Getting Ready to Roller Boogy!!!

Saturday, May 24, 2008

OK, so it's only 2 more days to Opal & Pearl's roller skating pawty. I'm so excitered - W00t!!! I've been practicing, see...
Like my skates? I just love the pink wheels...I feel like a wheelie doggie...hee hee hee. Mom also gots me some pom-poms for my skates, but I kinda, um, ate them. Sorry...they looked like cotton candy! Silly Mom, she should have known better.

Anyhowl...Aire Ruby is getting ready and I look forward to seeing everypup. There's still room on Aire Ruby (even with all the wheelies). Just leave me a comment to let me know!


13 Responses to "Getting Ready to Roller Boogy!!!"

Asta said... 12:13 PM

You lok fabulous in youw skates..that pink is pawfect fow you!!! it picks out the pale pink in youw inside eaws..I can't wait
smoochie kisses,

Lacy said... 12:26 PM

w00f's Ruby, dont furgit me needs a ride to da pawty....heehee me will prolly spend most of me time on me bum bum, but it will b fun..

b safe,

Duke said... 12:26 PM

Your skates are just beautiful, Ruby! Love the pink!
See you on Monday!

Love ya lots,
Maggie, Mitch and the Wheelies

Mack said... 1:21 PM

Hi my skatin' babe!

I can't wait to see you again this Monday. It's gonna be loads of fun!

Those pink wheels are so pretty! Now all you need is a row of Rubies down the middle of your skates!

I can be your co-pilot again if you want. This time I promise I won't spill my soda pop all over the controls!
Love ya,
Your Macky

Joe Stains said... 2:00 PM

wooo we can't wait!

Agatha and Archie said... 2:27 PM

Oh my we almost forgot to sign up for tickets! Count us in!! Love A+A

Peanut said... 2:32 PM

How did we miss a party? We are in. Pick us up.

Noah the Airedale said... 3:26 PM

We can't wait. We've never roller skated before......W00t!!!!!

Noah Willow Tess Lucy

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said... 6:26 PM

Oh my Ruby...we just read ur last postie...Baby Maddy is the cutest thing don't know how a pupgirl can be that cute sooooo young...did u help her with her make up???

AND you were by Truckee, Calif??? Mumsie's read a whole bunch of books bout the Donner party...(sure glad we weren't at that party...they um ate their terrier...think it was a terrier...)anyway...makes ya think what this country was like 100 years ago...we are wimps compared to our ancestors!!!

You look so georgous in ur skates!! We can't wait for the party!!!!!


Moco said... 2:17 AM

It sounds like great fun, but I would probably fall down and hurt my backside. You young ones have a great time.

Amber-Mae said... 6:10 AM

Have fun girl!

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Petra said... 7:30 AM

Motch left took off in the wild blue yonder this weekend but left me in good hands --- Leah's!

Thanks for remembering to pick me up for the party, Ruby Bleu!

Georgeous said... 12:30 AM

Ruby, you look great on your skates, mind you we think you look great all the time, you're such a babe! Thanks for stopping by.
Love George