Day 6

Saturday, December 19, 2009


On the 6th Post of Christmas I'm going to share with thee...
Finally My Special Ruby Tree!

Hello friends...can you believe it, I'm half way through the 12 posts - W00t!!! Six days in a row's a 2009 record for my Mom! That deserves a W00t - W00t!!!

After deep consultation with my Mom we decided to go 'lite' on the Christmas decorations this year. Between Mom working, all the knitting of the prezzies and me sleepervising there just wasn't much time. Mom was trying to not decorate ANYTHING, but I just wouldn't have it. So we compromised and just put up a few special decorations, our stockings and my Ruby Tree - W00t - W00t - W00t!!! I mean we had to put up my Ruby Tree to show off my brandy new BT hornaments...let's take a look...

First we have this cute little fella...
You may not be able to see from this picture, but he's flat and very very cute. I'm going to dedicate this hornament to Sophie & her Mom in honor of Graham...since he was flat too!

Next we have this one...
He's made of clay and although he doesn't look happy I can totally tell he is...he's just sending ESPn messages to Santa Paws to bring me lots of great prezzies - hee hee hee! Oh and another new addition to my Ruby Tree is lights...can you see them?

Last but not least the most special hornament of 2009...
It's a snowflake...with a Boston!!! Do you know why it is so special??? Well because it was painted by my buddy Emmitt's Mom Melissa!!! It's so soooooooooooo bootiful! I just love it!!! Thanks so much Emmitt & Melissa!!!

And here is my tree...

What do ya think? Do you like it? I just love it!!! Only thing...I think we're gonna need a bigger tree next year...especially if, I mean when, I get any more hornaments!!! W00t - W00t -W00t!!!


13 Responses to "Day 6"

C.l.o.v.e.r. said... 7:06 AM

Ruby, I loooove your tree and your hornaments!! So cute. And we got your card in the mail! Thanks for thinking of us. It's on our fridge! And we love you and your mom too. :)

Pug(s) and Bugg said... 7:21 AM

That is the coolest tree ever!!!!!!!

Mack said... 8:07 AM

Double WoOt!

I think that is the coolest tree EVER!

Maybe I can convince mom to start a BT/Cockermess/Chimix tree for us for next year!


Luv ya,

Archie and Melissa said... 8:20 AM

hi ruby!
oh my gosh! you have the coolest tree ever! we are honored that you put our boston star on it.

you are the best!

m & e

The WriggleButts said... 9:36 AM

What a great tree you have! I should really have mom shopping for black pug ornies, too! Hmpf.. She does have my paw print on there, though..


Duke said... 9:44 AM

Your BT tree is just beautiful, Ruby! We love all of your special ornies!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Gus said... 10:20 AM

Truly Cool tree, with such style and elegance. Minimalism works for you Ruby.


L^2 said... 1:58 PM

Wow, we LOVE your Ruby Tree!

Also, thank you for the pawsome holiday card! We’re having lots of fun getting to know other DWB members.

Happy holidays!

Love and lots of licks,
Stella and Leader Dog Willow

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said... 5:37 PM

Furry furry khool!


Emily and Ike said... 7:30 PM

That Ruby tree is totes pawesome!

Lorenza said... 10:24 PM

Hi, Ruby!
Your tree is beautiful!
Glad your mom decided to put it up!
Kisses and hugs

Dexter said... 3:18 AM

I think a Ruby tree is most appropriate. And why would you ever need any other decorations?

That first one looks a little like Tanner. Maybe you should put a doofus dot on him.


Joe Stains said... 9:24 AM

omdog we love that tree!!!