Day 4

Thursday, December 17, 2009


On the 4th Post of Christmas I'm going to share with thee...
An Award and a Holiday Meme!

Since it is the season of sharing, I'm going to share today's post with my Mom. I'm going to post about this FABULOUS award I found on Winston and Clementine's bloggy and my Mom is going to do one of those silly memes.

First up, me...

And here are the rules:

1. Publish a post on your blog - referring who awarded you.
--- In the spirit of the holiday again, Winston and Clemmie are sharing the award with everypup!!!

2. Share 5 things you like to do .
--- I like to chew on bully sticks
--- I like to run...really, really, really fast
--- I like to eat tissues
--- I like to sleep...particularly on sundays
--- I like to snuggle with my Mom

3. Share or pass this award to 10 friends.
Well, since it is Christmas, just like Winston and Clemmie, I'm going to share with everypup - W00t!!!

I'm going to now turn this over to my Mom for that silly meme of hers...

Ruby's Mom: Ruby stop's not silly.
Ruby: Oh yes it is!!!
Ruby's Mom: Remember Ruby, in 8 day's Santa will be here and he only visits good doggies...and I haven't told him about the pen...yet!
Ruby: Mom, please, don't tell Santa about the pen.
Ruby's Mom: Well then be nice...the meme isn't silly and maybe some of your friends Mom's might want to take it.
Ruby: OK, ahem...Here's my Mom doing a (silly) holiday meme...take it away Mom

Hello everyone!!! Michele here. Hope all is well...I haven't done a meme in a long definitely brought back some memories. If you have the time and your pups let you blog about it, would love for you to share your answers!!!!

1. Eggnog or hot chocolate? Peppermint Hot Chocolate!

2. Does Santa wrap presents or just sit them under the tree? Wrapped

3. Colored lights on the tree/house or white? Tiny white lights on tree...none on house

4. Do you hang mistletoe? No

5. When do you put your Christmas decorations up? They are still not up ;)

6. Favorite holiday dish? Mom's turkey stuffing...only have around Thanksgiving/Christmas. My mint brownies which I ONLY make for Christmas.

7. Favorite holiday memory as a child? The year I got my Mrs. Beasley doll...I still have her (in pieces) in a box in my garage!

8. When did you learn the truth about Santa? There’s no Santa? Really???

9. Do you open a gift on Christmas Eve? As kids, we could always open one gift on Christmas Eve and the rest on Christmas day. I still do that.

10. How do you decorate a tree? With lots of different types of ornaments. No two the same. When I travel or friends travel, I ask them to bring me something back so I have LOTS of very fun and unique ornaments.

11. Snow! Love it or dread it? I live in CA now to be away from the snow!!!!

12. Can you ice skate? Many, many, many, many years ago...I thought I was Dorothy Hamill, but I really wasn't. Not even close. I could barely stand up (LOL)

13. Do you remember your favorite gift? See question #7

14. What is the most important thing about the holidays to you? Right now, getting some much needed time off!

15. What is your favorite holiday dessert? my mint brownies

16. What is your favorite holiday tradition? Eating bagels, lox and potato perogies on Christmas Eve...a blending of my Mom and Dad's families.

17. What tops your tree? When the tree is up either a Tweety Bird angel OR a Tazmanian Devil angel...I alternate ;)

18. Which do you prefer-Giving or Receiving? Giving...and as long as they come out nice, I like to make something...seems more personal.

19. Favorite Christmas song? Carol of the Bells, but the instrumental, not with vocals.

20. Candy Canes-Yuck or Yum? YUM!!!

21. Favorite Christmas show? Charlie Brown Christmas...I can so relate to Charlie Brown!

22. Saddest Christmas song? I wouldn't say it was the saddest, but Silent Night always makes me cry for some reason

Now back to Ruby...


Thanks very enlightening ;)

I wanted to take a quick moment today and send my love and licks (Mom's too) over to
Sophie and her Mom. Her adorable flat brother Graham crossed the bridge yesterday. He was only with them a short time, but that short time was filled with tons love and many adventures! No more wobbling free my flat friend, run free!!!


7 Responses to "Day 4"

Mack said... 7:34 AM

You like to run really fast too???
We heard about Graham and went to send our condolences. This is just heartbreaking.
I so love your 12 posts of Christmas (mom does too). Can't wait for the next installment!

C.l.o.v.e.r. said... 8:11 AM

Hi Ruby,
Your 5 things are MY 5 things! Almost exactly... trade bully sticks for ANY snackie, and Mom for Dad. Haha.
Thanks for letting your mom share her meme, maybe I will let my mom do that too.
We were SO sad to hear about Graham, thanks for posting about him too.

Duke said... 9:07 AM

I love tissues too, Ruby - used ones are even better!
Mom remembers the Mrs. Beasley doll but never had one!
We were sorry to hear about Graham.

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Heather and Pumpkin said... 10:16 AM

My cat brother loves to eat tissues. Once he got the tissue box stuck on his head when he dove in for the last tissue. Maybe you are part cat?


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said... 3:48 PM

I just take tissues out of wastebaskhets and leave them nearby!

We were khwite sad about SB's handsome brofur...

It has been khwite a challenging time fur all...


Lorenza said... 8:11 PM

Hi, Ruby!
Pawesome award! I know how much you love to run!
The Christma's meme is great too! Good job Mom!
We are very sad to know about Graham. Our thougths are with Sophie and her mom.
Kisses and hugs

Archie and Melissa said... 8:19 AM

hi ruby!
happy happy holidays to you and your mom!

we love your meme!

your 5 things are my favorite things too!
