Sleepy Sundy #18

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Can you guess today's special guest????
Nope, it isn't me. It is none other than the most bootiful Petra Pie!!! We could be twins, couldn't we??? She's making me really, really sleepy...Have a great Sunday!!!


23 Responses to "Sleepy Sundy #18"

Duke said... 8:32 AM

You and Petra could be twinsies, Ruby! You're both such cute girlz!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Mack said... 9:59 AM

For a second I thought it might be sissy Sophia!

Pretty Petra Pot Pie is Pooped!!

Can't wait to see you tomorrow at the skating pawty!


Pug(s) and Bugg said... 10:39 AM

The piggy cake is actually a hog... this is what they look like when you roast them? That's what mommy says. The thing in it's mouth is supposed to be an apple... and it's red velvet cake inside. YUMMO!

We can't wait for the Rollar Skating Pawty!!!!

Moco said... 10:51 AM

The ever lovely Petra on the ever lovely Ruby's blog. What more could an old terrier want on this rainy day.

Joe Stains said... 11:51 AM

you girls are both adorable!!

Lorenza said... 1:26 PM

Hi, Ruby!
Yes, I thought it was you!
Kisses and hugs

The Brat Pack said... 1:32 PM

WOOOOHOOOO!!! We got you in the exchange!!!!


Asta said... 3:11 PM

What a gowgeous pictoowe!
Petwa is a sweetie just like awe bof so bootiful and adowable have a lovely nap
smoochie kisses

Amber-Mae said... 8:49 PM

Oh! For a second there I thought it was you but it's not! Still a cute picture tho...

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Peanut said... 8:49 AM

Oh I knew it was Petra. She's so cute.

Clover said... 9:32 AM

Petra is super cute (just like you!) and I do think you could be twins!
I liked your lake tater-Tahoe pictures - if I saw your sad little face asking for snackies I would have given you some for sure!!
Love Clover xo

Emily and Ike said... 10:25 AM

I totally thought that was you!

Myeo said... 8:59 PM

She really looks like you, Ruby!

Boy n Baby

Girl Girl Hamster said... 11:33 PM

Petra sure is a cutie pie

~ Girl girl

Simba and Jazzi said... 2:12 AM

That looks like a cosy place for a nap.

Simba x

Goofy said... 3:57 AM

I thought that was you, Ruby, you both are sure the cutest twins ever..


Petra said... 7:33 AM

The only thing that could make this picture better is if YOU were napping beside me, Ruby!

Petra said... 8:44 AM

P.S., Ruby -- I'm dreaming of wallymelon!

Ferndoggle said... 9:58 AM

You almost had me fooled! You & Petra could be twins! And thanks again for the Photo nomination...Penny & I are in second place!!


Bella the Boxer said... 8:54 PM

Wow, you are lookalikes! I really like Petra's pink blankie...

xoxo - Bella

PB 'n J said... 8:43 AM

Hi Ruby!

We're George's kitty siblings and we are throwing a surprise birthday party for her tomorrow on her bloggie (! Do you think you could come by to wish her a happy birthday?

Thanks and Purrs,
Pearl, Bert and Jake

Cassidy said... 11:57 AM

Me likes her red blankie, looks very snuggly.

Cassidy x

Lillie Valentine said... 3:48 PM

Hey Ruby!
How many can you fit in Aire Ruby? Maggie and Mitch thought we should CRASH Joey and Tanners mom and dad's wedding and that is a GREAT idea! Just want to make sure if I invite a few extra crashers we can fit everyone in and you can manage a jumbled flight. Let me know ASAP! What's ASAP?