Now my Mom is telling me not only do I have to pay her back, but that it is a Federal offense and I could be going to prison!!!
"Whoever mutilates, cuts, defaces, disfigures, or perforates, or unites or cements together, or does any other thing to any bank bill, draft, note, or other evidence of debt issued by any national banking association, or Federal Reserve bank, or the Federal Reserve System, with intent to render such bank bill, draft, note, or other evidence of debt unfit to be reissued, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than six months, or both."OMD...what am I going to do? I don't want to go to prison...unless it's like the Wag, which really isn't a prison (I just say it is because anytime I can't be with my Mom feels like prison to me...or at least what I would imagine it would be). If I would have known that eating this stuff would cause so much grief I wouldn't have done it. Plus, how am I going to pay Mom back? I don't have a job and although I have achieved a certain amount of fame (in no small part because of all of you pups and hammies and nannies who read my blog) I have not achieved the fortune to go along with the fame. Help!!!!
At least it was only one Dollar Ruby! I don't think anyone who saw your pretty face could throw you into prison.
Toodle pip,
Harry x
Ruby, Ruby, Ruby....
Can you imagine what your Mom would do, if you snacked on a $20.00???
Oh no, Ruby! I am worried, you can't go to prison!! I am going to ask my mom to send you a loonie. It's worth more than an American dollar right now, so I hope it helps!
Love Clover xo
you should have eaten the evidence, there is no crime without evidence.
Simba xx
I'm with Simba. Swallow it all, next time!
ps I hate to think what it tasted like. All those pockets. Eeewww.
You can't go to prison! Who will fly Aire Ruby? They must understand this! You're a very important doggie!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
OMDog Ruby! That's just like the time The Mom was eating pizza on the floor and I helped myself because, well everything on the floor is mine, right? And *I* got in trouble!!!
That's so not fair! The Mom works for lawyers....they'll totally defend you! We won't let you go to jail!
SAVE RUBY!!!!!!!!!!!
Holy crap, Ruby! If you end up in jail and the other inmates find out your a Boston TERRORIST, they are gonna be EXTRA hard on you.
Here's what you should do...file your teeth and nails down NOW so it can never be proved in a court of law that you had anything to do with this.
Wiley & Fievel
Don't wowwy you won't go to pwison(it's a tewwible place BTW), But if by some howwible chance they come get you..ouw Stanley will get you out! Did you see what he did fow us??
smoochie kisses
Hi, Ruby
Sure I hope you will not be sent to prision!
Is there any way you can get rid of the evidence?? Hide the pieces under the carpet! I know its a good place!
Let us know if we can do something for you!
Have a nice day
Oh No Ruby, You can't go to jail! I love reading your blog! Plead Insanity, maybe that will get you outta jail!
Love Toby
The dollar is in the mail to you, this way you don't owe Mom. Don't worry your not going to jail, ask mom if she remembers when A.D. ate a couple of twenty's that were on the dining room table.
We will bail you out if that happens
Hugs & bellyrubs
you know what Ruby, if you have to go to prison so does my Mom because she always ruins money sticking it in the clothes washer. So you can get belly rubs from her!
Count ME in for Suki's PAWTY! Can't wait!!!!!
Putter ...:)
We think you could claim entrapment -- your Mom left it, knowing what dogs do -- and you did. That's entrapment.
On another subject, we really miss your coming round to visit. We know that running an airline isn't easy, but we always looked forward to seeing your pretty face (and exchanging smart ass comments...).
Jake and Just Harry
I'm sure glad it was only a dollar! I hope you don't go to prison!
We don't see what the big deal is. All your Mom has to do is put a little tape on that dollar and it will be as good as new.
Love, Seadra and Zoe
HA! It could be worse. Our friend Caffrey ate a $50 gift card to Best Buy. She was in the slammer for quite a while though.
HA! It could be worse. Our friend Caffrey ate a $50 gift card to Best Buy. She was in the slammer for quite a while though.
oh...u had committed a criminal offence...
however u can alwiz lodge an appeal.....r u below age?? or mayb suffer from mental prob...that could be an excuse
My mom said "thank god it didn't have any zeros." Whatever that means.
y not u just swallow it in ur stomach?>????
Oh dear.. I dont think you'll get reported to the police. Can you glue back that note?
~ Girl girl
oooops! You could always plead "insanity" I guess, though you are so intelligent you probably wouldn't get away with that excuse!
hmmmmm! Why don't you sneak away in Air Ruby and come and hang out with me for a wee while until the whole situation has cooled down.
I will protect you from the law!
Love and licks, Marvin xxxxxx
pee ess I once ate my one of my Pa's silk ties once, well not eactly ate it, sorta chewed it up a bit like you did with the note there!
Seems like a silly law to me. Mind you, I don't know why you want to eat paper. Plastic is much tastier I think.
Better to eat a dollar than swallow a bunch of coins, right? That would have been REALLY bad and would have cost your Mom a ton of money at the vet! Soooo...I guess she should be happy you ate the dollar, right? heehee!
Don't worry, Ruby, if you go to prison, I'll bust you out. I'm a pawsome digger and I could dig a tunnel for you or something ;)
Puggy kisses
Oh, wow. How was it? Our great Aunt Jackie Blue, the first Sibe our mom ever knew and loved, ate a $100 someone sent her parents as a gift one year. Ha roo roo roo! Wonder if different denominations taste different?
Tail wags,
Oh-oooooh...But luckily it was just a dollar not 50 or 100 dollars! I would have been murdered if I shredded a hundred dollar note.
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Awwww what's a one..Our predesessor ate a 20 which is still on the frig!!!!(we don;t quite know what a 20 is but there you go...) Love A+A
OMD.. we hope you don't get in jail!!! Better have a chat with Asta, since they managed to get out of jail just recently!
the WriggleButts
Oh, no! Have the Feds shown up at your door yet? If you do have to go to prison, I'll bake you a cake with a file in it...I promise!
You've GOT to hide the evidence!
Don't worry, if they take you to the big house we'll form a DWB Prison Break team.
Hey Ruby...How's it going,Girl? Um...prison isn't so bad. I'm getting used to it. Lacie was very unhappy in the New York prison. The shower time is limited, and there were no hairdryers for her fur. Thank dog Stan sprung us. Really lookin' forward to our flight this weekend. Make sure you have enough sausage for Seymour. Mumsie said he eats large quanities nightly. I think he wants to sit with Lola on the flight...she is coming isn't she??
Next time, hide those dollar pieces under the bed, Girl...
Ruby Bug!
Don't worry, girlie! Sir Iknowhowtotalktothepolice Alot (Chance) and I will definitely negotiate your release if anydog tries to take you in, or we've always got Suki and a ton of other doggies who are excellent diggers.
Just so you know, my girl would commit to visiting you everyday for Atomic Belly Rubs if you ever had to spend time in the slammer... which you WON'T!
Goober love & sympathetic smooches,
Your Stanny
Hey Ruby,
I dunno why your Mom is kicking up such a big fuss! It could be a 100 dollar bill and it probably tastes the same to us. hhahah