Day 11

Thursday, December 24, 2009


On the 11th day of Christmas I'm going to share with thee...
A letter to the guy who is Jolly!!!

Dearest Santa Paws...
How have you been? Me, I've been great except for that little eye incident back in August. Just wanted to drop you a quick note and let you know what I'm thinking about for Christmas. Now normally I have a huge long list of things that I want, but this year...well...I just want all my friends and family to be happy and healthy. Can you do that? I've been a really good girl!!! Mom was pretty impressed I was thinking like such a grown up pup girl. Anyhowl...whatever you can do would be great. Far too many of my pup pals have been sick or gone to the bridge this year...and well, maybe you can lend a paw on that.

My best to Mrs. Santa Paws and all the elves. Safe travels tonight.

Lots of Licks, Ruby Bleu

P(ee)S: Also, if it wouldn't be too much trouble, maybe you could leave a bully stick or two...ok???


3 Responses to "Day 11"

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said... 3:59 PM

I KNOW Santa Paws khan't deny woo!

Happy HOWLidays to ALL of WOO!

PeeEssWoo: Bullystikhks!!!

Lorenza said... 5:13 PM

Your letter to Santa is pawesome!
I am sure he will grant all your wishes!
Merry Christmas!
Kisses and hugs

Dexter said... 3:49 AM

Miss Ruby,

I am sure you will get lots of nice pressies.

Happy Holidays

Mango (and Dexter)