I'm taking a vacation...

Thursday, October 15, 2009

OMD, OMD...my Mom just told me something great today!!!! One week from today, me, Mom, Auntie Kelly and Auntie Yvette are all going on a trip!!!! We're going on a girls weekend!!!! We're going to the beach!!!

OMD...I'm just so excitered I can't stand it!!!! I've never been to the beach...wonder what's it's like???? Do I have to wear a swim suit??? I'm not sure this totally makes up for us not blogging...but Mom is sure headed in the right direction!!!

In other news....we had a really bad storm the other day....look at my backyard...

A tree broke our patio table!!! Mom is very happy that is all that broke and not like the windows or the house. Alex, my gardener friend, came and took the nasty tree away...thank dogness! But it was scawie when it happened...but I was very, very brave.

OK, that's it for now...in case you don't remember what I look like when I'm awake (BOL)...here I am and I promise to make Mom take LOTS of pictures of me at the beach!!! OMD --- I CAN'T WAIT - W00t!!!

Oh...one more very important thing...don't forget the DWB Holiday Card Exchange is starting soon - W00t!!!! So sign up, OK??? I just LOVE getting more holiday cards than my Mom - hee hee hee!!!


17 Responses to "I'm taking a vacation..."

C.l.o.v.e.r. said... 11:25 AM

Hi Ruby!
How fun that you are going to the beach!!! My mom just went there without me!
Have fun!

Kelly said... 11:33 AM

OMD Ruby! How fun! Girls trips are the BEST! I can't wait to hear all about it!

Lizzy said... 11:41 AM


OMDog! You can't be serious? You have NEVER been to the BEACH?!?! Man, you haven't lived yet my friend. No one is truly alive until they've been to the beach. You gotta run, feel the sand in your pads between your toes, hear the waves crashing, chase the seagulls overhead, throw up from drinking salt water, brave the water currents swimming, dig through sand for crabs and clams, eat seaweed, roll in dead fish, just get down and dirty! You are going to have a BLAST!

I can't WAIT to see pictures! I hope you have a grrrrEAT time, my friend!


Gus said... 12:02 PM

The Beach! The Beach! OMD, I have never been to the beach. Petey goes, and Asta goes, and Jake and Fergie go and so do lots of doggies, but not me. So you must have enough fun for both of us.



Mack said... 12:13 PM

I can't wait to see those bikini pics!

Dexter said... 12:21 PM

Were you brave during the big storm (unlike some other BT's that require their safety vest)?

Vacation sounds cool. Hope to see lots of cool pictures.

I like getting more cards than my mom as well (that would be like 3, I think). Hehehe.


Peanut said... 1:09 PM

Oh you are going to have so much fun a the beach. We can't wait to see your pictures.

The WriggleButts said... 1:53 PM

Oooh! How exciting!


Duke said... 3:52 PM

You are going to LOVE the beach, Ruby! We can't wait to see all the pictures!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Murphy Dogg said... 4:39 PM

The beach is super awesome, Ruby, you're gonna love it!
Just watch out for the sand, it tends to creep up your butt.

Asta said... 10:21 PM

Sweet Rubykins
It's so gweat to see you and heaw such excitewing news
A beach vacation!!!
I can't wait..pawsonally, I think you have the figoowe to be able to go nood, but a tiny bikini might be quite fetching on you too.
I'm so glad no one got huwt when that twee fellHave a gweat time
smoochie kisses

Archie and Melissa said... 6:22 AM

hi ruby!
oh you are going to have a wonderful vacation!

i cannot wait to see all of the pictures you take!

:) m & e

Faya said... 6:46 AM

We are back! VĂ©ronique is sorry to have neglected you. But we are back! We are going to come to read to you more often....
Enjoy your vacations !
Kisses, Faya

Joe Stains said... 4:32 PM

omdog SCARY STORM! I am so glad you were not injured!! Have fun at the beach!!

Bella the Boxer said... 6:51 PM

Ruby, you've got it going on, so I say that you should go ahead and wear an itsy-bitsy teeny-weeny bikini (as long as you don't mind the chill). Your mom and her girlfriends are going to have to fend off all your suitors!!

xoxo - Bella

Deborah said... 7:06 PM

Hi Ruby, nice to meet you, you look very sweet! Have fun on vacation and I'm sorry to hear about the big storm! You must have been very frightened!

Lorenza said... 10:27 PM

Hi, Ruby!
Those are great news!
I am sure you all are going to have a pawesome time!
Looks like you had a big storm!
I hope everything is ok now!
Have fun!
Kisses and hugs