Sleepy Sunday #6

Sunday, February 08, 2009

I'm still grounded but Mom didn't think it fair to deprive our readers of some sleepy photos...but no sleepy photos of me :( So this Sunday I give you Sleepy Sunday Siblings...

Simba & Jazzi

Wally & Oscar

Have a great Sunday...hopefully I'll be back next week!
Oh and Happy Barkday to Lacie too - W00t!


19 Responses to "Sleepy Sunday #6"

Mack said... 6:01 AM

Oh poor Ruby. You're still grounded? So sorry. Maybe you should give your mom extra sugars and she may reconsider..

Woof ya,

BenTheRotti said... 6:13 AM

Goodness Ruby! Grounded? Send over Aire Ruby and I will sneak over Ninja Style and kidnap you for some fun.. or sleepy snoozles of the ungrounded kind!
Tell your Mom I demand she release you and unground you and give you treats and smoochies for as long as you desire them.. or i'll... ummm ... come and rotti slobber all over her!!

love and kisses,

Ben xxxx

Amber-Mae said... 6:33 AM

Maybe you should put on those puppy eyes so that she will forgive you.

Boogie Woogie,
Solid Gold Dancer

Duke said... 9:11 AM

We miss seeing your cute Boston face, Ruby! These cute sib pictures will have to do this week!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Lorenza said... 9:15 AM

HI, Ruby!
I was hoping your mom had forgiven by now!
Those sleepy pictures of our friends are great!
Take care
Kisses and hugs

Clover said... 9:28 AM

Hi Ruby!
Sorry that you are still grounded. :( I guess parents don't like it when we do "dangerous" things. Have a good Sleepy Sunday!
Love Clover xo

Moco said... 11:31 AM

You do know how to fill the void. Watch your P's and Q's this week and you will be back.

Kelly said... 7:39 AM

Thanks for the cute pics, Ruby! Sometimes when I'm grounded, it helps if you do chores around the house. Like a peace offering... maybe you could mop the kitchen floor with your tongue today? Moms love that!

Fred said... 10:53 AM

Grounded?! What is that?
Love the sleeping pictures, though. :)
By the way, I'm Fred, and I just stopped by your blog to say hello!

Simba and Jazzi said... 11:12 AM

Sorry to hear you are still grounded. Thank you for including us in your sleepy Sunday post.

Simba and Jazzi xxx

Stanley said... 12:52 AM


I've been catching up, cuz my bloglines didn't tell me you'd posted anything lately, then all of a sudden it shows like 5 posts all at once!

I LOVE the sleeping booty photo. Nothing to be embarrassed about there, Ruby Bug. That is one sweeeeeeet booty.

Maybe if I talk to your mama she'll suspend your grounding. I bet you were both so surprised you actually made it out, that you just couldn't hear even if you wanted to. Your mama likes me, right? Maybe it will work.

I also love your sleepy photos of Simba & Jazzi and Wally & Oscar! Stella & I NEVER sleep together like that. The only time we're that close is when we're wrasslin!

Take care, girlie!

Goober love & smooches,

Bae Bae said... 1:25 AM

Aw.. that's so sweet

~ Bae

Twinkle a.k.a Chicken Little said... 1:53 AM

Ruby, you should take ur Ruby air & fly over here. Thanks for sharing.

slurpy licks,

Emily and Ike said... 9:45 PM

You still get to be in Mangominster, right?

Clover said... 9:10 AM

Hi Ruby!
I left an award for you on my blog yesterday. I miss you, I hope your mom is going easy on you.
My grandparents are coming to visit this weekend, so I will have to entertain them, but I was wondering if you could chat with me on AC sometime next week? I think you are 3 hours behind our time, so maybe you could just let me know which day and time you are free.
Talk to you soon!
Love Clover xo

Petra said... 2:18 PM

I've been doing lots of sleeping around here lately, too!

wally said... 5:06 PM

Aw, thanks for including us, Ruby. I'm sorry to hear you're grounded. We got into some trouble today with the garbage but I have siblings to shift the blame.

wally t.

Martha said... 6:47 PM

I hope you get ungrounded soon. Love, Martha

Martha said... 6:47 PM

I hope you get ungrounded soon. Love, Martha