Hi! My name is Ruby. I am a Boston Terrorist (oops, I mean Terrier) who loves to run, play in mud and eat snackies.
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Blog Archive
- Ruby and the City???
- Shhhh....surprise flight on Aire Ruby
- Sleepy Sundy #18
- Getting Ready to Roller Boogy!!!
- A whole bunch of firsts...
- Sleep Sunday, um, I mean Monday #17
- Awards, Barkdays and an Upcoming Adventure...
- New Friend?
- Clarification...
- Sleepy Sunday #16
- National Stuffy Appreciate Day 2008
- Memememememe....
- No title
- Sleepy Sunday #15
- Pawties all the Time!!!
And Happy Cinco de Mayo to you, too, Ruby Bleu! What a great hat; it looks like you are ready to party!
Happy Cinco de Mayo, Ruby! Hope you have a great one! :)
We love this picture of you too!
Love Clover xo
Happy Cinco de Mayo, Ruby! How many margaritas have you had today so far?! shhhhhhhhhhhh - you don't really have to answer that question! hehehehe
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Happy Cinco de Mayo Senorita Bleu!
Don't drink too many pawgaritas today!!
Tu eres Muy Bonita!
What up, Rubes?! I finally kept my girl home from work today and I'm working on catching up with everyone's blogs - can you believe I forgot it's Cinco de Mayo?! Have fun and party it up!
Arriba! Arriba, Senorita Bug de Ruby!
Hope you have yourself a nice little time celebrating. By the way, sombreros are SO you!
Goober love,
Hi Ruby
What exactly happened on the Cinco de Mayo? We're a bit ignorant down here hee hee.
Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess Lucy
Ruby use looks soooo bootiful in use Sombrero hope use had a gweat day and not to many pawritas.
Love, hugs, bellyrubs, smoochies
Feliz Cinco De Mayo to you too..hehe
we bof thought of the same thing, hehehehthe sombwewo giwls..only Stanny didn;t come to see mine..enjoy youw pawgewita
smoochie kisses
Hi, Ruby!
Happy Cinco de Mayo! Sure you had a great day!
Are they dogaritas or pawgaritas??
Kisses and hugs
I don't really know what it is, but we are celebrating it here!
Happy Cinco De Mayo to you too Ruby!
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
I love your photo!! Super festive!
Winnie :-)
have a blast, ruby
More party goers are Happy, Pacco, T-Bone, Thor and the Thuglets.
Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess Lucy
Dropping by to say hello. Hope you had a good weekend.
Simba x
Hope you got a big fat dawgarita!! Preferably beef flavored.
Hi Ruby, looks like you had a great Cinco de Mayo! Could you please book me on the flight for Willow & Putter's Barkday down under. I can't wait to go to Australia!!
Your pal,
You are ready to pawty Ruby
~ Girl girl
Happy Cinco de Mayo to you, too. Thou we are not to sure what it means :P
We are going to try the celebrity quiz after and pls help us wish your grandma a Happy Belated Birthday!
Boy n Baby
Hi Ruby!
Feliz 7 de Mayo now! Hee hee!
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena
PS. Love the pic! :D
That's a festive sombrero, Ruby! I hope you didn't have a margarita hangover the next day. Those are the worst.
Belly Rubs,