National Stuffy Appreciate Day 2008

Thursday, May 08, 2008

The very smart Mr. T-Bone Beasley proclaimed today, May 8th - National Stuffie Appreciation Day! W00T! This holiday is long overdue if you ask me. Other than my Mom (who incidentally has an appreciation day coming up too) I can thinking of nothing more deserving to be appreciated than my stuffies.

I mean, they let me chew on them...

they let me roach with them...
And they let me sleep with them.
I'm so lucky to have my stuffies in my life. And yes, yes, yes I really appreciate the stuffing out of you, oops I mean I really appreciate you!!!
So many little time!


29 Responses to "National Stuffy Appreciate Day 2008"

Ferndoggle said... 9:53 AM

That picture of you sleeping with your stuffie might be the cutest picture ever!!

Happy SA Day!


Faya said... 10:05 AM

Ohhhh .... you are so cute sleeping with your green stuffie...
Have a nice day and let's celebrate our stuffies..
Kisses, Faya

Petra said... 10:21 AM

I can only count to 10, but you have LOTS more stuffies than that, Ruby! They are so nice and neat, too --- not destuffed --- how did your mom manage to get a picture of that?

Mr. T-Bone Beasley said... 10:34 AM


Happy National/International Stufie Appreciation Day! Yah know, appreciating the stuffing inside the stuffie is just as important as appreciating the stuffy itself! Hehehe, that's an awesome green snakey thing you are napping with! Dont' be mad, but I would totally tug it with you, and wouldn't mind helping with a little stuffing removal surgery!

Mr. T-Bone Beasley

Nessa Happens said... 11:18 AM

hahhaha you have a LOT of toys! None of our stuffies last that long...

Clover said... 12:39 PM

Happy Stuffy Day! I love that last picture - sooo cute! I should try to post about appreciating my stuffies too.
Love Clover xo

Lizzy said... 12:55 PM

Happy National Stuffie Appreciation Day to you, Ruby!

Man, you have a lot of wonderful stuffies... I bet their guts taste delicious, hee hee...


Niamh said... 2:23 PM

You certainly have a lot of great stuffies. It's so nice to sleep with them. You look very comfy sleeping with yours.

Your friend,

Asta said... 2:25 PM

WE suwe awe lucky to have all these faithful stuffies to entewtain us and sometimes make the , gulp ultimate sacwifice
smoochie kisses

Anonymous said... 4:57 PM

How in the WORLD are all those stuffies in tact?!?! You're a Boston girl, right?! They should all be MUTILATED and MURDERED!!! You have your work cut out for you tonight.... Whew!

Maya and Kena said... 5:05 PM

Happy National Stuffy Appreciation Day!
Aww.... what cute pics!
Stuffies truly are the best!
We love that last pic of you with all your stuffies!
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena

Mack said... 5:26 PM

I am super duper impressed Ruby! I could NOT show such restraint with a pile of stuffies sitting right beside me!

Happy Stuffy Appreciation Day cutie!

Lorenza said... 8:18 PM

Hi, Ruby!
Happy Stuffie Day!
Glad you had a great celebrating them!
Kisses and hugs

Amber-Mae said... 9:02 PM

Happy National Stuffie Appreciation Day!

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Girl Girl Hamster said... 12:11 AM

Woh you sure have many pawsme stuffies Ruby. :)

~ Girl girl

Duke said... 1:57 AM

Those are just the sweetest pictures, Ruby! What awesome stuffies you have!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Noah the Airedale said... 3:19 AM

Your stuffies look in great condition Ruby...whats the story. Our are all wrecked expect for the ones we aren't allowed to play with.
We can't believe how many maties are coming to Oz for Putter and Willow's pawty. We sure hope Aire-Ruby can take off lol.

Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess Lucy

Pug(s) and Bugg said... 5:22 AM

We celebrated too, Ruby! OMD... look at how many stuffies you have!!!!!! It's way way way more than us. We're a little jealous.
-Sophie and Dixie

umekotyan said... 5:22 AM

Good evening ruby.
It is a wonderful wonderful arrival on the weekend with the toy.
A happy event is blocked there. :)

from loved ume tyan

Dexter said... 6:44 AM

Ruby - I am astonished that you have so many intact stuffies what with all the roachin and chewin going on.


Crikit, Sparky, Ginger! said... 9:34 AM

OMDoggie! Ruby you got the bestest collection of stuffies ever! We wanna come play can we can we?

Love Licks & waggin TX tails barking loud

pee ess: if there is still room can we hop a lift when you flight inot TX to pick up Mack fur Snowball & Blue's pawty? woohoo

Mack said... 10:26 AM

Yes, yes, I want to be your co-pilot tonight!

Whheeeeheeee this is gonna be fun!

Thanks for asking me my love!!!

WinstonBerry said... 7:28 PM

Hi Ruby!

I love your stuffie photos! Especially the one with you in the middle of them! There's nothing like a nice, soft stuffie, is there?


Winnie :-)

Simba and Jazzi said... 12:26 AM

Love the photo of you sleeping with your stuffie. You have so many stuffies.

Simba x

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said... 8:02 AM

Ruby...Listen and learn...

Grab Stuffie....sink teeth into fur....NOW TUG<<<

Ur a comes naturally...TUG HARD ..HARDER!!!

THAT'S IT!!! got the seam with short quick jerks of ur jaw...pull the stuffie stuffin' out...pull...pull...there's a rhythm...I never thought I'd be a Coxswain...(is that the word??) for Destuffin'....

OK...find the squeaker...chew...pop...

Oh MY...this is exhaustin' can fly a have to be able to kill a stuffie....


Willow the Black Dale said... 3:02 PM

Oh Ruby you look so happy with your stuffies! Will you be taking any on your trips?

Can you book me a flight for Putter and Willow's pawty?

Willow the Black Dale

wally said... 9:39 AM

WHOA! Your house looks like the MOSTEST fun. Maybe I'll walk there instead of Nebraska. My granNy's cool and all but she doesn't have a pile of stuffies!


Two Schnauzers from New England said... 2:32 PM

Hi, Ruby -

You have a LOT of stuffies. We have a lot of stuffies too. We can tell you really appreciate them.

Happy Mother's Day to your Mom.

Love -

Hershey and Kaci

Stanley said... 5:11 PM

See, Ruby. You could snuggle like a buggle with your snakey poo, and I could snuggle all a wuggle with cutey patootie YOU!

Happy Stuffy Appreciation Day!

Goober love & smooches,
Your Stanny