My Pal Dodger

Saturday, May 05, 2007

Seems the last few Saturday's have been really busy. Today was the same...Mom and I were up at 6, went for a walk, did laundry, went shopping (actually Mom went shopping) and cooked. And that was all before 9am!!!

So what did we cook? Well, ALL DOGGIE SNACKIES - WHOO HOOO!!! Let's see, we made some more of those Banana Mutt Cookies (still very yummy), tried a new recipe...Peanut Brindle (appropriate as I'm a brindle Boston) and some ice cream from the recipe Nanook posted. Here, take a look...

I couldn't quite figure out why all the snackies...well because my pal Dodger was coming to hang out with us for the day!!! Yay!!! I love Dodger, he's my best buddy.

Isn't Dodger a handsome boy???

Dodger is a Beagle. He's 2 years old and the very first doggie I met when I came to live with my Mom. We've been pals ever since. I'm so lucky because I get to see Dodger almost every day...he lives right downstairs.

Here's a picture of me and Dodger from last summer...when I was still a little pup.

I was just so excited to see him. I had to give him a little hello kiss...

Dodger is really easy going. He lets me jump on him and box with him and chase him and bite him...and he still is my friend. How great is that?!?!?

On Guard!

Today we hung out at home and ate snackies, took walks and chewed on our bully sticks. I also chased him...a lot. I don't think he's used to all that exercise, but it was soooo muuuuchhhh funnnnn!

It was really windy today and at one point we lost power. No matter. We were protecting Mom and all our neighbors...

Hark! Who goes there?

All in all a really fun day filled with friends and snackies...what more could a girl ask for??? A nap...


12 Responses to "My Pal Dodger"

Boo Casanova said... 8:18 PM

ah ruby,

it's sunday and your post reminded me to remind my hooman that it's my time to meet my playmates!

wet wet licks


Duke said... 2:40 AM

Dodger will be back if you keep feeding him awesome looking snacks like that! yummy!

Love ya lots,

Peanut said... 5:49 AM

Hey we need a recipe for that peanut stuff. I would let you box me and cash me to Ruby. Looks like you and Dodger had lots of fun and good snacks.

Suki & Joey said... 6:12 AM

Aw, man, my mom is seriously slacking on the cooking of treats! I'll have to show her this post to make her feel bad...hehehe!

Dodger looks like a cool dude. It's nice that you have a friend so close by.

Puggy kisses
P.S. I'm all for hitting up the clubs with you, Ruby! Do you have a fake ID, cuz you're only 7 in hooman years, right?

Asta said... 9:15 AM

How great to have such a good friend, you're right he is those snacks look awfully good..I'm drooling just looking at them....None of my friends have come to my house yet, we meet at the puppy run everyday, or on the street, where we get tangled up..have a great weekend, don't eat too much or you'll get a tummy ache,kisses ASTA

Lorenza said... 12:02 PM

Hi Ruby. Your really have fun with Dodger. And your snacks look great.
My mom needs to cook some of them for me because here in Mexico snacks for dogs are not very tasteful.
Thanks for your visit to my blog. My mom has yours marked as favorite. We both love you so much.

wally said... 12:40 PM

Wow--you're nice to share with your pal. He looks pretty awesome too, though.

The paws rule, eh?


Joe Stains said... 12:45 PM

where did your mom get those little containers for the ice creams, mom needs to find some!

Oscar's mummy and daddy said... 12:52 PM

Sound like a pawfect day. How's the fake frosty paws? Need to nag mum to make it!

Oscar x

FleasGang said... 6:51 AM

Wow! That sure was a fun-filled day you two had. And those goodies that your mama cooked up look tasty :-)

Duke and Gidget said... 9:07 AM

What a great day! It looks like you and Dodger had loads of fun! And those snacks sure look yummy!

Ferndoggle said... 10:51 AM

What a perfect day! Everypup needs a best friend. Your Mom must love you very much to make you all those yummy snacks. You're worth it Ruby!

Sherman, Penny & Lola

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