Are you ready for some footyball and fun???

Friday, February 01, 2008

Well pups we are almost in Arizona for the big weekend! We've had a blast aboard Aire Ruby...playing bitey face, eating snackies and watching last year's Puppy Bowl. I know that Gus & Joe have some exciting sightseeing activities all lined up so stay tuned...oh and check out my Twitter on my side bar for up to the minute news on what we will be up to! More updates and pictures later!


21 Responses to "Are you ready for some footyball and fun???"

Mack said... 6:59 AM

That Twitter is really cool!

You are just about the best hostess ever! And prettiest too!

Ferndoggle said... 9:58 AM

W00T! I can't wait to eat Tanner's Hot Dogs and get some AZ sun. Mom is sad we left her at home because it's pouring down rain here. Maybe she can come next year!

Thanks for the ride Rubes!


ave fénix que renace said... 11:29 AM

Hey Ruby, I'm glad you're giving updates. I want to make sure Lenny behaves himself. Thanks for giving him a ride.

Lenny's mom

Noah the Airedale said... 2:42 PM

looking forward to the big game Ruby but we don't know anything about American Football, it is American football we're going to see isnt it?? We dont want to embarrass ourselves....

Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy

Duke said... 2:54 PM

We love the Twitter thing, Ruby! Now we don't feel so left out staying at home and holding dad's hand! We'll be checking in hourly so see what's going on!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Maya and Kena said... 6:07 PM

Nice twitter Ruby!
Have fun at the Superbowl!!
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena

Asta said... 9:01 PM

I feel sowwy fow hoomans cause they don't get to wide the best aiweline of them all AIW RUBY!!WOOT!!!
all the waiting was wowth it..listen ruby, I know it's a busy weekend, but could we take a little ride to Spain on one of the's Gaucho's bday, and Verdi just invited us..I don't think he knew about the football..I don't want them to have no guests!
smoochie kisses,Asta

Simba and Jazzi said... 1:50 AM

Have a great weekend.

Simba xx

Amber-Mae said... 5:10 AM

Oh yeah, we're READY!

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said... 6:54 AM

"Ruby, Ruby, Ruby, I am all agog,
I am a really best dressed dog.

Waiting for you to fly me to Joes,
I'm so excited down to my toes.

I SO want fly in your jet,
Could I BE more more happy? You ain't seen nothin' yet!

I am wearing my best bandana all spotted and red,
I have'nt packed my jammies, just some beer instead."

I cannot wait to Pawty!

Love and licks, Marvin xxxxx

Asta said... 7:57 AM


I'd love to go to Spain..can you get a few mowe fwiends to come along???
Verdi says to weaw a banana awound ouw necks!
Did you jave a nice sneep in Stanney's awms at the spa?
smoochie kisses,

Anonymous said... 12:50 PM

Wow, what fun! I love traveling.

Lorenza said... 8:08 PM

Hi, Ruby!
Its almost time for the big game! I can't wait!
Kisses and hugs

Jackson's J1 and J2 said... 4:35 AM

Hey Ruby, I'm ready for pawtying! J x

Maya and Kena said... 7:44 AM

Hi Ruby Bleu!
Come check out our blog!
You received an award!
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena

Roxie, Sammy, Andy and Shermie said... 9:57 AM

We really wish we could be in Arizona with you but we have to host a pawty at our house. A dachsie's work is never done around here. One of these days, we want to go on a trip with you ... or better yet ... maybe you can bring everydog to our house when Mom finally gets it built!

Roxie, Sammy & Andy

Weeny&Daisy said... 12:47 PM

OOO Ruby, How can we get some tickets for the next flight? It sounds so much fun, and we'd love to join in :)

Love Weeny and Daisy xx xx

Princess, Tank and Isaac: The Newfs of Hazard said... 1:47 PM

Wow! Have a great time! Tank's afraid of ponies, though. Dad's working on that.

Bogart H. Devil said... 5:12 PM

Miss Ruby,

My mama wants to send you something - a sample of the yummy dog treats we're making (it's doggie jerky!) - if you want some, just drop me an email with your address (my email is and I'll get ya some right out!


Asta said... 7:50 PM

You know Stanny, he loves us and is secoowe enough to let us fliwt ow dance with othews.....I think it was a pawsome weekend and I think we all had the bestest time..I danced with lots of doggies too
I think not all the pictoowes got developed ow something..
get some good west!
thanks again fow the wide
smoochie kisses,

Girl Girl Hamster said... 1:20 AM

That's a really pawsome weekend

~ Girl girl