fact just the other day, I got some mail which had 2 new Zoƫ's Collection collars and right after that a new step-in harness and leash from Cetacea. I am one lucky girl.
After modeling my new collars, I looked and realized I have A LOT of different collars! That's kinda crazy when you think about the fact that I only have one neck, right? But I guess to keep up with all you fashion divas out there having different collars to choose from is a necessity. I guess Collars are a Girl's Best Friend, oh that and snackies!
've counted. is it 8 collars you have there? hmmm... so far i only have 3 in 1 year time. one for puppyhood, 1 mom bought when she went for holiday and then she thought tht collar giving me pimples around my neck and bought another one... i demand more collars even tho i'm a boy!
wet wet licks
p/s love that favicon!
My mom is nuts for collars too! And now that we have Mitch, I can see we'll have even more of a collection!
A girl does need different collars for special occassions, don't you think?!
Love ya lots,
Wow, that's a fine selection of collars! I like the "rub my belly" tag. I only have 1, but then I am a boy & not so interested in pretty things!
Oscar x
Ruby - I have a tag like that, but mine says "scratch my bum" - hee! I have a few collars, but not as many as you. I'm not real "girly-girly" I guess.
Oh - I have a proposition for you. It's on my journal.
Aw Ruby - you look so sweet! I wish my sister was more like you. Fig reminds me of a football player, as opposed to a nice, pretty girl.
Nice collar collection, Ruby! I totally understand why you need so many. I think it's like hoomans and shoes. Hehehe.
I have a Fetching Tags tag too! Mine says "Small Dog, Big Heart". Aren't they the coolest? A little expensive, but worth it.
Puggy kisses
Mommy tried to buy me different collars and harnasses, but daddy said guys don't need all that cutie stuff.
But that collar really looks nice on you! wink wink
Frenchie Kisses,
the doofus needs a new collar cuz his is FILTHY!
Wow! You are a clothes horse ... I mean collar horse .... I mean collar dog .... I mean, wow, that's a lot of collars!
Nice collars. I think Snickers needs a new one. Hmmm, what color should we get? When we got her from the shelter, the first thing I did was take off the dirty old thing she was wearing and put on a bright new pretty one. Nothing like a new outfit to make a girl feel wanted!
Sharon and Snickers
Do you have lots of outfits too?