Hi! My name is Ruby. I am a Boston Terrorist (oops, I mean Terrier) who loves to run, play in mud and eat snackies.
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Sleepy Sunday #8
Sunday, February 21, 2010

6:32 AM | 9 Belly Rubs
The Week in Pictures #7
Friday, February 19, 2010

FINALLY!!! We found the thingy that freed the pictures. Unfortunately we discovered there were only a few worthy of sharing - aka my secretary didn't take great photos this week! Have a great weekend my pups - W00t!!!
4:34 PM | 7 Belly Rubs

Do I look a little annoyed? Well it is with good reason. My supposed 'secretary' (and I use that term loosely) seems to have lost the thingy that move the pictures from the camera...oh, and she has also misplaced the thingy that charges the camera battery. Geesh....that means, at least for today, no 'Week in Pictures'. We have some pictures (so at least she's done something) but we just can't get them off the camera!!!! Anyhowl, we'll get them posted as soon as we find the camera thingy. Also, my wonderful Macky got me a sweet Valentine's prezzie...again, no pictures because they are on the camera!!!! I also have some news about me and my Macky....it's good news too! Can you guess what it is about???
7:41 AM | 4 Belly Rubs
Sending some Sibe Vibes...
Monday, February 15, 2010
Please send some healing Sibe Vibes, some major Aire Zen, crossed paws and lots and lots of Loving Licks to Sitka!!! She's very sick, but getting the best possible care. The good news is they know what's up and hopefully how to fix it, but Sitka needs us and so does her Mom, CM and big sis Tia.

Get well soon my fluffy friend!!!
Lots of Loving Licks, Ruby
12:01 PM | 6 Belly Rubs
Sleepy Sunday #7
Sunday, February 14, 2010

Bet you know who I'm dreaming about...Happy Valentine's Day and have a wonderful Sleepy Sunday!
6:00 AM | 7 Belly Rubs
The Week in Pictures #6
Thursday, February 11, 2010

As you can see, I'm getting ready for Valentine's Day. I had Mom mail out a special gift to my Macky and I just got a big envelope from him that I can't wait to open - W00t!
Who's gonna be your Valentine???
9:55 PM | 2 Belly Rubs
Sleepy Sunday #6
Sunday, February 07, 2010

Move along...nothing to see here but a cute little sleepy me...
Have a great SUPER (bowl) Sleepy Sunday!
6:00 AM | 7 Belly Rubs
The Week in Pictures #5
Friday, February 05, 2010

Earlier this week we got a little sun...I almost forgot what it was - hee hee hee. It's back to raining today (and this weekend) and the only good thing about it is MAJOR snuggling with Mom - W00t!
There's also been lots of talkies about a trip...
in July...
without me...
to visit some of your Moms & Dads...
now is that really fair???
5:43 AM | 4 Belly Rubs