Pawties all the Time!!!

Thursday, May 01, 2008

Aire Ruby is pleased to announce it is now taking reservations for the following pawties:

First up, we have a joint barkday pawty for Snowball's 10th barkday (wow) and Blue's barkday...
I do believe this is the first hooman party we are celebrating...W00T!!! I guess I'll have to arrange some hooman food for this flight, huh?

Next up we're all going 'Down Unda' for Willow and Putter's 4th barkday celebration...W00T!
I'm so excitered to be going to Australia...I can't wait to see what we are going to do!!!

And last but not least, Opal is throwing Pearl a Welcome Pawty...
So first a hooman pawty, now a wheelie pawty! This will be wheelie's even eat? hmmm......

All you pups need to do is leave me a comment if you would like me to reserve you a spot on any and all of these adventures. May sure is going to be a busy month - W00t!!!


32 Responses to "Pawties all the Time!!!"

Lorenza said... 8:32 PM

Hi, Ruby!
I want to go to all those parties!
Maybe Blue should try our treats! I am sure she will love them!
Kisses and hugs

Noah the Airedale said... 8:39 PM

Wow so many parties to go to, our diaries are booked right up. Fantastic. Lorenza is right, we're sure Blue would love our treats, I mean who could resist a liver treat.

Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy

Moco said... 8:48 PM

I am ready to blow this joint and attend all those parties.

Asta said... 10:03 PM

Myrna and I would like to attend all the pawties..if she's not well enough eawliew, then fow suwe she'll be fine in hime fow Opal's.
I'm nuwsing hew and Mommi and they awe bof pwetty good patients..lots of kisses and love and liquids is my pawscwiption..thank you fow youw sweetness
smoochie kisses

Amber-Mae said... 10:55 PM

I'm booking for ALL!!!!

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Lacy said... 10:56 PM

woof's ruby, may me fly wiff u to all da really needs to unwind a bit...

b safe,

Kyanite said... 11:22 PM

Hi Ruby!

What a busy girl you're going to be.

Do save me a seat on Aire Ruby to Putter & Willows pawty & one for Opal & Pearls too.
Re in-flight treats - anything savoury will be fine, but none of Noah's tripe or pigs ears please!

Pats & pets

Simba and Jazzi said... 12:57 AM

So many parties. Its going to be a good month.

Simba x

Girl Girl Hamster said... 2:15 AM

Oh mine.. I'm coming to all these fun pawties. :)

~ Girl girl

Duke said... 2:41 AM

Sign us up for all three please, Ruby! Every single one of them will be a blast!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Two Schnauzers from New England said... 3:29 AM

Hi, Ruby -

Can you sign us up for all three parties? They all sound like so much fun.

It was really great meeting you on Dogs with Blogs 2nd Anniversary Pawty.

Love -

Hershey and Kaci

Princess Patches said... 5:13 AM

We would like reservations for two on all 3 flights, please! We are PAWTY animals!

Poppy & Penny

Ferndoggle said... 6:45 AM

Please make sure I have a good seat for the flight! I think I'm the most excited about the rollerskating party!!


Stanley said... 7:22 AM

Ruby Bug!

Please make reservations for STella & I for all 3 parties. Can't wait!!

You did a FAB job on the invitations.

Goober love,

Cassidy said... 7:58 AM

Book us in please!

Cassidy x

Petra said... 9:14 AM

I'd like to make a reservation for the parties, too, Ruby Bleu.

Thanks for doing this hard work and making it possible for all of us to come along.

Clover said... 9:40 AM

Hi Ruby!
I would love to go to all the pawties! I don't know Putter and Willow though, do you think they would mind if I went to their pawty?
Thanks for being such a great flight director!
Love Clover xo

Mack said... 1:18 PM

Pretty Ruby,
yes, please sign me up for all the fun pawties! I can't wait!
Should I bring anything? What do humans eat? Mom eats Doritos and drinks Diet Coke. Is that okay to bring?

I am so exciterated!
Love ya,

Eric said... 2:58 PM

Hey Ruby, Im going to Blue and snowballs party but I'll hitch me a ride to that one or catch the train.

Be great if you could pick me up for Putter and Willows party down under please? Boy, that's a long flight Ruby, hope you don't get too tired,and Scruffy has to co-pilot.

Wiry wags, Eric

Joe Stains said... 8:04 PM

omdog sign us up for all of them! WE LOVE TO PARTY!

Noah the Airedale said... 5:11 PM

G'day Ruby,
Here are some other maties who would like to make reservations for the Willow/Putter party:
Dewey Dewster, Asta Marie & Toby
Faya if she is out of quarantine
Molly & Taffy
Alf, my best aire mate
Molly & Gertrude, aire maties
Gaia, puppy airegal
and Finni airemate.

Noah xx

Two Schnauzers from New England said... 8:34 PM

Hi, RubyBleu -

We were just checking on our reservations and noticed you signed us up twice on the wheely party but not on Blue and Snowball's party. We would like to go to that party too.

Could you please sign us up on Blue and Snowball's party?

Have a good weekend!

Love -

Hershey and Kaci

Miss Ellie and Baz said... 9:56 PM

Party party party...count us IN for all three.
Us Dales are made to party!

Miss Ellie and Baz.

Noah the Airedale said... 10:06 PM

Ruby I stupidly forgot Alf's sister Mindy. Could I reserve a seat for her aswell. Thanks matie.

Noah xx

Ronin_The_Pug said... 12:39 AM

Hey Ruby! Oh boy I've missed so many cool things these weeks!
And as always you ROCk girl!

Peanut said... 3:10 PM

Flash and I would like to attend every party

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said... 6:53 PM

All three pawties please!!!! Seats for three...What a month this is gonna be!!! And of course Wheelies eat...they eat should see Seymour...he has four hollow leggies!!!!!

Hooman snacks...we might have to think bout that one...hmm....we'll go and wish Nanny the happiest of Barkdays...


MJ's doghouse said... 11:13 AM

sign me up ruby...i think especially for willows party...i always wanted to go to australia and i hear my main man mango will be there...

Faya said... 11:14 AM

I would love to come to those party if you can come to Switzerland to pick me up. Wooohooo let's go party !!!
Kisses, Faya

Casper and pals said... 12:05 AM

Book us in for all the pawties!

Woofs Casper, Buddy and Nikki

Bella said... 2:09 AM

Air Ruby - you do such a fabulous job !!
Please book me in for Snowball & Blue's pawty - my blog has our pawty outfit

Koobuss said... 10:02 AM

Hi Ruby,

I'm sorry that I'm late with my reservations, but please sign me up for all the pawties this month. Thank You.

Love and Koobuss Kisses,