Deep Thoughts by Ruby Bleu...
If dogs can play with other dogs and dogs can live with cats and coyotes can be best friends with cats and also hang out with hoomans and ALL get along peacefully ... why can't hoomans get along with each other?
Congrats to Butchy for getting an Honorable Mention for the PetsMart online Howl-o-Ween costume contest - Woot! Oh you might also recognize another tortured pup up there too!
Finally, and this is the last time I'll post about this...it is the last full day of voting for the 2007 Weblog Awards...that horse is out of control! And so are those silly LOL Cats and how much cuteness can one take, huh? We have enough cuteness for everyone between Boo, Butchy & Snickers and me, right? Let's give it one last DWB push, ok? On a brighter note, it did open up our world to finding a new friend like Charlie, the Coyote. Thanks everypup and hammie for your support!
i need to tell mom and dad about this. they get along very well now bcoz of me!
wet wet licks
Tomorrow last day to vote? Oh no! I only voted you three once only coz I wanted to be fair to each of you. I will have to think who to vote today...This is difficult decision. What a lovely post this is...
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Charlie really is a cute pup! We're so glad Chance found his bloggy!
We vote every single day but it looks like that darn horsie is gonna beat all of our favorite doggies!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
I saw on Peanut's blog that you asked how I was doing. I am doing fine. I still get a muscle cramp in my right side once in awhile. Maybe my liver misses my gallbladder. I have to go back to work on Thursday night. I hope I remember what I am suppose to be doing. I am sending you many belly rubs right at this moment.
Peanut and Flash's Grammie
Hey Ruby-
You're a real rockstar, no need to be modest about it.
Yay again on your honorable mention, Ruby! I was so excited to see you and Butchy there.
I love your peace globe! I am going to make one too.
Love Clover xo
Your write so beautifully and so does Mom. I voted at work again on all the pooters.
Asta had me rolling in laughter, I am going to set up a meeting with her real soon and another with Nanook and Pooka.
Miss you guys
Love, hugs and belly rubs
pee-ess See you on Aire-Ruby for Suki's Barkday
we been trying to vote but the site link takes so long to load, will try again a bit later, it just hangs there.
I often have deep thoughts too, I dont understand hoooomans at all!
love and loyal licks, your friend Marvinxxxxxx ps sorry I am annoymous tonight....
Marvin Braveheart Hound
Humans are big fat dumb heads yet they think they are the MASTERS, whatever.
Woof Woof! So glad to see you're entered in Dogster's World's Coolest Dog and Cat Show....we wuv you, and good luck!
Thanks fur wishing me good luck fur tomorrow!
Wags and licks,
Hi, Ruby
Sure the humans have many things to learn from us!
My mom voted from every computer at her office! I wonder who is sponsoring that horse??
Have a good night
Peace to you Ruby! I'd love to come along to Disneyworld! Please reserve me a seat first class on the prestigous Ruby Aire! I sure hope you win your award on weblog awards..cuz you awesome!
Love & Licks,
Hi Ruby - So true, so perplexing...a deep thought to ponder while roaming the sagebrush.
Thanks for your visits and sweet notes!
Shreve & Charlie the Coyote
Thank you fow youw thoughts fow Peace!
I don't know why hoomans can't follow ouw lead! It's so much better to love and play with evewyone.
I've voted two times evewy day,and it doesn't even make a dent against those howses..GRRRR..Oh well on a peaceful note..let them. We know who is the fabulestest!!!
smoochie kisses
woofies Ruby, me voted twice fur each of u, but me finks dat horse has got it...
b safe,
Isn't Charlie the cutest thing ever??? I just want to go through the pooter and wrassle him and snuggle up with the little guy!
You know, hoomans still have a lot to learn, opposable thumbs or not!
Goob love & hugs,
I also like peace.
The world is one.
Time is one.
Let's spend important time for peace.
And, the vote.
from loved ume tyan
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