That's right...it's my buddy Asta's barkday--W00t!!! Asta, sweetie, I hope you have a wonderful barkday!!!! You are the bestest buddy a pup-girl could ask for! Have a great day and lots of smoochie kisses from me and Mom!!!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
Hi! My name is Ruby. I am a Boston Terrorist (oops, I mean Terrier) who loves to run, play in mud and eat snackies.
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6:33 AM | 18 Belly Rubs
Awwww Wuby
Thank you so much fow this special Biwfday suwpwise post..you awe a soopew fweind..not just bootiful, but wif a gweat big heawt..I love you and am so happy that we've been able to be fwiends fow all these yeaws..many many mowe I hope!
smoochie kisses
Happy Birthday to Asta!
You chose a beautiful picture of her!
Kisses and hugs
That Asta sure is a nice little gal. I sent her a big birthday smoochie.
What a sweet picture of Asta, Ruby!
We hope she had the most wonderful birthday ever!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Woo hoo Asta! I'm sure she had a great day.
Sheps w/Pep, Otis n' Edgrr
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I want to see youw bootiful face!!!
Did you elope wif Mack and awe doing the gwand toow of the wowld?
I want pictoowes of the most bootiful wuby giwl!!
smoochie kisses
Thank you so much for taking the time to leave words on my blog when I had my scary seizures. I am sure that all the good thoughts that came through the internets scared the seizure monster away and I am feeling great. All the wonderful comments also helped momma to feel less stressy and that means a lot.
hey! your so cute and lovely! ^_^
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Lovely pic of her,v nice shared,thanks alot.
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So sweeet,i love him..
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Happy birth day !!!
I hope you spend a good time and enjoyed a lot.
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Happy bark day..
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happy birthday and bark day.. :)
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Happy Barkday, Asta!!! We hope you enjoy your special day to the fullness. Plenty of new toys coming your way. Thanks for sharing. Have a wonderful weekend.
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