Happy Star Wars Day my friends. Look at Harles...ready to celebrate too, he is!
To Nanny, Happy barkday. Yeesssssss, I mean W00t!
Hi! My name is Ruby. I am a Boston Terrorist (oops, I mean Terrier) who loves to run, play in mud and eat snackies.
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9:52 AM | 10 Belly Rubs
Yoda has never looked so pretty!
Thank you for the birthday wishes Ms. Ruby. I will play a number on the roulette wheel for you, just let me know what number before Tuesday night.
You look so great Ruby.. You are all ready for the day....
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Star Wars Day?? I did not know about it!
You look great!
Kisses and hugs
Love Yoda we do in this house.
Happy birthday to Nanny and Happy Star Wars day to you, RubyYoda!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Ruby! Talk like Yoda day is coming up on May 22nd! Fun it will be.
I had no idea there was a Star Wars day or a Talk Like Yoda day. I am so going to participate!
Love the pic, Ruby!
Hahah, great picture Ruby! Happy belated Star Wars day!
Love Clover xo
it suits you, in a kinda weird way....