
Thursday, October 29, 2009

I know you all have been waiting to hear about my mini-vacation...but as usual, I'm waiting for my Mom who is too busy, yet again, to stop working and help me post! I'm really getting tired of this and I would complain much more except at least she is coming home from a long day at work and playing with me! But I see her...she's checking that silly Facebook...Brats...now I know what you were talking about!!!

Anyhowl...I promise we'll get to pictures soon...it was a short trip, but I was with my wonderful Aunties and my Mom and it was a great house with a great view and I got LOTS of snackies - W00t!!!

Now the other thing you pups have probably been waiting on...my 2009 Halloweenie costume and what crazy thing my Mom came up with this time. Well, this year she finally listened to ME for a change. I think my costume is creative and I took inspiration from one of my blogging idols...none other than Ms. Sophie La Brador!

That's right pups...I, Ruby Bleu am going to be....


This is my sexy, don't look into the camera, pose!

Actually that's the best story I could bark up to avoid totally embarrassing my Mother for being so lazy, oh - I mean busy, this year. But you know, I'm digging it! I never liked getting dressed up anyhowl...always did it for my Mom. I'm such a good dogter!!!!


11 Responses to "Waiting..."

Mack said... 8:10 AM

I think nekkid is a very good look for you. That's what I'll probably be again this year too.

The rescue mom belong to when we were "fostering" Lilly had an annual Chi-esta too.

Can't wait to see more pics of you, my love.
Your Macky

Fred said... 8:41 AM

Clever costume idea!

C.l.o.v.e.r. said... 10:56 AM

Hi Ruby!
You are so cute - and great costume idea. I want to do that too!
I can't wait to hear all about your trip.

The WriggleButts said... 1:08 PM

You look great nekkid, Ruby! But otherwise feel free to bother my lion costume ;)


Duke said... 1:37 PM

You look great in the nude, Ruby! It's the best way to be, right?!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Dexter said... 3:19 PM

Ruby! Nekked! At first I thought you had actually disguised yourself as Miss Sophie. But now I see she is your inspiration.


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said... 5:44 PM

Now woo've done it!

Woo have Mango all MAN-go'd!

Nekkid Ruby is good!


Murphy Dogg said... 5:58 AM

A nudist, huh? How very provocative!

Lorenza said... 6:50 PM

Hi, Ruby!
I know your don't like to be dressed so your costume this year fits you perfect!
Kisses and hugs

Lois Stankowski said... 9:01 AM


I guess you liked the sand since you are lying down. Did you go in the ocean?

Love to you and Mom

Love, hugs and kisses


Moco said... 11:19 AM

That is the same costume I am wearing. What could be better?