Hanging with Bob and Cooper...

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Wow, what a busy Saturday. I didn't get much sleep last night because I was SOOOO excited about chatting with everyone at the Pawty. But Mom and I got up early---we had lots to do today.

We started our day by making some of those yummy cookies that Joe and Doofus' Mom made. Boy, are they yummy!!! We also made some lazyonya (Ruby's Mom: Lasagna). Then we chatted some with Sophie Brador and Joe Stains. I even got to see Joe and Doofus on a web cam...so cool! After all the cooking and chatting Mom and I went to PetCo to do some shopping.

You see we were going to visit my buddies Bob and Cooper, so I wanted to buy them something special. Bob and Cooper's Mom and Dad, Uncle Mark and Aunt Michele, where on vacation in Hawaii and they missed them so much they were a little sad. So we were going to go and cheer them up. I'm not sure why they couldn't go with them on their trip...don't they let doggies in Hawaii? Anywho, we bought them some yummy rawhide bones and I got a peanut butter filled marrow bone. We were all going to sit by the pool and chew on our bones...a great way to spend a Saturday afternoon, don't you think.?

We got there and boy were the 'Boys' happy to see us, especially me. They were really happy when they saw their bones too! Here's Bob with his bone...doesn't he look happy???

Here's me trying to get the bone from Bob...his bone looked yummier than mine. Not sure why I couldn't get one of those bones??? Why Mom, why?

Bob didn't want to share his bone and kept growling so I went to see Cooper in the garage. He was so happy with his bone. I asked him to share and he said ok, and then we traded his bone for mine. Isn't he sweet???

Here I am with the 'big bone'. I think I know why Mom got me something different...this was just too big to carry around! It's almost as big as I am - ha, ha, ha! But it was really yummy anyway!!!

I'm so excited, I have crazy eyes!!!

Here's a picture of me and Bob from a few months ago...I think we were looking for food that's why we were so serious...sorry for the bad pix quality, it was taken on a mobile phone.

Here is a picture of Bob when he was just a pup...awwww, wasn't he cute? Actually he's still cute. Cooper was cute as a pup too, but I don't have a pix of him.

I just love visiting Bob and Cooper and I think they were happy to have some company. Luckily, Uncle Mark and Aunt Michele come home tonight so the Boys won't be sad anymore.


19 Responses to "Hanging with Bob and Cooper..."

Anonymous said... 6:59 PM

Hi Ruby! Glad you could stop by my blogspot! The DWB chat was SOOOOOO much fun! I might even send my typists back there again today :)

Love and Licks,
Texas (and his humans).

P.S. *sniffs your butt* Pleased to meet you!

Cairo The Boxer said... 10:45 PM

Hey Ruby you are really cute! You look like a mini me. I am a boxer.

Duke said... 1:54 AM

Isn't Petco just the funist! and so is the chat pawty! I can't wait to go back and see who's there today!

Love ya lots,

Suki & Joey said... 4:28 AM

Oh my gosh, that pic of you with the big bone made me laugh SO HARD! LOL!

I think those boys are cute! Remember, the big ones are easy to push around ;)

Puggy kisses

Jackson's J1 and J2 said... 7:03 AM

Hey Ruby, thanks for dropping by my blog. Sorry I missed you at the Pawty, it was fun, wasn't it! J x

Anonymous said... 12:24 PM

Big bone you got there, you sure you can carry it around.. keke

Jessica said... 3:25 PM

Hey Ruby...You must be one strong girl to carry around that bone. I bet you have a hard time trying to hide that one.

Have a yappie day!! Love, Seadra

Oscar's mummy and daddy said... 3:52 PM

Wow, those bones look awesome!

Oscar x

Anonymous said... 4:45 PM

It sounds like an eventful day, Ruby. Bob is pretty cute for a nonBoston. I added you to my links section! Love, Martha

Sophie Brador said... 8:32 PM

Labs are the cutest puppies! I should know :-)

Asta said... 8:44 PM

Thanks for visiting my blog and putting you booootiful picture in my guestbook. It was so nice to meet so many new puppy friends at the pawty this weekend.I'm adding you to my friends list if that'sok with you. I send you lots of smoochie kisses from New York, you're a doll!

Emily and Ike said... 9:57 PM

You look so cool with that big bone!

Fu Fu said... 12:27 AM

Aw.. Bob was such a cute puppy. :) That bone sure is big..

~ fufu

Anonymous said... 9:59 AM

All Bostons deserve bones bigger than they are.

Balboa said... 11:51 AM

I like to play with bigger toys too! That was so nice of Cooper to share.

Frenchie Kisses,

wally said... 1:22 PM

What up Ruby! Nice meeting you at the pawty. Looks like you had an excellent offline pawty, too.


Anonymous said... 7:00 PM

Hi Ruby. Thanks for visiting my blog! Woah, that is one big bone you are carrying around!! Bob was really cute when he was little.

Simba and Jazzi said... 1:15 AM

That bone is going to last forever.

Simba xx

Peanut said... 8:31 AM

Chatting was fun. That bone is the same size you are. haha. Oh looks like Bob and Cooper liked having you there for a visit.